Welcome to this site. My prayer is that you take a look at the site and as you do, let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart and reveal what God wants you to discover. (in Jesus' name)

God tells us that if we see a brother (or sister) in need we should do that which is within our means to help. Prayer is always within our means but we never know what doors Father may open through them. Should you desire prayer for anything (healing, direction, etc.) or if you want supportive prayer along with your own please feel free to e-mail that request to and be assured that there are others who will be praying with or for you.

In this blog, I share what the Lord shares with me. I reference scripture a lot in support of what is being said. I realize that what is in each entry is NOT a complete 'word' (discussion) on what is being said, but is rather enough information to stimulate our spirits to dig deeper (remember the Bereans Acts 17:10-11) thereby gaining a fuller understanding for ourselves.

At the end of each post are the options to share, forward or make a comment. Click 'comment' to respond. Let us know if you like, don't like or are helped by what you read. Comments can be made or read by anyone. All you have to do is select the "comment" at he end of the entry.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

7-13-2024        The Ministry of Jesus

How many of us truly comprehend the ministry of Jesus? 

In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God (John 1:1).

The Jews were upset with Jesus because He declared himself being at least equal with God by declaring God his Father (John 5:18).   What did God say to Moses on the mount?  “You shall have no other gods before Me.  You shall not make any graven image or the likeness of anything in heaven above, nor the earth beneath nor that is in the waters beneath the earth.  You shall not bow yourself to them nor serve them for I the Lord your God am a jealous God …” (Exod. 20:3-5).  Then Jesus tells the Jews “you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.  This is the first commandment …” (Mark 12:30).  Think about this, Jesus allowed people to worship Him.  As examples, the leper (Matt. 8:2), His disciples (Luke 24:50-53) and the blind man) John 9:35-38).  ???

God tells the Jews to keep His law and statutes and teach them to their children (Deut. 6:1-7) and we may conclude that Joseph did so with his (adopted) son, Jesus.  We see where Jesus ‘wowed’ the doctors (G1320 – didaskalos or instructors, Luke 2:46-49) in the temple.  We also see where Jesus increased in wisdom and stature with God and man (Luke 2:52).  Some insights into Jesus’ first thirty years of His life on earth.  He was laying the foundation for His ministry.

Jesus lived as one of us for approximately thirty years (Luke 3:23) and then He was baptized in water by John, for it was necessary to fulfill all righteousness, and note that Jesus also received the Holy Ghost at that time (Matt. 3:13-17, Luke 3:21-22, John 1:32-36).  After His baptism, the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness for forty days of fasting (Matt 4:1-11, Mark 1:13, Luke 4:1-13).  Jesus fasted for forty days!  Experts do not know exactly how long a person can live without eating, but there are records of people surviving without food or drink between 8 and 21 days. With water only, but no food, survival time may extend up to 2 to 3 months.  (  The longest fast on record is a man named Angus Barbieri who did take in liquids and vitamins during his fast but had nothing to ‘eat’ for 382 days (  A severe lack of food for a prolonged period — not enough calories of any sort to keep up with the body's energy needs — is starvation. The body's reserve resources are depleted. The result is substantial weight loss, wasting away of the body's tissues and eventually death.

When faced with starvation, the body does fight back.  As time moves on, energy levels fade and the body begins feeding on itself. "The body starts to consume energy stores — carbohydrates, fats and then moves to the protein parts of tissue," according to Maureen Gallagher, senior nutrition adviser to Action Against Hunger (a network of international humanitarian organizations focused on eliminating hunger). Metabolism slows, the body cannot regulate its temperature, kidney function is impaired and the immune system weakens.

When the body uses its reserves to provide basic energy needs, it can no longer supply necessary nutrients to vital organs and tissues. The heart, lungs, ovaries and testes shrink. Muscles shrink and people feel weak. Body temperature drops and people can feel chilled. People can become irritable, and it becomes difficult to concentrate.

Eventually, nothing is left for the body to scavenge except muscle. "Once protein stores start getting used, death is not far," according to Dr. Nancy Zucker, director of the Duke Center for Eating Disorders at Duke University. "You're consuming your own muscle, including the heart muscle." In the late stages of starvation, people can experience hallucinations, convulsions and disruptions in heart rhythm. Finally, the heart stops (  Get the idea?


Physically, Jesus would have been very weakened so when Satan tempted Him with food Jesus should’ve been more than ready to eat.  But, Jesus was ‘in the Spirit’ at the time.  Who led Him into the wilderness?  In case somebody missed it – the Holy Ghost (Spirit)! 


What was Jesus preparing Himself for?  No, it wasn’t just the, about three and a half year ministry, on which He was about to embark.  He was also facing His arrest, trial, the scourging, physical death on the cross, the resurrection, the ascension and He now ministers to us through the Holy Ghost.  Jesus still ministers to us, the only difference is ‘how’ He ministers to us.  Can we understand what He went through for us?  Can we even comprehend the love which He has for us?


So, we see that Jesus prepared to implement His ministry by fasting.  But what is another key factor in preparing for a ministry?  PRAYER!  We know that Jesus was continually in touch with the Father. He prayed for things, peace be still (Mark 4:37-39, prayed for us, not just His disciples but for all who would believe on Him because of their words (John 17:15-21), and for Himself as in Gethsemane, “if it were possible, let this cup pass from Me, but not as I will, but as You will” (Matt. 26:38- 44).   Even on the cross, Father, into your hands I commend My Spirit (Luke 23:46).  Here, we need to remember that as the Holy Ghost was with Jesus, here in this world, He now is also with us and because we have received Jesus, He is ‘in’ us (John 14:15-17).  He will never leave us nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5).

And so, just what is Jesus’ ministry?

He came into this world to redeem us from the curse of the law (Gal. 3:13).  That is He is our salvation (Rom. 10:9-10).  He came to heal us.  As Jesus said to the lame man “you are whole, sin no more …” (John 5:5-14).  Here ‘whole’ is the Greek word is hugies (G5199) which means to be healed, whole or complete (that is from top to bottom and inside and out).  He has come to give us abundant life (John 10:10).  Through the Holy Ghost, He teaches us (John 14:16-17).  He will protect us (John 17:15).  He assures that our faith has a solid foundation (Matt. 7:24-27).  That is built upon the ‘rock’ (that is Jesus).  The Greek word for ‘rock’ is petra (G4073), which carries the implication of a very large rock.  This is not to be confused with Petros (G4074), a rock larger than a pebble (lithos, G3037), but not as large as a petra.  Compare this with when Jesus tells Peter he is a rock; upon this rock I’ll build My church … (Matt. 16:18).  He encourages us as we look forward to that which our faithfulness brings us (Heb. 10:34-39), that we might be filled (blessed) with the fullness of God’s blessings (Eph. 3:19-20) as well as eternal life (John 10:28-29).

We have seen some of what Jesus has done for us.  I believe that understanding Jesus’ ministry adds up to developing a relationship in, with and through Christ Jesus.  As we are obedient to His Word, we will be able to reap the benefits of that relationship as described in the bible.  Father declares blessing to those who keep His commandments.  And when we don’t, curses (Deut. 11:27).  Know that as we abide in God’s love, He can do more for us than we could even ask or think, as He works in us, with us and through us  (Eph. 3:16-20).    

One more time.  Jesus came to bring us is into eternal life (salvation), help us to grow and bless us through our obedience in His will, that we, in turn, might be a blessing to others.

What is Jesus’ ministry?

As Christians, what kind of job have we been doing in imitating Jesus Christ?


Saturday, June 29, 2024


6-29-2024 Why do we Fast

                                                           Weaken                                                    Submit

As I read Isaiah chapter 58, Father had me focus on several verses, but also had me read the whole chapter to fully understand what was happening.

The first four verses speak of how Israel fasts and prays and honors the Sabbath, but as they do, we see that it is for their own satisfaction.  They ‘do’ the right things, but for the ‘wrong’ reasons, personal gain.  Then they wonder why God does not hear them.  When we fast for God, we should make extra effort to do those things which please Him.  Truly, why are we fasting? 

Father starts explaining “His” fast in verse 5.  First, He asks us to afflict our soul.  That is to anah (H6031) deal harshly with, weaken or – submit – ourselves totally to Him.  

Then to bow down as a bulrush in the wind.  Bulrush comes from the Hebrew  gome (H1573) the papyrus plant which is very absorbent, and gome comes from gama  (H1572) which is to absorb, drink, swallow.  When we fast, we are to completely humble and absorb ourselves in the Lord to take in what He wants us to know, yet at the same time, eliminate the negative.

Father then says we should spread sackcloth, sprinkle it with ashes then ‘have a seat’.  The word used for Sackcloth is saq (H8042) which is a porous cloth (like a burlap bag) so water can pass through without collecting on and spoiling any grain which it might contain.  It is also used for mourning (showing remorse).  The ashes (epher H665) carries the connotation of ashes being strewn around.  It is also akin to apher (H666) which is using ashes as a covering (literally pouring them over oneself).  We should cover ourselves in submission and receive a cleansing from the Lord as all the negatives in our lives wash down, to and through the sackcloth with nothing sticking (staying) to us as it passes through.  The ‘crud’ is washed away while we (the vessel) remain clean. Isaiah asks that if we fast in this way, is it acceptable to the Lord?  Being humble, total submission, total surrender. What do you think?

Then Father asks “isn’t this the fast I have chosen” (v6)?  It will loose the bands of wickedness and unload our heavy burdens.  All who are oppressed shall be set free and yokes shall be broken.  So what does fasting do?  We are freed from the sin that has had us bound! 

Should we feed the hungry?  Take into our homes the castaways?  Should we give clothing to the naked?  Hide ourselves from our own flesh (that is not yielding to fleshly desires)?  I think this is being honest with ourselves, who we are and not pretending we’re something that we are not.  And a desire to help others to be free of their bonds. To me, that means cleansing our sins as we fast being totally honest, totally open with the Lord.  Shedding the undesirable so the ‘new man’ can emerge and so, then, we might be able to serve the Lord better and help others. 

So then what happens?  The light will come on and we shall see clearly.  Just like the rising sun as it brings morning light into the world, chasing away the darkness.  We will see the answer to that for which we are fasting.  We will heal quicker and our righteousness (in Jesus) will walk before us.  Our reward?  The glory of the Lord (v8) will lead our way and give us favor before man (Prov. 3:1-4).

Once we’ve cleansed ourselves and are living as Father intended, THEN He will hear us and answer our call, our prayer.  We cry, He will perk up His eyebrows, open His ears and say “Yes, My child”, when we have shed the yoke holding us down, quit pointing our finger (accusing others) and setting aside all prideful speaking (v9) then, we ae on the right track.

When our compassion urges us to feed the hungry and satisfy the needs of those afflicted, then the light will come out of nowhere and make the darkness of night like the noonday sun (V10).”  We will begin to understand.  There is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13).  That is to consider the welfare of others around us. 

Isaiah continues with God’s promises that He will always guide us.  In times of drought He will satisfy our soul.  We will be fully prepared for what comes our way.  Because we have fasted, we shall be like a garden, fed by springs of water that do not fail (v11). 

We (he or she) shall be called as one who repairs broken things and our offspring shall rebuild the wastelands.  We shall raise up a foundation for many generations and restore places where people can live safely (v12).

If we turn our foot, which has strayed from the Sabbath, that is quit doing our own pleasures on the Holy days, then we can truly call the Sabbath a delight.  As we acknowledge that which is holy of the Lord and that which is honorable as we honor Him, that is not seeking our own pleasures (what’s in it for me) nor seeking our own desires nor speaking our own words (that is what’s on ‘our’ own, unbridled mind), then Father will continue having an open and compassionate heart for us.  We need to choose our words carefully, considering their impact (v13).

Then delight ourselves in the Lord and He will cause us to ride upon high places of the earth and feed us with the heritage of Jacob’s father ((Isaac)(v14).  What was Jacob’s heritage?  Canaan, the ‘promised land’ (Exod. 3:8), the land flowing with milk and honey (good things).  Even for us today?  Yes!  That translates as a closer walk with the Lord and abiding in His blessings.

Keep in mind that the Jews knew how to all the right things – even when their heart had turned from the Lord. 

Today, are we any different?  Do we know what the bible says but then try to impress people with our knowledge?  It’s great we know the Word, but what is in our heart?  Does the true meaning of the bible yet escape us?  Are we content in just receiving and/or sharing the Word of God?   Do we see any results?  As we hear others speak, do we think ‘good preaching’, as the Word travels in one ear and out the other?   When we speak, do we expect to hear “Great preaching, brother!” as we focus more on the praises and compliments to bolster our own ego than what the Word is actually saying?  Yes, we do need encouragement and edification, but do we truly love God above all else (Mark 12:29-31)? 

Are we friendly with those in our fellowship but ignore all others?  Do we even ignore those who come into our fellowship to visit?  Or do we welcome them?  Are we truly concerned about our brothers and sisters in the Lord.  What about our ‘neighbor’?  Paul tells us to ‘edify’ those around us (Rom. 14:19) and that means all with whom we come in contact.  Treating each of them with dignity and respect – even when we might think they don’t deserve it.  Do that which edifies. 

As we fast, our prayer life will be right with the Lord and positive things will happen.  However, faith without works is dead.  So we don’t do works to get saved, but rather because we are saved.  We show our faith through our works (James 2:14-18).  Father does reward us because of our faithfulness (Heb. 11:6).  And our faithfulness is intensified through fasting.

When we confess Jesus Christ as Lord and savior, we are confessing that He has come into this world in the flesh (1 John 4:2) and that He is exactly who He says He is, our Lord and Savior!  We acknowledge His supremacy over us and that it is He who has saved our soul from hell.  There is no other entrance into heaven save through Him (John 14:6).  As we love God, we discover that He truly loves us and because He loves us, He hears us!  When one truly does not love, he has no part in God.  Why?  Because God is love!  We love because God first loved us (1 John 4:1-11) and we want God to hear us. 

We love because we are made in the image of God (Gen. 1:27) and God is love!  Image is the Hebrew word tselem (H6754) and means a phantom, illusion or resemblance, ergo a representative or likeness.  God is Spirit (John 4:24) but we are flesh, made of the earth (Gen. 2:7), yet the Spirit of God lives in us (John 14:17 and gives us power (Acts 1:8).  We have our human spirit which gives us temporary life but the Holy Ghost also lives in us giving us eternal life!  So, how are we made in the image of God.  (Back to 1st John).  God is love and we love because we are the image of God so we love others.  We express our imagery of the Father through our living. Fasting increases our capacity to love!

So why do we fast?  To show Father we are serious about what we say and do, so we can be true exponents of His love.  We yield ourselves to Him, as we fast, acknowledging His authority over us.  We also discover that through fasting, we are able to pursue His image (in our lives) each day, and grow into a new creature of love!

We show Father that we are serious about what we have set before Him, so fasting should be a major part of our prayer life. 

During our fast is a time to talk with our heavenly Father – One on one.  We can deny ourselves food and drink but if we don’t use that time to get up close and personal with Father – all we’ve done is not eat or drink for that specified time.  Give our fast a purpose.  We fast to strengthen ourselves, our walk with our Lord and Savior or to strengthen someone else.

Again why do we fast?  To honor God, to show we are serious about what we have set before Him.  Fasting also gets our hearts right with the Lord.  We fast to grow in our love.  So we can grow closer to Father and show a genuine love for those around us.  That is, to truly be the ‘image of God’ He desires us to be!

One more time!  Why do we fast?


Saturday, June 15, 2024

 6-15-2024 Prayer of  Faith

I Am’.  ‘Jaweh’.  ‘Jehovah’.  ‘Savior’. The ‘everlasting God’.  ‘The First and the Last’.  “Is, Was’ and ‘Always Shall Be’, Healer, Teacher.  If one doesn’t believe God is, then the rest of this entry will be meaningless to that person. 

Without God, everything else is just human perception.  Yes, man says ‘science’ helps us understand everything, but then what is science based on?  We study the heavens and the earth, the various life forms and of what things are made.  Man studies all these things then draws his own conclusion as to what it all means.  Okay, we also study about what other men have written about everything and agree with them and/or draw our own conclusions anyway.  We explain the composition of things but not how their components originated.  As with all ‘living’ creatures, I’m talking about before birth, before conception before the unity of the sperm and egg, before there was anything with which to create anything else.  How did it all truly start? 

We note our modern-day inventors and philosophers, but what inspired them?  Do we go back to the ancient civilizations over the millennia?  The Romans, the Greeks the Sumerians (@3500  - 4000 BC, oh I’m sorry I mean “BCE” [lol]).  The Sumerians are accredited with man’s first written language, but recently, I’ve read where, those who research these things, may have discovered a written language older than the Sumerians.

Man endeavors to show how all things have come into existence by using that which exists to explain how it came to exist.  I’m me because I’m me.  I am because mommy and daddy got together and, lo and behold, I eventually joined them.  My mom and dad came from their moms and dads and so on.  How far back do we go – ancestry research?  Do we think we can or do we even desire to live forever?  What will happen to us?  Do we just live this life and that’s it?  Will we be continually re-incarnated until we become perfect?  Is it really easier to believe that everything that is, came from a minute ‘singularity’ which is still expanding but will eventually implode?  Implode?  That’s means to collapse in upon itself, a theory developed by Russian physicist Alexander Friedmann in 1922.    But if all creation implodes, how can we be re-incarnated when nothing will exist anymore?  Nor will there be anything to exist in!

We must believe that God is and that He will do the things He says He will do – that is answer our prayers and grant us eternal existence with Him.  Nobody really wants to die, so if eventually everything stops, that is doesn’t exist, why do we look forward to something beyond this life?  We believe that God does exist!  So, as Christians, we do have something to look forward to.  So does the world, but they ain’t gonna like it!

Those for whom we pray must also believe that God is and will do what is being asked of Him.  Jesus does tells us that when we pray, we must believe that we receive the answers and bear no ill will towards any person (Mark 11:23-36).  A clean heart = answered prayers.

As Christians, we believe that God answers our prayers, so can we just ask God for anything we desire?  Father desires us to abide in His will, that Father, Son and we should become one (John 15:4, 17:11-21).  As we grow closer to Father, we discover that our will lines up more and more with His will.  Jesus tells us that He came not to do His own will but the will of our Father, that is that all who receive Jesus will be raised up on that last day into everlasting life (John 6:38-40).  Paul tells the Corinthians that they should follow him as he follows Jesus (1 Corinth. 11:1).  As Christians, should we do any less?  Every person who brings the word of God, should always be pointing towards following Jesus.

Our faith is expressed through our prayers for ourselves and those for whom we pray and, of course, actions are necessary in both situations (James 2:14,1-18).

So, what are some of things that can breakup that unity with Father, things that hinder or prevent our prayer life, our faith?  What are some of the things preventing us from living a full and productive life in Jesus Christ?

Father hides His face from our sin and will not hear us when there is unconfessed sin in our own life (Psalm 66:18, Prov. 28:9, Isa: 59:2-3). 

God will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory (Phil. 4:19).  So when we aren’t sure about or are not ‘bold’ in what we request (that means doubt), Father turns a deaf ear to our prayers.  Are we doubting Father’s ability to meet our needs (James 1:6-8) or do we feel that He won’t do it for ‘me’?  Jesus tells us to believe and we will receive the things we for which we ask (Mark 11:24).  Don’t we desire Father to hear our prayers? 

Also, should there be someone who has done something to us, whom we have not yet forgiven, we need to forgive that person to keep channels open with Father (Mark 11:25-26), whether that person asks forgiveness or not. 

Sometimes, we may ask for the wrong reasons, desiring to fulfill our own lusts, (give me million dollars, when our only intent is just to keep up with the ‘Jones’ (James 4:3).  Desiring things so we can ‘look better’ before others would contrast with our asking for things to better our lives.  Where are our needs compared with just wanting ‘stuff’ to impress others?

A clean vessel must eradicate doubt and fear – then we will see Father do His work in us and/or through us.  Fear and doubt work hand in hand.  Effectively they produce the same results.  When we doubt that something will come to pass, then we become fearful that we might fail.  So, when we doubt, it truly won’t come to pass because we are afraid that it might not.

We must put our full trust in Father then seek to eliminate all negativity from our thinking.

And then

Abiding in God’s love, we are the children of God (John 1:12-13, Gal.3:26).  We are the temple of His Holy Ghost (1 Corinth. 6:19-20).  As parents, how many of us don’t want what is best for our children so they can live a better life?  Father feels the same about us.

We want to see results in our prayers?  Resist sin and God’s righteousness will reign in us as we are obedient to Him (Rom. 5:21).  We need learn to hear God.  Even as Samuel ran to his mentor Eli, three times, asking what he wanted, thus, eventually, prompting Eli to realize what was going on and gave the boy instructions how to answer the next time heard the voice.  Sure enough, God called Samuel a fourth time and Samuel said “Lord, here am I”, yielding himself to the Lord.  Yes, Father speaks to us through the bible, other people or situations and even the world around us.  Are we listening?  Do we recognize our heavenly Father’s voice?

Jesus gives us the “Lord’s Prayer” (Matt. 6:9-13), but really, it isn’t the “Lord’s” prayer.  It is a prayer Father gives us to pray back to Him for our daily sustenance, to help us get through each day.  One of Jesus’ prayers is when He prayed in Gethsemane, wrestling for strength to complete His mission here on earth (Luke 22:41-44).


Jesus gives us authority over things of this earth and the authority over Satan’s power to do what he does (Luke 9:1).  In other words, we can tell the things of this earth AND the devil what to do but remembering  that whatsoever and whenever we do, it needs to be in the name of Jesus (Col. 3:17) and it shall be done (John 14:12-14).  This remains true as long as we abide in the Lord.

Much to their chagrin, seven brothers sought to cast out a devil, as Paul did in Jesus’ name.  They didn’t realize that Jesus is the power behind the words – the prayer -and the power Jesus has is also given us via the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-16).  The brothers didn’t have the power of Jesus so the man possessed by the devil kicked the brothers butts and chased them away (Acts 19:13-16)!

We must operate knowing that Father has given us this authority and power and knowing that Jesus is always with us (Matt. 28:20) and will never leave us nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5).  Ergo we can go with the confidence that God is with us in whatever the task that lies before us.

We also know that Jesus did some long-distance healing, that is, not in His immediate presence: the centurion’s servant (Luke 7:1-10) and healing the Canaanite’s daughter (Matt. 15:22-28); as well as up close and personal healing: the man with the withered hand (Mark 3:1-5) or the blind man on the roadside (Luke 18:35-43).  However, when Jesus went home to Nazareth, He could only heal a few sick folk – because of their unbelief (no faith) (Matt. 13:54-58).  Jesus could heal those right there with Him or even those nowhere near His person.  The only ones He couldn’t heal were those who refused to accept who He is.  And because we believe, Jesus is our healer, Jehovah Rapha!

Remember, knowing all about what Father can and will do is not the same as abiding in His love and then doing it.  Here’s where I love Job, the man.  Yep the man whom was blessed by God then lost everything.  After his ordeal was finally over, ole Job said “I knew all about You (God), but now, I have seen you face to face (Job 42:5).  Father, very vividly, introduced Himself to Job and Job came to know who God truly is.  Knowing ‘about God’ and ‘knowing Godare not the same thing!  As we read accounts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, King David and as we follow the ministry of our Lord Jesus, we discover that Father does want an up close and personal relationship with each of us.  

Faith without works is dead so when we believe Father for something there must be an action on our part AND on the part of the recipient.  We speak the Word over the believer.  Or maybe as Peter did at the Beautiful Gate of the temple, having spoken the healing then he reached down and took the man’s hand.  The man leaped up and walked around.  So, the person receiving the prayer must also take an action, testifying to what has been done (Acts 3:1-12).

Physical presence isn’t always necessary, as with the Centurion’s servant.  The Centurion was in Jesus’ presence, the servant was ‘miles’ away.  So we learn that where two or more are in agreement (Jesus and the Centurion (Matt. 18:19), God will do His work!

So, what have we discovered about praying in faith?

We have to believe that God is.  Father will answer our prayer when we have no outstanding sins in our life.  We can ask for ourselves as well as for others and then, we need to make sure we are asking according to God’s will and not seeking to satisfy our own, personal lust.  Our goal (not mentioned) is to edify the body of Christ (1 Corinth. 14:12, 26) in all that we say and do.  And that does include ourselves!

We discover that fear and doubt and unbelief are contrary to the operation of faith in prayer, but as we expect and anticipate Father to answer our prayers we shall receive, for ourselves as well as others.  As with the centurion, the testimony was when the Centurion returned and discovered that his servant had been healed the same hour Jesus had prayed or him. Peter saw the lame leap up and walk around. 

We see that action on our part and on the recipient’s part must be taken as a testimony as to what Father has just done.  Our testimony is verified as we see the results of prayer as it happens or, maybe even after the event.

Then, by the grace of God, as we are obedient in His will, we can do the same works Jesus did (John 14:11)?  For others, as well as ourselves.  Hallelujah!

Prayers of, with and through faith.


Saturday, June 1, 2024

6-1-2024    Reflections

In the previous three blogs, we’ve talked about the importance of laying a strong foundation of faith in our lives.  We talked about the tools Father gives us to grow that faith and we talked about who Jesus is. 

The basis of our faith is God’s love for us and our love for our God.  Father has given us one commandment ‘to have no other gods before Him’ (Exod. 20:3).  That translates into loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30).  Commandments, two through ten, give us an overview of how to apply that love (Exod. 20:4-17).  As we operate in God’s love, we discover how Father interacts with us, in us and through us.  We overcome issues of this world and help others by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimonies as we yield ourselves totally to Jesus Christ (Rev.12:11)

Now, I’d like to share some experiences from my personal life as to how I’ve seen these things come to pass.  No, I’m not bragging nor am I citing every incident, but hopefully enough so that you get the idea God does work in us and through us.

Many of my formative years were spent in a Southern Baptist church – evangelical, very into what the bible says.  I strayed from the church after high school, not attending on a regular basis.  I did my ’tour of duty, in ‘Nam’, with the army and it was still about five years, after that, before I stepped back into a church.  From High School to the five years after military duty it was nearly decade before I started going to church again?  Why I strayed is not the issue here, but why did I start going back?

I met the woman I intended to marry.  She was a Virginian.  No, I don’t mean virgin, she was from Virginia.  She also had a Southern Baptist background.  I suggested that we go to the church I attended as a youth.  Now, in my absence from church, they had the audacity to bring in another pastor to replace the one who had retired.  I used to think that a pastor stayed with his church forever.  I’ve learned much over the years.  However, it did work to my advantage.  My new pastor had some funny ideas.  One was that a marriage, without Jesus, was doomed before it even got started.  So he would not perform the marriage ceremony until he knew that Jesus was in our lives.  As we counseled for marriage, he asked me (more than once) had I let Jesus into my heart.  I responded as to how long I had attended the church and a few other dodges.  After each dodge pastor replied “that’s not what I asked you.  Have you ever let Jesus into your heart?”  THEN, I had this overwhelming feeling of conviction come over me.  I admitted “No, I haven’t.”  “Would you like to let Him in now?”  I prayed, asking Jesus into my heart.  At that moment, I (literally) felt like a ten ton boulder had been lifted off of me.  I knew Jesus had honored my request.  The pastor also asked my bride to be if she had let Jesus into her heart.  She lied and said ’yes’.  He accepted her response and still performed our ceremony.  About three years later, my wife did give her heart to Jesus.

It’s crazy, a few months after the office visit, baptism was held for all the new converts.  I’ve heard how people praise God at water baptism but all I got was wet – no feelings, no experience.  Later, Father told me my ‘experience’ came in the pastor’s office the day I asked Jesus into my heart.  I’m not ‘dissin’ water baptism.  It is an outward, public expression of having accepted Jesus and that my sins have been ‘washed away’ (PTL).  A public testimony.

Not long after we married, we moved around a lot, other communities in the county and, as time passed, even into different counties in our state, so after a couple of years, we found ourselves not able to get back that ‘our’ church and began our search for another church, more locally (for us), to attend.  We did run into that pastor a few years later, told him my wife finally gave her life to Jesus and asked him why he went ahead with our ceremony.  His response “I knew your wife lied that day, but I also knew that with Jesus in the marriage, it was just a matter of time.  I spent thirty-four years with my wife until the Lord took her home.

Jesus said that He will never leave us nor forsake us (Deut. 31:6-8, Heb. 13:5).  Hmmmm.  Oh!  Father said it too!  The bible says that by two or more witness a thing is established (Deut. 17:6, 1 Corinth. 13:1).  Must be true!

I can’t count all the times Father has helped me to reflect on all the times He has been with me and not forsaken me.  My experiences have not been as harrowing as some other people’s, but they are mine.  The motorcycle accident that wasn’t (thank you Holy Ghost).  Driving down the BW Parkway between Baltimore and Washington DC, rounding a curve in the road, about thirty yards ahead, traffic was at a dead stop.  Speed limit- 65 MPH.  Do I just plow into the last car in line?  Nah!  I don’t think so.  Do I lay the bike down and slide under the last car in line?  Ooooh, the road burn and the sudden stop at the end, I don’t think so!  I had about 90 feet to decide.  Then I heard a voice in my head “Release the throttle, steer over onto the gravel shoulder and don’t hit the brakes until you’ve slowed enough to safely stop.”  I did and I avoided what could have been a very nasty accident.  PTL!  I remember two guys on the hillside (by the shoulder) looking at me as I whizzed past them (crazy fool!). 

In Vietnam, three of us, on rotating shifts, ran a Stratcom (microwave radio) substation in the Cholon district of Saigon.  Our main site was at Ton Son Nhut airbase, a couple of miles outside the city.  I was on duty when Our CO called and said that we were on ‘red alert’.  The Viet Cong were dumping mortar shells all around and in the airbase and the indication was that they were poised to come into the city.  I said “OK” and hung up.  I looked over at our on-site gun rack with its lone M-14 rifle and one clip (20 rounds of ammo) beside it.  I said to myself “Ooookaaay).  After about an hour, the guy on the next shift came in about three early (he got bored).  I told him that we were on red alert.  He look at our gun rack look back to me with a quizzical look on his face.  I responded “No sweat unless there are twenty one of them (Viet Cong)”.  We laughed.  As it turned out, the Viet Cong did come towards Saigon kicked the snot out of Saigon police station (about half way between Saigon and Ton Son Nhut then withdrew and left.  Two months later, my tour was up and I came home.  Two months after that, the Viet Cong did come into Saigon in an unsuccessful attempt to take the city.  I was safe at home.      

Also, in Cholon, the army housed me in a three story hotel, practically across the street from my duty station (It was such a long walk to work (lol).  I was on the rooftop one evening, looking out over the city, just to see what I could see.  Tran Hung Dao, the main street into Saigon proper, was at the hotel’s front door, housing on two sides and an ARVN compound on the final side.  The ARVN were South Vietnamese military troops.  As I peered over the side I heard a voice in my head “jump!”  I backed off the edge and went back, downstairs, to my room.  Never went back up on the roof.  The Holy Ghost talks to us through our heart (or mind) and He knows our heart (Prov. 19:21, Jer. 17:9-10, Luke 16:15).   I’ve learned that Satan can also introduce thoughts into our head, as exampled through my experience in Saigon and the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness (Luke 4:1-13). 

The Holy Ghost will lead us into all truth and understanding (John 16:13),

Here are several examples of Father’s influence in my life.  Father taught me about baptizing in Jesus’ name.  We were with a church, for a while, that taught the only way into heaven was to be baptized “in the “name of Jesus”.  “Father Son and Holy Ghost” was not a viable option.  Father showed me that the Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Ghost are all one and the same.  Father is the essence of His being; Jesus is the physical manifestation of His love and word; and the Holy Ghost brings it all into action.  When we come to understand this unity, we also come to understand the Godhead (Col. 2:9).  The words used in baptism, Father Son and Holy Ghost or Jesus’ Name are the same. Don’t know about you.  I serve only one God.

I had never heard of the 5-fold Ministry until I started attending the church with which I am now affiliated.  Early in my experience with this fellowship, the pastor mentioned the 5-Fold Ministry (Eph. 4:10-16).  In my heart I asked myself “What’s a 5-Fold ministry”.  Pastor gave a brief explanation, then Father gave me a deeper understanding of how those five  ministries should operate and the necessity of these ministries in the church today.

As well as the bible, Father has spoken to me through other Christians, birds and even a T shirt.  Once, during a ‘renewal’ service, we had some brothers and sisters come and minister with and to us.  After the ‘meeting’ we broke off into several groups, each headed by one of the prophets.  Each prophet had a 2-member team, I thought for prayer support and learning.  Pastor assigned me to one of the prophets and said “Use him” (meaning me).  We had several people waiting to receive a word from God.  A young man stepped up first.  Then, to my surprise, the prophet looked to me and said “Give him a word from the Lord”.  Upt to that time, I had never done this before.  I looked at the prophet, I looked at the young man, and in my heart “Lord, now what am I supposed to say?” Father brought to my attention the blue T-shirt, with the big red “S” on the chest which he was wearing.  Father then told me what to say to the Young man.  I don’t know about the young man, but I was totally surprised.  I believe that the young man was edified by the word – I know I was.

Over the years, I have also discovered that Father also helps us with the ‘little’ things in life as well.  At FDA, I was part of a team that processed and assigned identifying information to the incoming drug applications for scientific review and eventual approval.  some documents were easier to process than others.  I was grumbling with myself one day, when I heard “Give Me the job”.  What?  Okay, it’s Yours!  First thing Father did was change my attitude.  Then from that time until I retired and because of my faithfulness to Him, Father gave me eight promotions.  He has helped me with many other decisions, small or great.  As example I would pick out a shirt to wear (on any occasion) and He would say “not this one but that one.”  Crazy?  Father does care about even the little things in our lives. 

I thank Father for all the experiences He has brought my way and the things He has taught me over the years.  He has given me a deeper understanding of His Word and how to apply it into my own life as well.  AND He has given me a deeper understanding into my relationship with Him!  P-T-L!!!

One of many songs Father has given me over the years was titled “Lawdy, Lawdy, Holy Spirit”, based on a song from a gentleman named Lloyd Price from 1950.  In the song Father gave me is a phrase ‘I get weak in the knees and shivers if you please, I know this can’t be me’.  It describes in (part) how I feel when I’m with the Lord.  The first song Father ever gave me about our relationship was a song He titled “Slipping Away” (into your presence my God).

I share these experiences so that those who read this may realize that God is not just some imaginary, unseen being living somewhere in the heavens.  He is real and does want a relationship with us.  To teach us.  To protect us.  To help us through difficult times.  To love us.  AND enable us to love Him in return.

Can we do any less?


Saturday, May 4, 2024


5-4-2024    Let’s talk Jesus


Jesus!  Is He just a myth?  The Son of God? Father (Himself) come into this world?

Mythicists variously argue that the accounts of Jesus are completely or mostly of a mythical nature, questioning the mainstream paradigm of a historical Jesus in the beginning of the 1st century who was subsequently deified. Most mythicists note that Christianity developed within Hellenistic Judaism, which was influenced by Hellenism, and that early Christianity and the accounts of Jesus are to be understood in this context. Yet, where contemporary New Testament scholarship has introduced several criteria to evaluate the historicity of New Testament passages and sayings, most Christ myth proponents have relied on comparisons of Christian mythemes with contemporary religious traditions, emphasizing the mythological nature of the Bible accounts.

The most radical mythicists hold, in terms given by Price, the "Jesus atheism" viewpoint, that is, there never was a historical Jesus, only a mythological character, and the mytheme of his incarnation, death, and exaltation. They hold that this character developed out of a syncretistic fusion of Jewish, Hellenistic and Middle Eastern religious thought; was put forward by Paul; and historicised in the gospels, which are also syncretistic. (  A lot of big word are used by those who think they are smart.  Syncretism is a combination of various beliefs or practices.  It also is the fusion of two or more ‘curved’ or changed forms (Webster’s).  

Mainstream scholarship asserts that there was a historical Jesus.  However scholars differ about the accuracy of the biblical accounts about Jesus, with only two events supported by nearly-universal scholarly consensus: Jesus' baptism, and his crucifixion.  The mainstream scholarly view is that the Pauline epistles and the gospels describe the "Christ of faith", presenting a religious narrative which replaced the historical Jesus who did live in 1st-century Roman Judea.  Martin Kähler made the famous distinction between the "Jesus of history" and the "Christ of faith", arguing that faith is more important than exact historical knowledge.  According to Ehrman, Jesus was a first-century Judean Jew, who was not like the Jesus preached and proclaimed today, and that the most widely held view by critical scholars is that Jesus was an apocalyptic prophet who was subsequently deified. (

So, in the world, there is argument whether Jesus existed or not or even if He were a real person or not.

We are people of faith.  It is impossible to please God without faith for we must believe that He is and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him (Heb. 11:6).  So, if we don’t believe Jesus truly existed, do we truly believe that God even exists?  Those who believe God doesn’t exist will never accept Him because He needs to be accepted by faith.  When a heart is truly hardened against God, one might be considered to be a reprobate – one who considers God is unworthy of his attention.  A reprobate would be one who casts away, condemns, despises, refuses, rejects, etc., as in the Hebrew word maac (H3988) or unapproved, rejected or cast away as described in the Greek word adokimos (G96).  In short, a true reprobate has no relationship with God, nor does he want one. God will oblige him (Rom. 1:21-26).



When we don’t believe God is, how can we accept the reality of Jesus?  Likewise, when we don’t seek God, how can we then seek Jesus, if neither really exist?

 Recently, we’ve talked about what are some important things that are relative for us to accept God and His love.  We also talked about tools Father provides us to help us grow in that love.

Okay.  So now, let’s talk about the personification of Father’s love – Jesus!

In the King James bible, John chapter one, verse one says “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God”.  The New World translation cites John 1:1 the same way except for those last several words – “… the word was a god”.  The gospel of John goes on to explain that the word was a light to man and that light was made flesh and was the only ‘begotten’ son of the Father (John 1:1-16).  Father foretold of Jesus (Psalm 2:6-9).  Take note that the word begotten (yalad, H3205) does relate just to child bearing but also has the connotation of ‘bearing the lineage’, to carry the banner.  Speaking of Jesus, “At any time, to which of My angels did I (Father) say ‘you are My Son, this day I have begotten You.  I will be a Father to him and He a Son to Me’.  When He brings the first begotten into the world, let all the angels worship Him (Heb. 1:5-6).  Jesus is the first of all Christianity. Those who serve Father not just in what they do but in what they think and know in their heart.

Worship Him?  Didn’t Father say “You shall have no other Gods before Me?  No graven images?  Do not bow down to nor serve them (Exod. 20:4-5)?  Father emphasizes this to Israel when He tells them ‘You shall worship no other gods before Me for the Lord is a jealous God’ (Exod 34:14.  Yet, Father says His angels shall bow down before Jesus.  Didn’t Mary (Martha’s sister) anoint Jesus’ feet and wipe them with the hairs of her head (John 12:1-3)?  Isn’t this worship?  What about the men on the boat when Jesus walked on the sea and invited Peter to join Hm.  The men on the boat did what?  They worshipped Jesus (Matt:14:25-33)!  Even the wise men came to Jesus and worshipped Him, when He was yet a child (Matt. 2:1-11).   Are we drawing a connection here?  Worship – God, worship - Jesus!

Prophecy & reality of Jesus’ birth  

A child is born, the government shall be upon his shoulder.  His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace … (Isaiah 9:6).  Genesis speaks of the dominion of Jesus when  Eve was tricked by the serpent, God would put enmity between his seed (the devil) and her seed (Gen. 3:15).  That is to say those who follow Satan and those who follow God would definitely be at odds.  Isaiah says that the Lord shall give a sign as a virgin shall bear a son and His name shall be called Emmanuel (Isa. 7:14-16).  Micah says a ruler shall come out of Bethlehem … (Mic. 5:2) referencing the ‘Chosen One’ (Jesus). 

Of course we have the angel telling Joseph that the child which Mary is carrying shall be called Jesus (Savior), as well as Emmanuel (God is with us) (Matt. 1:20-23).  Let’s pause here for a moment.  The Greek word for Jesus is Iesous (G2424) and is derived from the Hebrew word Yehowhua (H3091) which means ‘Jehovah saved’.  Wow!  Luke also gives us the prophecy and fulfillment of Jesus’ birth (Luke 1:26-38, 2:1-19).  And, of course, Jesus’ birth in the stable, there was no room at the inn (Matt. 1:25, 2:1-11, Luke 2:1-20).  

Prophecy and reality of Jesus’ death

Isaiah explains why Jesus had to travel the road to the cross (Isa. 53:1-12).  Psalm 22:11-18 and describes Jesus on the cross. Jesus did die on the cross (Matt. 27:48-50, Mark 15:33-37, Luke 23:32-46) and what happened at that moment (Matt. 27:51-53,)?  The veil to the Holy of Holies was torn in two and the dead were seen in Jerusalem.  Just what did that torn veil do?  It gave all believers direct access to the Father through Jesus Christ our Lord!

The resurrection

But, praise God, Jesus did not stay ‘dead’!  After the Sabbath, the tomb was found empty and Jesus visited with His disciples for forty days before ascending back unto the Father (Matt. 28:1-17, Mark 16:9-14, Luke 24:1-49, John chptrs. 20 & 21, Acts 1:3).  And, of course the ascension (Mark 16:19, Luke 24:50-51, Acts 1:9-11).  The disciples watched as Jesus was taken up by a cloud (nephele – G3507)

The unity of Father & Son

Moses asked God “whom shall I say sent me?  Father says I Am that I Am, tell them I AM has sent you (Exod. 3:13-14).  The Lord, our redeemer, says I AM, the Lord who has made all things, controls the elements of the world, confirms the word of His servant, etc. (Isa. 44:24-27).  Father also declares that He is the First and the Last (Isa. 44:6).

The Jews commented that Jesus not yet 50 years old.  ‘Are you older than Abraham’?  Jesus replies before ‘Abraham was I AM’ (John 8:53-58) and  and Jesus declared ‘I AM Alpha and Omega’ (Rev. 1:11), the First and the Last (Rev. 22:13). Both Father and Son declare to be ‘IAM’.  David declares the lord Jehovah to strength and salvation (Isa. 12:2, Psalm 18:1-2).  Paul declares Jesus our Savior (Rom.3:23-25, Phil. 3:20). 

The Godhead

Three NT verses describe the ‘Godhead’.  The Godhead is not an idol made of precious stone (Acts 17:29).  We can understand things God does because of His eternal power and Godhead (Rom. 1:20).  The fullness of the Godhead dwells in Jesus so we are complete in Him … (Col. 2:6-10).  So just what is the Godhead?  Like a bright flashing light (theion -G2303), godlike (therios -G2304), theiotese (G2305 – divinity) and/or godlike (theotes – G2320).  In other words, all powerful (bring your sunglasses)!

Jesus declares that He and the Father are one (John 10:30).  As Jesus prays for us, He declares that we be one with Him as He is with Father, abiding in Their love (John 17:1-26). 


What can we say about the ministry of Jesus?  He turned water into wine (John 2:1), healed the leper (Mat. 8:1), healed various diseases (Matt. 4:23), the lame (Mark 2:1), the blind (Matt. 9:27), the deaf (Mark 7:31), He fed people (Mark 8:1), raised the dead (John 11:38), and cast out devils (Mark 5:1-13).  And that is just some of what He did .   

There is no greater love than a man lay down His life for his friends (John 15:13).  There is no is greater example of this than Jesus’ life death and resurrection.  Agree?

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father but by Me (John 14:6). Peter, speaking to the Jews reminds them that there is no other name, under heaven, given to man through other there is salvation except Jesus (Acts 4:12).

The promise

So father gives us the promise of salvation when He tells Eve that her seed shall crush the enemy’s head (Gen. 3:15).  We have the ‘human’ lineage of Jesus, from Jesus through Adam and who does Luke claim Adam to be the son of (Luke 3:23-38)?  Jesus IS the Son of man AND the son of God ().  This is how He draws the first covenant (the Law) into the second covenant (grace).  “I have come not to destroy the Law nor the prophets, but to fulfill them (Matt.5:17). 

As Christians, we accept what we know about Father and Son by faith.  As we said, without faith it is impossible to please God.

In the opening of this entry, we mentioned some ‘human’ arguments against Jesus being who He is.  Yet, we have to remember that God’s foolishness is wiser than any man’s (wisdom) and His weakness is greater than any strong man’ strength. Father has chosen the foolish things of this world to confuse ’smart’ men and the ‘weak’ things of this world to amaze those who consider themselves strong.  The things that this world hates, God likes.  Just as God said that Eve’s seed would be at odds against Satan’s seed.  The kingdom’s of this world will not be in agreement with the kingdom of God. Things that seem impossible, God brings into being (Jesus walked on water – Matt. 14:25-32).  Jesus said that when we truly believe, we can move mountains – spiritual or physical (Mark 11:22-26).  The key here is to believe Father, don’t ask for the wrong reason, don’t doubt that God will provide and believe that we shall receive that Father has for us (Mark 11:23, James 4:3).  

From a personal point.  We can’t survive on just what ‘man’ says.  Father has shown me how many times He has blessed me, even when I didn’t realize it at the time.  He keeps showing me the truth of the written Word (the bible).  He shows me the reality of His Word through my practical experiences in life, the bible (itself) and my personal time with the Lord.  They all line up together.  That is the three come into agreement.  One has to ‘live it’ to truly understand this.  I find myself quoting Job a lot lately.  Job says that he has heard all about the Lord (from other men) but now he has seen Him with own eye (Job 42:4).  That is, Job came to know who God really is.

There’s so much more we can say about Jesus, but this should get the clockworks ticking in our brains.  What do you think?
