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In this blog, I share what the Lord shares with me. I reference scripture a lot in support of what is being said. I realize that what is in each entry is NOT a complete 'word' (discussion) on what is being said, but is rather enough information to stimulate our spirits to dig deeper (remember the Bereans Acts 17:10-11) thereby gaining a fuller understanding for ourselves.

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Saturday, November 2, 2024

11-2-2024 Faith and Works 


           Faith with works

James 2:14-26

I’ve discovered that faith and works work hand in hand in building a thankful heart.

Who and/or what is profited if a man says he has faith but stays to himself?  What good does it do a man if he does all kinds of wonderful works but does them just so others might give you a pat on the back and say “Good job!”? 

The apostle Paul tells us that whatsoever we do, we should do to edify others (Eph. 4:29).  He also tells us that whatsoever we do, do with all our heart for we serve God and as we do, we do to please Him and not man.  However, man might just benefit from what we do (Col.3:23).

This passage gives us some examples of how we can serve God by serving our fellow man (Matt. 14:15-20):  feed one who is hungry.  Years ago, when my wife and I were yet ‘newly-weds’, I was waiting for her in the parking lot of a shopping center in Ocean City, Md.  A man approached me and asked for money to buy some food.  I am aware that many drug or alcohol addicts approach for money to bolster their habit.  So I said to the man “I won’t give you any money, but I will take you to get something to eat.”  There was a shop right near where we were standing.  The man agreed.  I bought him something to eat, he thanked me, he left and I went back to waiting for my wife.  A simple act of kindness.  PS: as I am writing this down, more than fifty years later, after the incident.  Father asked me ‘do you know who that man was?’  I said no.  Father then Father said “You never know when you might be entertaining angels” (Heb. 13:2).  This knowledge makes more thankful that I was obedient because I felt pretty good about it.

Paul reminds us to treat everyone the same, remembering that no matter how they look or act, we are all ’human beings’.  We all have feelings, emotions, doubts or fears or even opinions.  No matter how deep we may hide them, we ALL have them.  By the grace of God, I’ve never had an issue with a person’s race.  When I was (probably) between ten to twelve, my mother had a coworker’s husband came repair our kitchen ceiling.  You may ask why didn’t my dad do it?  He left the home when I was about nine.  Anyway, he was a black man (Africa American).  Oh, when I was a kid growing up here were only three races – black, white and yellow (Asiatic). 

It was summer so I was a home and as the day progressed he decided to take a lunch break.  He looked at me as asked if I wanted to join him for lunch?  McDonalds had just recently opened up in our suburban neighborhood and I had never been there so this was a no-brainer for me.  I don’t remember if we ate in the car or went inside but it was my first ‘sandwich, drink and fries and was only $1.00!  Later, after he had finished the job and left and my mom had come home from her government job in DC (she rode the Greyhound bus), I told her how I enjoyed my first McD’s burger.  She looked at me and said “Son, it always good to be friendly with all people and be nice, but it isn’t good to ‘hang around’ with everybody.”  “????”  I was surprised to hear my mom say that, I knew what she meant.  She was always polite and friendly – no matter whom she encountered.  Didn’t change my mind.  I still thought he was a pretty neat guy AND I was thankful that I got a burger fries and a drink out of the deal to boot!  I didn’t really know God back then, but He was I am lthankful tht He was already teaching me to take a person for who they are – not what they looked like

However, later in life after I had received Jesus into my life, Father brought this lesson home to me again.  Not as a ‘race’ issue but with an ‘image’ issue.  I owned two motorcycles in my young adult life, a 250cc Triumph dirt bike (a quick little bugger) and a 650 BSA road bike.  I knew about the Hell’s Angels (1% bikers), but it seemed as though they were far to the west of our east coast location.  But a group called the Pagans (also 1% bikers) had risen up on the eastern seaboard and that was a bit closer to home.  Never had a personal encounter with either but I decided that I could witness to anyone – except a 1% biker.  These are the guys who had the reputation of being involved in drug trafficking and other illegal activities, were reported to be mean sons of a gun and to be downright anti society.  So I decided to stay clear of them.  As I said, knowingly, I have never encountered a 1%er  (though I have seen many who appeared to be so on the road at times), So, Father had me address my frame of mind in this area.  This is when Father showed me about truly accepting a person for who they are and not what they looked or acted like.  Father helped me understand that no matter how hard a person looked or how tough they may act they are still people underneath that harsh exterior.  Father shared with me that the ‘tough’ exterior most likely was hiding hurts, disappointment or even the person’s own fears, whatever they may be.  Father showed me to accept a person simply because he/she is a human being, just like me, not matter how deep they may hide who they truly are.  I was thankful Father shared this lesson for it helped me put a lot of other things into proper perspective.

Father asks us to put our faith to the test (Mal. 3:10).  Two blind men came to Jesus.  They asked Jesus to heal their blindness and Jesus asked if they believed that He could.  They replied “yes”, then Jesus said “according to our faith, be it unto you.”  They received their sight and praised God (Math 9:29).  Peter and John encountered a lame at the ‘Beautiful Gate’ at the temple.  The man looked at them expecting to receive money but Peter said “I don’t have silver nor gold, but what I do have I will give you.  In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk.”  Peter then reached down with his right hand and lifted the man up.  The man’s feet and ankles immediately received strength and he leaped up and walked around praising God (Acts 3:1-8).  Do you think this man might have been just a tad thankful for his healing?

Our faith does require an action on our part and if another person is involved, their faith also matters. They must receive what Father is giving them.  We receive as we believe Father will do it for us (Mark:11:24).

I encountered a man in the neighborhood in which I lived.  He explained the he and his wife had no food.  I took them to the grocery store bought some food for them.  We continually encountered each other over time and I helped him as I could, but after a while, I realized that he was not doing much to help himself.  Lesson learned?  Was I thankful for this lesson?  Of course!  Don’t cast your pearls before swine (Matt. 7:6).  We’re to help people but not let them attempt to bleed us dry.

Abraham demonstrated his faith in God as he took his only son Isaac to be sacrificed on an altar.  Yes, Father did provide a lamb for sacrifice instead of Isaac (Gen. 22:1-13).  Father was testing Abraham’s faith, yet He was not allowing Abraham to make an unnecessary sacrifice.  Do any of us think that Abraham was thankful that God spared his son?  Yet, Father was showing Abraham how much He loved us and what He would to for man through Jesus. Abraham was taking an action, showing his faith in God.  We must believe and receive Jesus, otherwise we are no better than the seaweed that washes up onto the shore.  How can we receive from one in whom we don’t believe?

The Lord said to share this as well.  Even before I had given my heart to Jesus, I owned that Triumph 250 cc dirt bike.  Coming home from my sister’s house via the Baltimore/Washington Parkway, I rounded a sharp curve not far from my exit.  This was a ‘blind curve’ so you couldn’t see much until you passed around the arc of the curve and were coming out of it.  And then I saw the traffic at a standstill, about thirty yards ahead (almost a third of an NFL football field).  I was travelling at the posted speed of 65 mph so I had to choose my action quickly.  Do I slam into the last car in line or lay the bike down and slide under the rear bumper taking my chances and hoping for the best, in either case.  I couldn’t fly like superman, for I’d have to land someplace nor did I cherish having the skin of my leg possibly peeled like a potato. Suddenly, I heard a voice “Get off the gas, do not hit the brake and steer over onto the gravel shoulder and let the bike slow down on its own until you can safely stop.”  I knew I wasn’t me telling myself this, so I obeyed the instructions, steered over onto the shoulder and slowed down until I could safely stop.  I was obedient to ‘the Voice’ and was spared from what could have been a very disastrous accident.  How thankful do you think I was?  Yet, it was still about three years before I gave my heart to the Lord.  In retrospect, I discovered that He was watching over me, even then.  Thank you Jesus!

Our passage, in James, goes on to mention Rahab the harlot.   Two Israeli men had come to ‘spy out’ Jericho.  She helped the two me escape danger then she, herself, was spared when Israel took the city (Josh. 6:22-23).  Rahab took a positive action believing that she would remain safe.  And she did!  Do we suspect that she might have been thankful that her life and those in her house were spared?

Jesus healed the woman with the issue of blood saying “Daughter, be comforted, your faith has made you whole”.  For twelve years the doctors couldn’t help this woman but she believed Jesus could and would heal her so she touched His garment and was healed (Luke 8:43-48).  Jesus’ reaction?  Who touched Me?  Do we really think He didn’t know?  The woman believed and took an action of her faith and Jesus obliged her.  I wonder if she was thankful that Jesus healed her?  lol

I could go on with other examples from the bible or even my own life, but consider this: it is good that we believe in God, but the devils believe and tremble (v19 in our passage).  The devils know that God exists, but they refuse to yield to Him and do His works.  We have that option - to believe, as the devils do or that Father can and will do what He says.  Then act on that faith.  Thanking God for all that He does for us (Eph. 5:19-20).

God called Job a perfect and upright man (Job 1:8, 2:3).   I love Job (Job 42:5) where Job comes to understand his relationship with the Lord.  Job was a faithful Jew so He knew ‘all about’ God, but he says, “I have seen you with my own eye” (face to face).  Through his experiences, loss of all that he had, his buddies trying to convince him that he must have sinned and not repented Job had come to know God – personally.  Job never lost his perspective on God and in the end,  though things got pretty rough, Job never doubted God and God blessed him many times over (Job 42:12-13).    Hmmm.  I wonder, in the end, if Job was thankful?

Faith without works is dead (v17).  We can tell people all about our faith in God, but if we don’t back it up with our actions, why should they believe us?  So, we show our faith through our works.  I don’t know about anyone else, but in the end, I’m so thankful that when I exercise my faith, things work out in my favor.

This personal relationship is what enables us to effectively put our faith into action and those actions bring positive rewards – and glory to God!  Praise His holy name!


Saturday, October 19, 2024

10-20-2024         Why Jesus waited to go home


I started seeing posts from a man, who lives in Australia, on ‘Quora’ a few years ago.  It seems that his goal in life is to be to discredit the bible.  He uses ‘scientific’ concepts and human rationale to prove his points.  But, as I said, all to discredit the bible.

Occasionally, his posts pop on the ‘Quora’, posts that come into my email, but anymore I don’t read them unless I ‘get a feeling’ to see how he is debunking the bible now. Occasionally he starts off sounding well but then tapers off into his usual spiel.  This happened a couple of times over the past six months.  On Aug. 16th he posted something that I felt I needed to see what he was up to and see exactly how he explained it.

He focused on Luke 12:47-54.  The first two verses correlate how a servant’s punishment is administered according to his knowledge of his lord’s will.  Then in verses 51-53 Luke talks about how Jesus will divide a house, two against three, etc., even parents, siblings, children, etc..  A comment on the last verse:  One must also look at Matt. 10:31-40.  Here Jesus says what Luke says in chapter 12 but expands it out for understanding.  Matthew explains that a man’s foes shall be in his own household.  Then Matthew Goes on to explain that our love for Jesus should be total and absolute.  That is, as we live for God, nothing should come before God and, whosoever receives Jesus also receives the Father (Matt. 10:40).  You shall have no other gods before Me (Exod. 20:3).

Often, when we accept Jesus into our heart, those who oppose us the most are members of our own family – mother, father, siblings, spouse, children and we are not to consider any of them ahead of Jesus for then we are not worthy of Him.  In fact, when we don’t take up our own cross and follow Him, we are not worthy of Him (Matt. 10:36-38).  Our own cross?  That is to live our lives according the will and love of God.  However, we discover, that as we grow in Christ, we haven’t actually rejected family.  Instead, we discover Father provides ways to bring even family into God’s eternal kingdom mending their lives and in so doing, we discover those broken relationships will also mend.

The man also says that Jesus contradicts himself by being declared the Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:6, 2 Thess. 3:16) yet He declares to bring division to families.  Now, I have a personal experience that a God-led divisions can and does bring unity.  After about ten years of marriage, my wife and I were separated for almost a year.  My bullheadedness, not hers.  After much individual prayer and some counselling, we came back together for about another twenty-three years, that is until she went home to be with the Lord.  What our issues were is not the point.  The point is that after assuring Jesus Christ was truly first in our lives (and keeping Him there), our marriage became stronger and survived twice as long as before the situation.

Now, because of the post, I checked some commentaries on the Luke passage, especially verses 49 - 50.  I found it interesting that both the man and the commentaries, that I had available to me, just sort of passed over these two  verses focusing more on Jesus’s suffering and how He would bring division, even into households.  In those verses, Jesus says in Luke “I am come to send a fire upon the earth and what will I (do), if it be already kindled?  But I have a baptism to be baptized with (us) and how am I straitened (determined) until it is accomplished!

Look at what Jesus is saying here.  There are divisions because the world is at odds with God, therefore it is at odds with Jesus and therefore with us as Christians because we follow Jesus. 

The Word was in the beginning and was with God and was God (John 1:1).  That’s why Jesus said “He who receives Me, receives Him who sent Me (Matt. 10:40).  Father and Son and with the Holy Ghost in the Godhead (Col. 2:8-9) are ONE.  Father IS, Father spoke words (Jesus) and the breath of God carried those Words into action (Gen. 1:1-2).  Think, how many of us have ‘friends’ who no longer wanted to hang with us because we have accepted Jesus?  world at odds with us? 

But look further into this passage (49-50).  Jesus says that He has come to set a fire (in us).  Jesus asks His disciples to receive the Holy Ghost (John 20:22).  Yet, He tells them later, just before He ascends into heaven, “Wait for the promise of the Father which you have heard from Me.  John truly baptized with water, but not many days from now, you shall be baptized in the Holy Ghost” (Acts 1:4-5).  Then He told them “But you shall receive power, after the Holy Ghost is come upon you. And you shall be witnesses …” (Acts 1:8). This is dunamis power, explosive power, the power to get the job done!  The same power Jesus abided in!  And just how did the disciples receive the Holy Ghost?  A sound, like a mighty, rushing wind filled the house in which they sat and what looked like cloven tongues of fire sat upon each one of them and they were all filled with the Holy ghost …(Acts 2:1-4).  What did John say about his baptism and Jesus’ baptism?  I baptize with water for the remission of sin, He (Jesus) shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire (Matt. 3:11)!  The fire IS the Holy Ghost.      

Is it mere coincidence that Jesus said He would send a fire upon the earth and that’s exactly what appeared as cloven tongues of fire baptized each of the apostles and disciples (all 120 souls)? 

Go back to verse 49, if the fire is already kindled (Luke 12).  At that moment or later, as in John when Jesus tells the disciples to receive the Holy Ghost and breathed upon them (John 20:22), His full task then would already be filled and nothing would’ve restrained Him from going home at that moment.  He had already endured the cross.  But He had not yet baptized us with fire (the Holy Ghost) as He still spent some time with His disciples before ‘going home’.  His ministry included not just the Word He brought, but the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension) as well.  Returning to the Father His mission on earth would then be fully completed.  After His ascension, He was free to give ‘us’ the Holy Ghost. 

When Jesus breathed on the disciples and told them to receive the Holy Ghost (John 2:22), it was a command which wouldn’t be realized until the upper room (Acts 2:1-4). 

Again, why did Jesus wait to give ‘us’ the Holy Ghost?  To give us the Holy Ghost, Jesus needed the fullness of the Holy Ghost in His life to finalize His final hours on planet earth – the arrest in the garden, humiliation before the priests & romans, the scourging, physical death, shedding His blood on the cross, cleansing us from our sin, His resurrection from the grave and finally His ascension back unto the Father.

So, why did Jesus wait to go home?  He had to complete His mission, here on earth, so we could learn to totally put our trust in Him.  To realize that through His life, ministry and death, He is our gateway into eternity.  Then through His resurrection and ascension, we have the power to walk through that gateway.  Glory to God!


Luke 12:47-54 (paraphrased)

The servant who knew his Lord’s will but did not study and do it, shall be beaten with  many stripes.  But the man who didn’t know his Lord’s will and did contrary shall receive only a few (in comparison).  To whom much is given, much shall be required (expected) and because he has accepted greater responsibility, more shall be required of him.  I’m sent to set a fire upon the earth and what can I do if it is already kindled?  I have a baptism (for you) which I am bound to accomplish.  Do you suppose I’ve come to bring peace upon the earth?  No!  Rather division!  From now on, every household shall be divided, two against three and three against two.  The family will no longer be in unity but split.  You can see a cloud rise up out of the west and say “It will rain”, and so sit will.  Hypocrites!  You can discern the face of skies but you cannot understand the times you are in.   

Last comment for clarity:  Once we’ve been exposed to God’s will and don’t continue with Him than to turn back to our old ways we’re like the dog that returns to his vomit (2Peter 2:21-22).  Satan is the prince and power of the air (Eph. 2:2).  God is above he air and everything else (Heb. 1:1-14). We follow whom we love (Matt. 6:24).  The world and God are always against each other (2 Corinth. 6:14-18).  Who do we follow?

Jesus fully completed His mission here on earth so that we might live in His love for ever!

Saturday, October 5, 2024

 10-5-2024           Living for Jesus Romans 12:1-21


                            Whose reflection do others see in us?          

Throughout the Old Testament in the bible, we see the ups and downs of Israel.  They love God, they become discouraged and stray away from God.  Even as we look at world history, where most cultures have believed in a god (of some sort), man has strayed from his religious beliefs and come back.  Yes, conquest does play a role in some of this yet as conquest forces itself upon others true faith should be a free choice. 

As a rule, man has a revolving door relationship with any deity. Wanting to do ‘his own thing’ does play a huge factor in this situation.  Point, this situation is not just in Judeo-Christian culture, but a human condition.  Where rules are enforced through power, those rules are generally obeyed for fear of retaliation.  Yet our God, Yaweh, the Great I AM, gives us the freedom to make our own choices in life – right or wrong and there are consequences, good or bad, to our choices. 

As with all religions, our heavenly Father does give us a set of rules to follow, but His rule is actually one, two-fold rule.  To love!   Two fold because He asks us to love Him in a similar fashion as He loves us, with all our heart.   And the second is to love our fellow man in the same manner.  This means not having to  follow a set of rules, but desiring to obey them – with all our heart.  We have to make decisions to do the ‘right’ thing!  According to the rules.

In the civil law, we break even one statute and are caught, we pay the penalty.  As it is with man, Father is not asking us to figure out how we can avoid the penalty but rather not break the statute to begin with.  And, Father carries that action one step farther – not to even consider going against His Law!

We are entering our fall season, the old season is passing away to make way for a new season in the spring.  We can collect and enjoy the good fruits of our labors over the past year. This is also a time we can reevaluate the ‘old man’.  The number ten (October) represents ‘divine order’.  So this is also a time (fall and winter) when Father is helping us to reorganize our lives to prepare for that which lies ahead, bursting forth in new energies and new life in the coming spring. 

Let’s take a look at how Paul describes man’s situation.

1          I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

Simple, we live our lives to please God and in order to do that, we have to discover exactly what does please God.  Our discovery is based upon reading our ‘guide book’ (the bible) and communing (talking) with our heavenly Father.  The Holy Ghost will lead us into all truth (John 16:13-15).  This we do with all our heart and to the best of our ability.  Our attempts and successes are what are pleasing to Father.

2          And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Again, I say, we have to know what pleases God in order to please Him.  We know that the ways

of the world don’t please Him so we renew our minds through reading His Word (the bible) and

communing with Him (prayer).

3          For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

We shouldn’t get wrapped up in our own egos but remember who God is, our relationship with

Him and that all of ‘man’ are our brothers and sisters and to treat them accordingly and Father

gives us the ability to do so.

4          For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office:

5          So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.

6          Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith;

We are all members of humanity and as Christians, we are baptized into one body in Christ.  Yet, being many members we all have our own gift, talent or ability.  And these gifts all work together to edify (benefit) the body of Christ.  Therefore, we exercise our gifts by allowing Father to mold us into all that for which He has intended.  After all He did know us, even before we were conceived (Jer. 1:5).

7          Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching;

8          Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness.

Let us serve, in our gift, in a simple way that all can understand and benefit.  The word ‘wait’ is

the Greek word apekdechomai (G553).  It does mean wait but it carries the connotation of

expecting or perhaps to even search for.  Our gift may not ‘just fall’ into our laps!

9          Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

God loves us not regarding who we are or our position or status in this life.  He loves (meets) us where we are and then helps us to grow considering those things which are pleasing to Him and shedding things which are not.  Shouldn’t we do the same?

10        Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;

Set our own ego aside and do what is best for others.  What can we do for others to help them


11        Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;

No matter what our occupation (job) is in this world, we do perform our tasks to the best of our ability.  We truly don’t work for whomever or ‘boss’ may be, but we work for our Lord Jesus and He will help us to accomplish our tasks.  Our human bosses just benefit from our diligence on the job.  And Father will bless us for our efforts.  (Ask me about my time with FDA)

12        Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;

Always rejoice in the Lord (Phil. 4:4) no matter what situation we find ourselves in continually seeking Father’s direction for resolution.

13        Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.

Abraham and Lot are examples for us as to how we should treat everyone but especially our brothers and sisters in the Lord (Gen. 18:11-8, Gen. 19:1-3).

14        Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.

When someone ‘does us wrong’, attacks in any form or fashion, is our first response “Oh, yeah!  Well, take this!”?  If Father reacted to us in this fashion, no one would ever have access to eternal life.  Thank God that He is gracious and longsuffering – even for all those times, after we have received Jesus – for those times we have thrown mud back in God’s face.  Paul tells us to follow his example as he follows Christ Jesus (1 Corinth. 11:1).  

15        Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.

Many years ago, when my son was not yet two, I found a friend of mine kneeling on the front walk with my son.  They both were crying.  My friend told me he wanted my son to know that someone else felt his pain.  I don’t know what started it all, but soon, the both stopped crying.  As I’m jotting this down, Father is reminding of the poor woman who found her lost coin, her friends rejoiced with her (Luke 15:8-10).

16        Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.

In case you missed this one, treat others as you desire to be treated.  We are no better than

anyone else, nor are we any worse than anyone else.  Without Jesus, we all would be doomed

to the lake of fire (Rev. 20:10-15).  But in Jesus, we can rise to a higher level and treat everyone

with dignity and respect.

17        Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.

What did we say earlier?  If someone slaps us, our ‘knee jerk’ response is to slap them back, but we should deal honestly and in love with all people.  No, it ain’t always easy, but how do you think God feels when we act contrary to how He has taught us? 

18        f it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

Father knows that this isn’t easy, but we are called, first, to be peacemakers for that is the way of God’ (Matt. 5:9).  That means even if we have to grit our teeth to keep the peace.  It is better to walk away than to be a part of a most intense confrontation.  In short, don’t stand and argue!

19        Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give no place unto wrath for it is written Vengeance is mine; I will repay saith the lord.

Whoa!  This is the third time this has been said!  Maybe we should pay close attention

concerning vengeance and showing Father’s love?

20        Therefore if thine enemy hungers, feed him; if he thirsts, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.

21        Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

So what should we do? Give our enemy what he needs!  I didn’t say ‘wants’ but ‘needs’.  When an enemy means evil towards us we repay him with kindness and love.  Why?  A – He may not understand what is actually stirring up his actions (negative powers or principalities Eph. 6:12) and B -He has no idea what Father will do when someone picks on one of His kids (us - Matt. 18:6, Jesus is the first of many brothers Rom. 8:29).

So, Romans chapter twelve gives us qualities and characteristics of the Christian life.  Father never said it would be easy.  Paul mentions the afflictions he has suffered ‘walking the walk’.  Yet, he tells us to persevere (1 Corinth. 9:24-26) in God’s love, for it is our salvation and wisdom (2 Tim. 3:10-17). 

In the end?  God’s obedient children (us) we win!


Saturday, September 21, 2024

9-21-2024 Know Your Calling

How many people actually know the calling Father has placed upon their lives?

Matt. 28:19-20            Therefore, go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Teach them to observe all that I have commanded you and know that I am always with you until the end of the world.

First and foremost, Jesus calls us to share our faith with those around us and to the best of our knowledge, how to live in Father’s love.  It is the calling for all Christians.  No, we don’t have to be 24/7 evangelists, but as Father shows us opportunities, we should step up for we don’t know if either we, or the person with whom we share, has tomorrow (Prov. 27:1, Matt. 6:34).

Two passages Father has given me as examples as recognizing the calling He places upon our lives.

(1) Ezek. 37:1-14         Ezekiel was carried out into a valley filled with dry bones.  Father had him walk in and amongst those old dried bones (to get the feel).  “Son of man, can these bones live?”  Ezekiel replied “Lord, God, you know.  Then God said ”  Speak to the bones “Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord.  Behold, I will cause breath to enter you and you shall live.  I will lay sinews upon you and flesh and skin and put breath in you and you shall live and you will know that I am the Lord.”

Note that God told Ezekiel to do this.

                                    Ezekiel did as commanded and there was a noise, a shaking and the bones came together, bone on bone.  And Ezekiel saw the sinew, flesh and skin come upon those bones but there was no life in them. 

Then, God told Ezekiel to prophesy to the wind “Thus says the Lord, God come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these that are slain that they might live.”  Breath came into them and an exceedingly great army stood up upon their feet. 

God said these bones are the whole house of Israel and what do they say ‘our bones are dried, our hope is lost, we are cut off for our parts.’

Then God tells Ezekiel to prophecy “Thus says the Lord God; behold my people, I will open your graves and cause you to come out of those graves.  I will put my Spirit in you and place you in your own land.  Then you shall know that I the Lord have said and performed it, says the Lord.”

As in the day of Israel, when they strayed from God, is today’s church filled with dry bones?  Yet, today there is an army waiting to arise up.  Tasha Cobbs Leonard’s song “Break Every Chain” reflects this, “There’s an army risin’ up … to break every chain …”  And I say look at the world around you, an army is beginning to rise up.  Today, many Christians are half asleep or fallen into a drowsy slumber of comfortability.  Father says first (and He’s been doing this for 700 years) He’s going to gather those old dry bones and start connecting them together again into proper alignment.  Christians just might start recognizing ‘common denominators’ instead of the differences between the ‘denominations.  We are a body.  Spiritual ligaments assure a connection and strong foundation and that foundation is upon the Rock and that Rock is Jesus Christ (Psalm 62:5-6, Luke 6:46-49).  Remember that Jesus is our cornerstone and that all things are properly placed into perspective in Him that we may become a Holy Temple for the Lord (Eph. 2:20-21, 1 Corinth. 6:19-20). Let me rephrase that.  We just might become that Holy Tabernacle Father intended us to be.  That is we might become that resting place where Father can commune with us – individually!  God’s glory came upon Israel’s tabernacle in the wilderness, now He desires to come and rest in our tabernacle (our body) and commune with us!  Glory to God!

He’s giving us Spiritual muscle.  That is He’s pouring His Word into our heart and mind and building our faith so as we abide in Him we CAN do all that He (Jesus) did and more (John 14:12) in love (1 Corinth. 16:14).  Jesus does give us the authority (exousia) over things of this world as well as authority over the power (dunamis) of the devil (Luke 9:1).  Jesus tells us that as we believe, we can tell a mountain to move and it will (Mark 11:23-24).  That mountain is anything that comes between us and the Lord and that means that’s ‘authority’ over things of this world.  We can cast a demon out in Jesus’ name and it must go (Acts 16:16-18) and that’s authority over the spiritual world.  And as we love Jesus, an outer layer of love will envelope us and those around us will see that love emanating from our heart (Gal. 2:20).    

Father tells us HE is giving us life, that is pulling us up, out of that grave of indifference to become that spark, that light unto the world (Matt. 5:14-16) which He intended us to be.

It is our responsibility to do that for which He has called us.

(2) Jer. 1:1-10              The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah between the times when Josiah was king until Israel was carried way into captivity. 

The word of the Lord came and said “I knew you before I formed you in the belly.  Before you were born, I sanctified you and I ordained you to be a prophet to the nations. 

Then I said “Ah Lord God!  I cannot speak for I am like a child.”  Then the Lord said “Don’t tell me that you are like a child.  For you shall go to all that I send you and speak what I give you to say.  Don’t be afraid of how they look (before you or at you), for I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord.”

Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth and said “I have put my words in your mouth.  This day I have set you over nations and kingdoms to root out, pull down, destroy, overthrow then to build and to plant.”

(That is to clean house and rebuild us into a new man, even a new church).

This passage pretty much speaks for itself and to some degree, each one of us should have had this type of experience with the Lord.   God knew what He wanted us to be and do before mama and papa even thought about having us.  Before we entered into this world, He had already ordained (nathan H5414-appoint, ascribe, commit) us into the ministry He has for us.  We can’t cry about being ignorant because the Holy Ghost will give us what to speak (Luke 12:11-12).  So why would we be afraid to speak out?  Or course, we do have to study the bible so the Holy Ghost has something  to bring back to our remembrance  All we need to be concerned about is being aware of when He calls us, then being obedient to go when, where and then speak! 

Remember, Jesus is always with us (Matt. 28:20)!(the Holy Ghost is in us - Acts 1:8, John 14:17).  Jesus says that as we abide (meno G3306, stay with endure) in Him (His Word) we will bear fruit and we will have what we ask of God (John 15:1-7).

As we search for our calling, Father will confirm when we have discovered it (Heb. 2:4). 

So how can we recognize our calling? 

As with me, Father might give us a scripture or scriptures (the bible) declaring that to which He is calling us.  Father didn’t speak the word to me, audibly, but He did speak to me in my heart and mind as He showed me the scriptures.

Yet He did speak directly (audibly) with Jeremiah and Ezekiel.  The Holy Ghost was with them, but now, the Holt Ghost,  abides (or should) in us.

A man or woman of God might give us a word (2 Peter 1:21).  “God said to tell you …”

Father may show us something in the world around us that suddenly ‘rings a bell’ (Rom. 1:19-20).  Birds in the grass looking for food – ‘My children are hungry, feed them.’

Father gives us gifts (without repentance – Rom. 11:29), talents and abilities.  These are those things which we seem to have a natural ‘knack’ for (to do) or those things which seem to always grab our attention (skills).  These things just might give us a ‘clue’ to that which Father is calling us.

When in doubt, or even if you think you’re pretty sure, ask Father for confirmation and then follow the lead of the Holy Ghost.


Note significant numbers for this season

5          grace, favor

9          fruit of the Spirit, divine completeness, God’s visitation

8          new birth, new beginnings, new creation

2          union (with Father), witnessing

24        (this year, 2024) priesthood  

Father’s grace and favor bring the fruit of the Spirit and God’s visitation which brings new beginnings which results in a closer union with the father so we can be witnesses for Him as we become His modern day priesthood in 2024.


3          divine completeness, perfection

25        (next year, 2025) forgiveness, repentance, grace

5, 9 & 8 read the same while 3 replaces 2 as Father brings us into His completeness (maturity) in Him, which as souls repent, Father’s forgiveness will abound in 2025 and His grace will teach us to live in His love.