Welcome to this site. My prayer is that you take a look at the site and as you do, let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart and reveal what God wants you to discover. (in Jesus' name)

God tells us that if we see a brother (or sister) in need we should do that which is within our means to help. Prayer is always within our means but we never know what doors Father may open through them. Should you desire prayer for anything (healing, direction, etc.) or if you want supportive prayer along with your own please feel free to e-mail that request to and be assured that there are others who will be praying with or for you.

In this blog, I share what the Lord shares with me. I reference scripture a lot in support of what is being said. I realize that what is in each entry is NOT a complete 'word' (discussion) on what is being said, but is rather enough information to stimulate our spirits to dig deeper (remember the Bereans Acts 17:10-11) thereby gaining a fuller understanding for ourselves.

At the end of each post are the options to share, forward or make a comment. Click 'comment' to respond. Let us know if you like, don't like or are helped by what you read. Comments can be made or read by anyone. All you have to do is select the "comment" at he end of the entry.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

12-23-2017         Unto Us a Child is Born                
                  Glory to God in the HIghest                                             Breath of God

Isaiah 7:14      The Lord, Himself shall give a sign ‘Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and you shall call His name Emmanuel.

Isaiah 9:6-7     A child is born to us, a child is given and the government shall be upon His shoulder.  His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.  There shall be no end to the growth of government and peace because He will sit upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgement and justice, now and forever more.  The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this

Matt. 1:19-21 Joseph, a just man, was not willing to make her (Mary) a public example so he kept her in secret.  But, while he was thinking on these things, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said

“Joseph, son of David, don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife for that which she bears is conceived of the Holy Ghost.  And she shall bring forth a Son and you shall call His name Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins.”           
Now all this was done so that what the Lord said through the prophet would be fulfilled “Behold, a virgin shall be with child and she shall bring forth a son and they shall call His name Emmanuel, which is interpreted ‘God is with us’.”

Luke 2:7-14     And she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger for there was no room at the inn.
                        And in the same area, shepherds were watching over their flock at night.
                        And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them and the glory of the Lord shined all around them and they were afraid.

                        But the angel said to them “Don’t be afraid for I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people.
                        For unto you this day, in the city of David, a Savior is born, who is Christ the Lord.
                        And this shall be a sign to you, you will find the baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.”

                        Suddenly, a multitude of the heavenly host joined the angel, praising God saying
                        “Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth and good will toward men.”

Luke 2:15-16   And, as it happened, when the angel had ascended back into heaven, the shepherds said among themselves” Let us now go to Bethlehem to this thing which has come to pass, which the Lord has shown us.
                        And they hurried and found Mary, Joseph and the babe lying in a manger.

Can you imagine how awestruck the shepherds must have been at the sight of the angels in the skies?  
This announcement was not made to kings, but to common folk, like you and me.  The prophecy 
of the Christ, the fulfillment of his coming into this world and such a proclamation at His birth into 
this world.

This is the time we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus into this world.  Jesus came to serve
(John 13:13-16) so He was not born in a castle so He could ‘lord’ over people, but in a manger so He 
could meet us at our Level and lead us in terms we could understand.  And yet His journey had just 
barely begun.

In Jesus, we have a new hope and a new life promised us through Him (John 10:10).  The hope of 
eternal fellowship with the Father (1 John 1:3) where, through the Holy Ghost, Jesus is with us, in us 
and guides us (as we listen, Luke 11:28) for He will never leave us nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5).

In Sept./Oct., the Jews celebrated the feasts of Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles.  This
is a time of proclamation, reconciliation and projection.  We proclaim our Lord, reconcile our differences then proclaim our intents for the future.

Oct./Nov. represents New Beginnings.  Even though we consider Jesus to have been born in
December, this is the time we can look forward to our life starting afresh in Jesus.

 The Festival of Lights comes with Chanukah in Nov./Dec.  Even though, in our tradition, Jesus
isn’t born yet, we dedicate our lives to our Messiah who is the Light of the world.

Of course, near the end of December, we do celebrate the birth of Jesus into this world,
receiving the power and the wisdom to stand against any evil that may come against us so we
may successfully enter the next phase of our life.

These four months, for us, is a time for cleansing, ordering our steps for the new year and to
plan in order to accomplish what is necessary for the coming year.  It is a time to start off with a 
fresh step.  It is a time to decide to stand fast in our Lord Jesus Christ and to determine to follow 
the leading of the Holy Ghost.

As we celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus, during this time, He represents a new life and a
new hope for us as we look forward to a new year, living in His love.

 This new phase of our current time?  Father is preparing the outpouring of the latter rain
 (Jer. 5:24) through which everyone will benefit (Zech. 10:1). 

The former, or early, rain prepares the ground for planting then nurtures the seeds and the
young plants so they can sprout and grow strong.

The latter rain helps the fruit to mature and be ripe for harvest.

Jesus is the vine (John 15:1-6) and we are the branches and it is ‘we’ who bear fruit (new converts),
bringing them into the body of Christ through our testimony and assuring that their growth is solid
in Jesus Christ.  But, for us to be effective, we need to be where Father wants us to be – in our
relationship with Him.  Should our relationship be weak, how can we help others to have a strong
relationship with our Lord?  So we  need to be doing our part to assure we are where Father wants
us to be.  Just, as the fourth time, the Lord came to Samuel calling his name.  Now, having been
prepared by Eli, Samuel responded “Speak, for Your servant hears.”  (1 Sam. 3:10)  Do we hear
what God is saying to us?  Are we truly listening?

You may have been hearing about the “Spiritual explosion” that’s coming.  It is!  And Father is
preparing His children for it, even now. 

We are in the midst of a seven year ‘preparation’ period where Father is bringing His church into a
deeper understanding of its (our) relationship with Him.  He’s been bringing His children into a
fuller, deeper relationship with Himself so we can be truly effective servants for Him.  He’s been
teaching us how to truly live for Him and to hear Him and understand what He asks and then be
obedient to His will.  As He sends us out, we will be ministering in the full concept of the Holy Ghost. 
Just as the apostles did.  After all, we are a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), aren’t we?  To serve God
with all our energies (Col. 3:23-24)?

We have witness to the first outpouring, the early rain, in the book of Acts (Acts 2:1-21), then we
can read about the Impact of that outpouring throughout the book of Acts and the New Testament
epistles.  We see evidence of the power of the Holy Ghost operating in the lives of believers.  Not
‘just’ the apostles, but through various believers.  We see where Peter and John healed the lame
man in the name of Jesus (Acts 3:1-10).  We see at Peter’s preaching, five thousand believed (Acts
4:1-4).  Cornelius and his family are given as example that salvation is for all, as well as the receiving
of the Holy Ghost (Acts 10:34-46).  Paul (He was not one of the original twelve) cast out devils in
Philippi with the woman possessed with the spirit of divination (Acts 16:12-19).  Not only were
people saved, healed and delivered, but more believers received the baptism of the Holy Ghost as
exampled by the twelve on the road to Ephesus (Acts 19:1-7).  Oh, and by the way, as we serve God,
Father protects us as related in the shipwreck as Paul travelled to Rome.  Paul was bitten by an
unseen snake (Acts 28:1-6).  The natives knew that this snake was very poisonous and waited for
Paul’s quick death which didn’t come. After all, Jesus said He would protect us, didn’t He (Luke

Jesus told His disciples that they would do all the works that He did and more (John 14:12).  That
didn’t go away with the apostles and disciples of two thousand years ago.  It includes us, today.
Nothing passes away until the perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away with (1
Corinth. 13:10).  Today, we see through a glass darkly, but when we are with the Lord, all things will
be very clear (1 Corinth.13:12).

Be patient for the coming of the Lord.  The husbandman waits for the precious fruit of the earth,
patiently he waits until the early and the latter rain.  We also should be patient, establishing our
hearts (in Jesus Christ) for the coming of the Lord draws near (James 5:7-8).

I’ve heard it said that Jesus can’t come back until Christians have made the world ready for Him.  I
differ with that slightly.  Something has to be ready But dare I say it’s the church and not the world. 
Father is preparing His church for Jesus’ return (Matt. 24:42-44).  Look at how the church is
reflecting world values and Paul tells the Thessalonians that there would first be a falling away (2
Thess. 2:1-3).  Father is drawing believers closer to Him so we can be like the five wise virgins who
were continually ready for whenever the bridegroom (Jesus) returns  (Matt. 25:1-13).

The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts. And in this
place I will give peace, declares the Lord of hosts.’” (Haggai 2:9).  In other words, when the latter
rains come, this fresh outpouring of the Holy Ghost, will surpass what the ‘early rains’ did.  I suggest
to you that the early rain was the initial outpouring of the Holy Ghost to the early disciples and now,
as the fruit is ready to ripen, we approach the harvest of the latter rain.  The latter rain is coming to
make the second outpouring of the Holy Ghost greater than the first.  Greater strength, greater
power, greater manifestation so the hearts of people may be solidified and that we may continue
steadfast and fellowshipping, in the doctrine of Jesus Christ which the apostles preached (Acts
2:42).  And a greater dose of God’s peace, which surpasses all understanding (Phil. 4:7) which will
probably rattle the world as they try to figure how we can keep our ‘cool’.

This Spiritual explosion is coming and just as we celebrate a time when Jesus brings new life and new hope into our presence, we need to grasp the outpouring of the Holy Ghost afresh, anew and abide in Christ Jesus so we can glorify the Father by keeping His commandments.  His commandments are to love (Luke 10:25-28).  There is no greater commandment and there is no greater expression of that love than to give our lives for a brother (John 15:7-13).  Jesus died on the cross to cleanse us from our sin.  We die to Him daily by yielding our bodies, souls and strength, our very lives to Him (1 Corinth. 9:27, Rom. 8:14) by living for Him daily.  So, we share that love with those around us as Father opens the doors for His love to flow.  We show our love for our brothers and neighbors by considering them no less than ourselves (Mark 12:31) and doing that which will edify them (1 Corinth. 14:26).

‘is the season to let the love of Jesus flow.


Saturday, December 9, 2017

2017  A Closer Walk 

In September 2014, Father started working on my relationship with Him.  And today, He is still deepening my understanding of not just scripture but the scope of our relationship and what He is doing in my life. 

I was in a quandary about what to write about this time (that happens often) and I felt like I was hitting a brick wall.  At one point, I thought I knew what I was going to talk about, then I wasn’t so sure.  I looked at things which Father has given me, when “A Closer Walk” grabbed my attention.  Father had given me this back in September 2016 and it was still on my pending list.   

At the tail end of 2014 I was getting discouraged because I felt Father wasn’t confirming the calling I felt he gave through the ‘prophecy’ which He given me, the Watchman (Sept. 2014) which was a word on what He was preparing to do with His children and my interaction with those plans – to a degree. 

At first my understanding of my interaction with the Watchman was very rudimentary, basic.  I had a very sketchy understanding of what He was going to do and what He wanted me to do.  Since then He has been filling in the details.  Giving more information about the seven years we are currently in which began Jan. 2015. 

I challenged Him as to whether was He really calling me to do something Because, even though I had the desire, I knew, in my heart, I wasn’t ready.  He spent the next three months (‘til Dec. 2014) confirming that He wanted me to do something but I was looking the other way missing all the confirmation He was showing me.  I was looking one way for confirmation and He was delivering from another.  Finally in January 2015, because I was bemoaning the fact that He hadn’t answered my prayer for confirmation, He sat me down and pointed out all the many ways in which He had been confirming His word to me over the previous three months.  The lesson learned was that I was looking for ‘man’ to confirm what God was doing and God was confirming it Himself through what He was exposing me to.   Things and events around me.  No, that hasn’t changed.  He still uses multiple ways to confirm what He has been telling me but then I’m not looking to ‘man’ anymore for sole or initial confirmation.  Romans 8:16 tells us that the Holy Ghost (HG) testifies that we are the children of God and if the HG testifies that I have salvation, He will also confirm what God has told me.  And He did, He has and He does.  Father confirmed His word through books He prompted me to read, sermons I heard, even things that I saw on TV.  Now don’t get me wrong, God does confirm through man.  But for me, He was teaching me to “hear” what He was saying around me as opposed to relying on a man physically coming up to me and saying “Hey, Buck, God said …”.

Over the past few years, Father has been teaching me how to truly walk in the Spirit.  I find that learning it is one thing, putting it into practice isn’t so easy – sometimes.  Father has taught me that my obedience is utmost (2 John vs 6).  If I love Him, I will keep His commandments (to love) and walk in them.  He has also been teaching that when I walk in His Spirit I won’t fulfill the desires of the flesh (Gal. 5:16).  Easy in concept, but with the world like It is today, it ain’t that easy. 

Remember Paul and the thorn in his flesh (2 Corinth. 12:2-9).  James 1:13-15 explains how sin is conceived and we become guilty.  Basically it says that God does not tempt us but we are drawn away by lust which has not yet been purged from our hearts.  When lust is conceived, that is we consider doing it, that brings sin into our lives and if we let sin go unconfessed and unrepented, that will eventually bring separation from God which of course could eventually bring forth death (total and absolute separation from God).  Remember, once we’ve considered doing something, we’ve already done it in our heart and we are guilty.  It’s not the thought, it’s deciding that we’re going to do it which gets us into trouble.  The fine line here is determining what is just a thought tempting us versus when do I actually cross over and consider doing it?  Once we consider the thought a good idea, it as good as done even though we haven’t or don’t actually take any action.  We’ve desired it in our heart (Matt. 5:28).  For a little clarity, if we see someone and say to ourselves “That person is really attractive or good looking” we’re OK.  But if we say to ourselves “Boy, I’d sure like to jump into the sack with that!”  It’s time to confess and repent, we have already sinned.  It’s one thing to admire what God has done with a person, but it’s another to desire to consume that person in our own lusts.  
‘Nuff said here.  Satan tempts us and often it’s with the thought in our minds.  We need to steer clear of actually considering the action that thought suggests.  We are still human and we still wrestle.  Just don’t give in!  Two quick things here:  Isaiah recognized his unworthiness so an angel touched his unclean lips with a coal from the altar (Isa. 6:5-7).  We. Too, need to ask Father to cleanse us, purify us and we do that by continually renewing our mind through the word of God (Rom. 12:2).

Now, I’ve mentioned confirmation.  When Father gave me the Watchman, I didn’t realize what was happening to me, physically, until I went to get up out of my chair.  That is, I didn’t notice any effect ‘just writing it down”. 

My computer is in the basement and when Father has me ‘write’ things down, that’s where I go.  I have a most difficult time reading my own handwriting.  I actually get tired of writing after only a few words so what starts out very legible quickly turns into an unrecognizable scrawl.  I also have difficulty with typing.  I CAN type.  I just try to type as fast as I think so I either toss umpteen pages in the trash just to get one good copy or I  keep a gallon of whiteout handy.  God created the computer for me.  I don’t get tired of writing and I can easily correct my errors. 

In setting the Watchman down on ‘paper’, I had a similar experience each of the three days (to different degrees) over which Father had given it to me.   as I said, I hadn’t realized what was going on until I went to get up out of my chair – I couldn’t!  I had a weird, but good, sensation all over my body and my legs were like cooked spaghetti and wouldn’t support me.  So I flopped back into my chair (thud).  After sitting in the basement for a while, I was able to, almost literally, slide, out of my chair, inch over to the basement steps but then I did literally crawl up the steps, on my hands and knees, into the kitchen.   Oops! I realized I had to go to the bathroom!  I grabbed the refrigerator door handle, lifted myself to my feet and inched the ten or twelve feet to the bathroom.  Yes, I made it safely.  Then, still upright, I made it into the living room and into my green chair where I flopped for about an hour, or so, before I was able, after several attempts, to actually stand up again and move.  Over the next few days, the Watchman came in three installments, it didn’t take as long to “get my legs” back but I went through the same experience. 

Well, I felt good while I was in this condition.  I mean nothing bothered me.  Nothing!  I didn’t hurt, no aches, no nothing.  I had been experiencing a couple continuing aches for a while and they weren’t even bothering me.  I found myself laughing at the situation.  I thought how ridiculous this must look.  Trying to get up and couldn’t.  And when I could, getting around like a very aged, decrepit old man (where’s my cane?).  It took me several times over a period of time before I could even stand up, much less walk.  Except for the spaghetti legs, I could’ve stayed in that condition forever.  I would have been useless to anyone else because I couldn’t do much of anything except talk, but I felt good. 

I called this condition my ‘zone’, having nothing better to describe it at the time.
Since then, Father has shown me that this condition is an anointing (from Him).  He has shown me that He anoints the gifting He gives us.  He anoints us for certain tasks (of which this was) or when we just do something for Him like sing or dance (before Him), whatever.  I’m persuaded that He will anoint anything we do, as long as we are doing it before and for Him and we aren’t doing it to “show off”. .

At first, my zone or anointing came only when Father gave me a prophecy or an entry for the blog.  I realize that each time I work on the blog, when I’m done, I’ve been in the ‘zone’, to some degree.  But as time has passed, the zone has come back in ways I haven’t expected.  Sometimes when I’m just getting started in my AM prayer and Father wants to show me something – He does and by the time He’s done, I realize that I am in the zone.  Sometimes He’ll have me pray something special or for someone and again, at the end of that prayer, He’ll show me that we’ve been in the zone.  In fact, there have been times, Father has taken me into the zone for days at a stretch.  I don’t mean 24/7 but I may be “zoned” for an hour, maybe only ten or fifteen minutes, but it’s still the zone and it will occur each of several days in a row.  So, no, it’s not necessarily an everyday occurrence but I’ve come to learn it is how He let’s me know that it’s Him sharing what is being shared, whether for me or about someone else.  It’s still pretty neat and while I’m in the zone I’m useless for a little while, but it’s still an awesome experience.

So why am I sharing all this?  I’m nobody special and if He shares this with me, He’ll share it with you, or some similar experience. 

I shared “Herod’s Temple (9-16-2016) on the blog where I shared what Father showed me about His relationship with His children.  In the temple, there was the Women’s Courtyard, the Priest’s Courtyard and the Holy Place.  The Holy Place was divided into the Sanctuary and the Holy of Holies.  The veil separating the Sanctuary from the Holy of Holies and that’s what tore when Jesus died on the cross (Matt. 27:50-51).  Indicating that access to the Creator of heaven and earth was no longer veiled nor did we have to go through a priest to access Him.

We are a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9-10).  In the Old Testament, only the High Priest could enter into the Holy of Holies (Heb. 9:6-8) and even then, only after a purification process (Lev. 16:1-34).  So, because we are a royal priesthood, through the blood of Jesus, we (you and I, all believers) have access to the Holy of Holies, the very presence of God Almighty, once we have purified ourselves (confessed and repented any outstanding sins in our lives).  We can come boldly before the throne of God (Heb. 4:16) acknowledging that God is worthy of all glory, honor and power for He has created all things for His pleasure (Rev. 4:11) and make our petitions. 

And all of this is a part of Him drawing all of His children closer to Him which is what He wants – a closer walk with us.

Why?  He is preparing His children to bring His Word boldly to the world to draw souls into HIs kingdom and to prepare His church so we can know that we, too will enter His kingdom.  How?  Because we have learned to live for Him and we have learned how to allow the Holy Ghost to operate in our lives so we can truly touch those lives around us.

By the way, in spring 2015 I thought I would ‘get cute’ so I said to Father “You’ve been showing me all these neat things about the seven year season we are in (2015-2022), but what happens after that?”  So He told me!  There is a spiritual explosion coming in this next season and His children need to be ready, willing and able to handle the task.  So, this seven year season is preparation for the next seven years coming up.  An outpouring of the Holy Ghost such as the world has never seen before.  Greater than the outpouring with the apostles and early disciples.  It is the latter rain which matures the fruit.  We are the branches of the Jesus’ vine which bear the fruit (John 15:5).  Christians will mature to a greater level than they ever dreamed – but not all.  Remembering that Jesus could heal only a few sick folk when He returned to Nazareth because of their unbelief (Matt. 13:53-58). 
Jesus tells His disciples that they will do the works He did and greater (John 14:12) and Haggai tells us that the latter house will be greater than the former (Hag. 2:9).  God Gives the rain, former and latter in His season and reserves us for the appointed weeks of harvest (Jer. 5:24).  An evangelical explosion is coming.  Not just for the lost, but for His church, His children who have denied themselves the fullness of what He has to offer.  The obedient will start operating just as the early disciples did – and more so.

Why do we care about a closer walk with our heavenly Father?  Exciting times which lie ahead?


Saturday, November 25, 2017

11-25-2017         The First Night

The bible says that Jesus tells the Pharisees and scribes, as a sing for who He is, that a wicked and adulterous generation shall be given only the sign of Jonah.  What was the sign of Jonah?  The Son of man shall be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights (Math. 12:39-40). 

I’ve often thought about that and even though, no matter how many times I counted the days and nights I always came up with three and two, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, then Friday night and Saturday night.  But the bible said three days and three nights, so I always accepted it.

Jesus was crucified and buried on the first day (Friday) , before six P.M. (the end of the Jewish day).  Technically He was in the tomb all day Saturday (depending on when you consider that He descended into hell to show himself to all those who had died before His time) but when the two Mary’s went to the tomb Sunday Morning (after six A.M.) the grave was empty.  Friday, Saturday and Sunday, three days!  Because I figured this part out (“all on my own”) I disregarded the fact that I couldn’t account for a third night. 

God DOES NOT lie!  Even considering discrepancies in translating from original languages into English, God would not allow translators to make such a stupid mistake in addition.  Yet, because “I” couldn’t figure it out, I just accepted it.

Now, don’t start getting concerned and thinking the bible contains a flat out lie.  Understand how days and night were counted back then.  A day was from six A.M. to six P.M., a night was considered from six P.M. to six A.M.  Each day and night consisted of four three hour watches (6-9, 9-12, 12-3 & 3-6).  That was how the Romans saw it and in Jesus’ day, and that’s how the Israelites observed it.  After all, it WAS the Romans who guarded the tomb, wasn’t it? 

Now, let’s take a look at the events beginning with the empty tomb (resurrection of Jesus) on Sunday (day after the Sabbath) back to Friday, the crucifixion and burial of Jesus (day before the Sabbath).
The women went to the grave, even though early (Luke 24:1-3), it was after daybreak (although Matt. 28:1 reads “as it began to dawn’), sometime after six A.M. on Sunday and found the empty tomb.  The third day was already in progress.  Jesus’ body lay in the tomb all day Saturday, the second day.  And of course, Saturday is the Jewish Sabbath, from six P.M. Friday to six P.M. Saturday.  The Jews told the Romans that the Jewish dead had to be buried before the Sabbath.  So Jesus’s body was buried before six P.M. Friday, when the Jewish Sabbath began. Therefore the day Jesus was crucified and buried was the first day. So Friday is the first day, Saturday the second and Sunday, the first day of week was the third.  Any problems?  I think that most Christians would flow with this rationale.

Okay, three ‘days’ and ‘three’ nights.  I always counted Friday night the first night and Saturday the second.  My mistake.

Saturday night was the third night and even though Friday night was the beginning of the Sabbath, it was the second night.  I hear all the “Whoa!  Whoas!”  Give an attentive ear just a little longer.

I mentioned the “nights” and the “watches” for a reason.
When did Jesus and the disciples observe the Passover?  Friday?  No.  Jesus was before the Jewish leadership and Pilate on Friday until they set Him upon the cross.  So, they observed thee Passover the day before, Thursday.  It was Thursday night (after six P.M.) that Jesus took His disciples up to the mount to pray.  It was Thursday night, after (6 PM) during the night watches that Peter swore he would never deny Jesus.  It was sometime Thursday night (after 6 PM), during the night watches (sometime between 6 P.M. and 3 A.M.), the disciples couldn’t watch with Jesus for even an hour.  It was sometime during the watches Thursday night that Jesus wrestled with going to the cross and fully yielding Himself (in the flesh) to Father.  “Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me.  

Nevertheless not as I will, but as You will. (Matt. 26:39)” and again He prayed ”Oh, my Father, if 
this cup may not pass away from me, except that I drink it, Your will be done.” (Matt. 26:42).  Jesus prayed this prayer a third time (Matt. 26:44) and by this time Judas had returned with the soldiers and the mob to get Jesus, probably sometime during the third or fourth watch of the night.  All those scholars may pinpoint this into the fourth watch (3-6 AM).

When Jesus spoke the words “Your will be done”, He had already set His heart to the cross.  He had already determined in His heart to do the Father’s will.  He had fully determined NOT to renege on why He had come into this world.  Jesus was obedient to the Father and we know that as we are obedient, Father will give us our heart’s desire (Psalms 37:4) and Jesus’ desire was to give himself for us (John 10:17-18).  Jesus’ desire was to save us from eternal death, so He had already determined to die for us (Rom. 10:9).

David prays to the Lord “You have proved my heart, You have visited me in the night.  You have tried me and found nothing.  I will not sin against you with my mouth (Psalms 17:3).  God looks at our heart.  Consider Jesus says if a man looks upon a woman and lusts after her, he has already committed adultery, even though the physical act was not consummated (done) (Matt. 5:28).  Father searches our hearts and tries us, then rewards us accordingly (Jer. 17:10) for He knows our hearts (Acts 1:24).  When we are tempted, we are drawn away by our own lusts.  When lust is conceived (considered, determined to do) it brings sin, then death (James 1:14-15).  Even though we mention sin here, this also works when we determine to do good.  Once we’ve determined to do something, it’s considered done – in God’s eyes because He sees our hearts.  Once Jesus had prayed on the mount, yielding to Father, He had already determined to go to the cross – for our sake.  It was a done deal.  Technically (if you will), though not physically, Jesus was already in the grave

It’s still night for they came for Jesus before dawn, before six A.M.  Again, probably sometime during the fourth watch (3 AM to 6 AM).  So before the first day has even started, before all the trial and crucifixion, Jesus had determined to die for us.  Have you heard the expression a man might say when he knows death is impending, “I’m already a dead man”?  He wasn’t literally dead at the moment, but that moment was impending. 

Though, not literally, Jesus had already died for us, in His heart.  Though not literally in the grave, in His heart, He had already gone to the grave - for us.

When I say “this is the first night” that’s only for in this world.  Jesus had determined from the foundation of the world to die for our sins, our iniquities, our transgressions.  For when Father told the serpent, in the garden “You shall bruise His heel but He shall bruise your head.”  Jesus had already determined to go to the cross for us because in shedding His blood there, though Satan might look like he had a victory (at the cross), Jesus would crush Satan’s power and authority over us – forever (Gen. 3:15) through the cross.

When God created time, He first created night and then day. Therefore, a Jewish day begins with the night beforehand ( 6 PM). While a day in the secular calendar begins and ends at midnight, a Jewish day goes from nightfall to nightfall (Gen. 1:1-3 & 

The first “night” was Thursday night, before the Passover because Jesus (in the natural) had already determined His actions.  And remember what Passover was. 
The angel of death passed over the houses protected by the blood of the lamb as he took out the first born in all of Egypt. 

So for us, three nights would be Thursday night (after 6:00 PM), Jesus had already determined to go to the cross, Friday night and Saturday night until 6:00 AM Sunday, “laying in state in the tomb” (if you will).

So, though I thought there may have been some error, the bible was not in error.  My understanding was. 

Now some may argue what I’ve just said and that’s their prerogative (choice), but I’m a happy camper because Father has given me an understanding.


Sunday, November 12, 2017

11-11-2017 Five Fold Ministry

today's church

The first time I heard of the five-fold ministry was about five or six years ago.  I had been at my current church for a year or a little more at that time and our pastor brought it up at one of the bible studies. 

Now, I had read the New Testament a number of times by then and the Paul’s letters a few more times but never connected to the list in Ephesians chapter four with anything other than a list of gifts.  But at this bible study it clicked.  Father said “I want you to learn about this for it is important.”  And he gave me the tasks to learn about some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers (Eph. 4:11).  Having been saved in a mainstream church I was very familiar with the pastor, teacher and evangelist.  I mean all churches had a pastor and some even one or two associate pastors as well.  Sunday School?  The pastor didn’t teach it all.  And it seems that always once a year we had an evangelist come in and preach a revival.  I also knew that Jesus named the twelve ‘apostles’ and later Paul declared himself an apostle (1 Corinth. 9:1-2). 

After leaving the mainstream churches and travelling through several Pentecostal/full gospel denominations I also became familiar with the prophet.  They were the guys (or gals) who could come in to visit, say they saw sickness or problems in certain lives then asking those individuals involved to come up for prayer and to be healed.  But, I never heard anyone speak of an apostle nor saw one (that I know of).  So after the pastor’s exposure and what Father subsequently showed me, a few years ago, was an eye opener.

Over the past several years, I’ve encountered a number of people professing each of these offices and not a few claiming apostleship.  Now, I don’t get around a whole lot so this is in a reasonably contained area, just a few surrounding states, travelling less than two hundred miles in any direction. 
We know that there is one body, one Spirit and we are called in one hope.  There is one Father who is above all, connects all and in all and every one of us  has a measure of faith to operate in the gift given by Christ… when He was ascended He gave gifts to men… that He might fill all things (Eph. 4:4-10).    

These five gifts are all ministries so it’s important to follow up verse eleven with the next five verses.  For the perfecting of the saints, the working of the ministry and the edifying of the body of Christ, until all have come into the unity of faith (same page), the knowledge of the Son of God, to become a perfect man who measures up to the standards of the fullness of Christ.  That we are no longer children, tossed to and fro by with every wind of doctrine which men present us with trickery, cunning or craftiness, with which they try to trick us.  But we, speaking in truth in love, may grow into all things through Christ Jesus who is our head.  So the whole body will be properly placed together as one unit which each of us supplying a  part, according to the measure given each of us so the body can grow and be edified within itself, in love (Eph. 4:12-16).

In short, each office in this list is designed to help bring the body of Christ to where we live in God’s love, not influenced by the world, so each member can help the whole body grow to its fullest in Christ Jesus by applying God’s love through the gifts.

The early church was quickly swayed by both inside and outside influences.  Paul persuades timothy not to listen to people (in the church) who don’t know what they are talking about and who encourage people to follow them.  Paul reminds Timothy that the law is to reveal the sin of sinners and so he should ignore the stories and genealogies he was hearing (1 Tim. 1-11).  Then Paul encourages Timothy to hold fast to the doctrines he learned from Paul, not being swayed by what he was hearing from other sources (2 Tim. 1-14).     

So, we need to know the original gospel of Jesus Christ so we can identify vain janglings and falsehoods that may come our way.  John encourages us to try the spirits to see if they are of God.  If a spirit confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, it is of God.  If it doesn’t confess Jesus, it is not of God but of the anti-Christ.  The world doesn’t hear God but we are of God so we do (or should) so we can know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error (1 John 4:1-6). 

I mention all this because I’ve read much on the church’s pros and cons on the five-fold ministry, why some of the offices are readily accepted and some aren’t.  Sooooo.  I would like to share some of what Father has shared with me.

First and foremost, each of these ministries is a “service” ministry (.  They serve the body, not the other way around.  They aren’t just a quick, easy way to make ‘easy’ money to make a name for oneself.  Each position is called of God and must meet Father’s ministerial requirements: have a good reputation, wisdom, and full of the Holy Ghost (Acts 6:1-6),  and be blameless, vigilant, sober, good conduct, hospitable, apt to teach, not given to wine, not quarrelsome, not desiring illicit gain, patient, not a brawler, not covetous,  with one wife and rules his house well and serious (about his faith) and speaks what he means 1 Tim. 3:1-12).

It is a “calling”.  We don’t just wake up one morning and decide we want to be an apostle, or a pastor or a teacher.  If we do and we study, we go out in our own strength, that’s exactly what we do, serve in our own strength, which leads to heartache and problems.  WE need to hear and follow the leading of the Holy Ghost (John 16:13).  God called Samuel and later Samuel went out in God’s strength as a judge of Israel (1 Sam. 3:1-10, 20).  He was called and sent.  And don’t forget John the Baptist who would be great in the sight of the Lord … and filled with the Holy Ghost from his mother’s womb to be the greatest prophet (Matt. 1:15, Luke 7:28).   Both examples of those called and sent from on High.

There a few other qualities that are common to these positions I’d like to mention.  The people in these position need to have a solid foundation in Jesus Christ (Matt. 7:24-27), the fruit of the Spirit should be evident in their lives (Gal. 5:22-23), they should be led by the spirit (Ga. 5:13-16, 18), how can they teach scripture if they don’t know it (Acts 18:25-26) and they need to renew their minds (Rom. 12:1-2).  They should also be an example of their own teaching (John 13:13-15, Matt. 5:19) and 1 Corinth. 2:13).  They should teach in faith and in truth (1 Tim. 2:7) and they should respect everyone (1 Tim. 6:12) giving preference to no one (Rom. 2:11).  Also, for ALL who believe, there shall be signs following, casting out devils, speaking in tongues, healing the sick and not being hurt by things that may attack us (Mark 16:16-18, Acts 28:1-5 ).

I’m going to visit the list of these positions in reverse order as given in Ephesians eleven, adding a few more qualities or characteristics.

The teacher

A teacher should desire to impart knowledge to others so they can understand what the bible says (1 Corinth. 14:19, Acts 8:26-39) and eventually learn for themselves (Acts 17:10-12).

The pastor

The pastor is the shepherd (Isa. 40:11) of his flock (church).  From the pulpit, he has to address the full congregation so he brings a deeper understanding of the word, helping his flock to apply it into their own lives (Ezek. 34:22-23).  He also can provide individual counsel to meet specific needs (Gen. 18:13-16). 

The pastor should also not be a novice (1 Corinth. 3:1-4) and have outgrown the works of the flesh (Gal. 5:19-21).

As he desires to lead the people he should first be a servant (Matt. 20:26-28), protect the church (1 Sam. 17:36), edify, exhort and comfort (1 Corinth. 14:3) and admonish it (Heb. 12:6).           

He also serves as the CEO (Acts 6:1-7) of the church.  He organizes by setting up help (Exod. 18:17-24) and keeping the house of God in order (1 Corinth. 14:33).  He doesn’t necessarily control but monitors the church finances (Matt. 25:14-30).  A good CEO knows what’s going on in his realm of influence.  He also performs ceremonial duties for the church like weddings, funerals, baptism, etc. as generally practiced in today’s churches.


The evangelist brings the “good news” of Jesus Christ, that is the words that bring souls into the kingdom of God, salvation (Isa. 52:7).

A good evangelist must be a truly humble man (James 4:10) for who will listen to a proud man?  He must speak the gospel in boldness not fearing the results (Acts 6:8, 7:1-60 Stephen).  He must understand his audience (Acts 13:14-31).

He brings the gospel because God loves us.  We as believers then receive salvation (John 3:16) and Power (Acts 1:8) which leads to our resurrection (John 11:25).  In preaching the word, he needs to protect the true doctrine (Titus 2:1-15) as he carries the word to the people (Matt. 28:18-20).  Remembering he needs to admonish, exhort and comfort (1 Corinth. 14:23, Heb. 12:6).


The prophet speaks under divine inspiration.  He brings words of encouragement to help souls, individually or collectively, stay in God’s grace or press forward or he revels that which is necessary to draw souls back into God’s fold.

 He speaks what God gives him (Jer. 1:9, Mark 13:11).   He is called by God (2 Tim. 1:6-11) and operates in wisdom and knowledge (1 Corinth. 12:7-8).  He edifies and doesn’t grieve the Holy Ghost (Eph. 4:29-30).  He mentors and trains others to follow (1 Sam. 2:11, Prov. 22:6, Matt. 4:18-20). 

He is tentative to God’s word and knows God’s voice and desires to encourage others to stay the right path and/to reach their fullest potential (Matt. 7:13-14).
The prophet also knows his audience (Act 17:16-31) for he is the ‘mouthpiece’, spokesman, for God (I Sam. 9:9, 9:15-20).  He is a watchman (Ezek. 3:16-22) who also exhorts, edifies and comforts (1 Corinth. 14:3) and prays for others (Col. 8-11).

The Apostle

Apostle means “one sent”, by God to initiate or reform the church.  The apostle brings a clear understanding of salvation, how souls should live for Christ and he establishes a church so that it functions in God’s love.

The apostle also speaks with boldness (Acts 6:8, 7:1-60) and operates in wisdom and knowledge (1 Corinth. 12:7-8).  He needs to be able to recognize God’s gift in others (1 Corinth. 2:9-16).  He, especially, needs to be called of God (Mark 3:13-19 the 12, Acts 9:1-18 Paul) for the responsibility of the task.

He needs to understand who God is, what our relationship is with Him, how to live in Him and to relate that with others. 

He does everything that everyone else does and has to be able to train (as necessary) and help others to do the same.  He must be prepared to travel for God (Acts 13:1-4 Paul & Barnabas).  He has the authority to appoint church leadership (Acts 14:19-23), at least he (the apostle) is the only one, other than Jesus who seems to do so.  Not forgetting that Peter had those in Antioch appoint their leaders to help (Acts 6:1-6). 

The apostle lays the foundation for personal lives and the lives of the church (1 Corinth. 3:9-15, Col. 2:6-7) for the twelve apostles are the foundation in the New Jerusalem in heaven (Rev. 21:9-14).

Now, some arguments

First, I’m not aware of anyone who argues the final three positions mentioned in Ephesians Four: evangelist, pastor and teacher except I do hear here is “pastor and teachers’ are combined into one position ‘pastors/teachers’ because a comma is used after each apostle, prophet and evangelist and the word ‘and’ separates pastor and teacher implying a dual ‘responsibility’.  The argument is that this is a combined office, the same person cannot teach all the Sunday School classes at one time!  So, we need more than one teacher to cover all the bases so it would stand to reason teacher stands separate because we need more than one.   Even though the pastor must be inclined to teach as well.

Now, I’m familiar with two basic arguments which seem to argue the validity of two offices, in particular,  of the five-fold ministries , the apostle and the prophet. 

1) Jesus named twelve as apostles (Luke 6:13-16) Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James (son of Alphaeus), Simon Zelotes, James, the brother of John and Judas Iscariot.  The argument I’ve heard is that because Jesus named only these twelve as apostles, these men are the only true apostles.  Now remember that Matthias replaced Judas Iscariot (Act 1:16-26) to be among the original twelve. 

Now, if these are the only apostles, the first conflict is Paul (Saul) who calls himself an apostle (Rom. 1:1).  Paul declares himself equal to the chiefest apostles (most likely the twelve) for he worked signs and wonders in the Corinthians presence (2 Corinth. 12:11-12) OR, this statement could be an allusion to other apostles other than the ‘original’ twelve.  Paul tells the Romans to salute Andronicus and Junia … who are of note among the apostles … (Rom 16:7).  Were these noted by Peter and the other apostles or were they apostles themselves or did mighty things to the twelve’s witness?  The biggest argument for apostles, other than the twelve, is Ephesians 4:11 itself.  The implication here is that these offices, all five, are given for the church’s continued growth – through the ages.    We read where Peter and the apostles were commanded to go into all the world with the gospel (Mat. 28:19-20, Acts 1:8).  If these apostles were the only ones who could establish the church, why would they need Paul?  The twelve apostles were for Israel as Paul was specified for the Gentiles.  Jesus Himself anointed Paul (Acts 9:15), thus allowing him into the list of apostles.  

Understand, Judas Iscariot died about the same time of the crucifixion, Paul between 64-67 AD (depending on who you read) and all the rest of the apostles had been martyred by about 74 AD, save John who was believed to have died a natural death about 95 AD.  Obviously, they had not gone into all the world (they  travelled by foot, or at best donkey) at this time to preach the gospel, so if there were no more apostles, who would establish new churches in other areas?  That’s what an apostle does.  Establish churches!  Surely, if apostles ended with the original twelve and Paul why would he imply (in his letters) that these five gifts would continue on?  I personally feel that if any of these offices were to end with the original apostles, they all would have.  But all five are needed for the church to function properly.  Yes, we have missionaries who start new churches is other countries, but aren’t they, in effect being apostles in performing this task?  Yes, we encourage each other, yet the prophet encourages individuals and the church.  I speak for myself, there are times I need to hear from God.  I hear from prophets today and I hear from God myself.   Rejecting apostles and prophets, we readily accept the other three.  But, are any of these offices truly not needed?

2) When that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away with (1 Corinth.13:8-12).  The question here is “What is the perfect?”  I’ve heard that it’s the creeds, the bible and spiritual maturity or maybe, could it be just maybe, our true maturity comes when Jesus calls us home?  For surely, at that time there will be no more discussion about who is right or who “knows” what God really meant.  Jesus, Himself, will clear up all the issues.  

The creed originated with the old Roman Creed, dating from sometime in the second century, the Apostle’s Creed, attributed to the apostles but not referenced until the late forth century is generally accepted but, the church gives preference to the Niocene Creed, also dating from the late fourth century (325 and 381), the Chalcedonian Creed dates from the mid fifth century or the Athanasian Creed dating from the mid sixth century.  The church generally consideres what is called the Niocene Creed which was considered ‘finalized’ in Chalcedon in 451 AD.  Too many creeds, some more complete than others but still man’s rendition of what we believe.  Which one do we really abide by?  
Which one of these perfect?
The bible?  Which version.  The first complete bible the church first used was the Latin Vulgate, finalized by Jerome in 405 AD.  It was based on the Greek Septuagint (the Hebrew bible written in Greek for Pharaoh Ptolemy’s library in Alexandria, Egypt) and the Greek New Testament writings available in Jerome’s time.  John Wycliffe produced an English translation of the Latin Vulgate about 1382 AD, which led to more attempts at an English translation, even before King James (1611 & 1639).  The 1611 edition included the arguable “apocrypha”, the 1639 edition did not. Which would be the perfect edition?  From King James through today how many translations/versions of the English bible do we have today?  Which is truly the perfect translaltion?  They all have some variances.  If the bible were ‘perfect’ why hasn’t Christianity settled on only one version as ‘absolutely the perfect bible’?

The five gifts are given for the perfecting of the saints, work of the ministry, edifying of the body until we become unified in faith in the knowledge of Jesus to a perfect man … (Eph. 4:12-13).  If these gifts are given to help us become ‘the perfect’, that perfectness cannot be handed down from generation to generation unless there is someone to continue to promote it.  There must be someone to guide each generation into understanding.  If any of the gifts are no longer needed, that implies that we are already living in a perfect world in Christ Jesus.  Yeah!  Right!  When do we really become perfect?  I know that I won’t be until I’m with Jesus in person.  My flesh keeps getting in the way here in this life (Rom. 8:21-25).  By the grace of God, my life may be improving each passing year but until I’m with Jesus???  Not there yet!

So, I contend that all these gifts are still necessary for the church to function properly.  None of them have passed away or ceased to operate or to be acknowledged or at least shouldn’t have. 
How many churches do you see where all these gifts are in full operation?  How many churches can we find which have no problems.  Why did Paul write his letters?  As he wrote to each church “I praise you for this, but ….”  The churches still had problems.  Read the letters.  And until we are without problems, are we perfect?

Think about it.  Father has given us tools to bring the church into unity.  Not a mega church, but many members working together, in unity, to accomplish HIS will in this world.  We can only affect the realm God gives us, but indeed we should to the best of our ability by seeking how God wants us to serve Him and do just that – affect the world around us to the best of our God-given ability..
