Glory to God in the HIghest
Breath of God
Isaiah 7:14 The Lord, Himself shall give a sign
‘Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and you shall call His name
Isaiah 9:6-7 A child is born to us, a child is given and
the government shall be upon His shoulder.
His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the
Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
There shall be no end to the growth of government and peace because He
will sit upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom, to order it and
establish it with judgement and justice, now and forever more. The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform
Matt. 1:19-21 Joseph, a just man, was not willing to make her
(Mary) a public example so he kept her in secret. But, while he was thinking on these things,
the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said
“Joseph, son of David, don’t be afraid to take Mary as your
wife for that which she bears is conceived of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a Son and you shall
call His name Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins.”
Now all this was done so that what the Lord said through the
prophet would be fulfilled “Behold, a virgin shall be with child and she shall
bring forth a son and they shall call His name Emmanuel, which is interpreted
‘God is with us’.”
Luke 2:7-14 And she brought forth her firstborn son and
wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger for there was no room
at the inn.
And in the same area, shepherds were
watching over their flock at night.
lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them and the glory of the Lord shined all
around them and they were afraid.
the angel said to them “Don’t be afraid for I bring you good tidings of great
joy which shall be to all people.
unto you this day, in the city of David, a Savior is born, who is Christ the
this shall be a sign to you, you will find the baby, wrapped in swaddling
clothes, lying in a manger.”
a multitude of the heavenly host joined the angel, praising God saying
to God in the highest, peace on earth and good will toward men.”
Luke 2:15-16 And, as it happened, when the angel
had ascended back into heaven, the shepherds said among themselves” Let us now
go to Bethlehem to this thing which has come to pass, which the Lord has shown
they hurried and found Mary, Joseph and the babe lying in a manger.
Can you imagine how awestruck the
shepherds must have been at the sight of the angels in the skies?
This announcement was not made to kings,
but to common folk, like you and me. The
of the Christ, the fulfillment of his coming into this
world and such a proclamation at His birth into
this world.
This is the time we celebrate the
birth of our Lord Jesus into this world.
Jesus came to serve
13:13-16) so He was not
born in a castle so He could ‘lord’ over people, but in a manger so He
meet us at our
Level and lead us in terms we could understand.
And yet His journey had just
barely begun.
Jesus, we have a new hope and a new life promised us through Him (John 10:10). The hope of
eternal fellowship
with the Father (1 John 1:3) where,
through the Holy Ghost, Jesus is with us, in us
and guides us (as we
listen, Luke 11:28) for He will
never leave us nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5).
In Sept./Oct., the Jews celebrated
the feasts of Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles. This
is a time of proclamation,
reconciliation and projection. We
proclaim our Lord, reconcile our differences then proclaim our intents for the
Oct./Nov. represents New
Beginnings. Even though we consider
Jesus to have been born in
December, this is the time we can look
forward to our life starting afresh in Jesus.
The Festival of Lights comes with Chanukah in
Nov./Dec. Even though, in our tradition,
isn’t born yet, we dedicate our lives
to our Messiah who is the Light of the world.
Of course, near the end of December,
we do celebrate the birth of Jesus into this world,
receiving the power and the wisdom to
stand against any evil that may come against us so we
may successfully enter the next phase
of our life.
These four months, for us, is a time
for cleansing, ordering our steps for the new year and to
plan in order to accomplish what is
necessary for the coming year. It is a
time to start off with a
fresh step. It
is a time to decide to stand fast in our Lord Jesus Christ and to determine to
the leading of the Holy Ghost.
As we celebrate the birth of our
Lord, Jesus, during this time, He represents a new life and a
new hope for us as we look forward to
a new year, living in His love.
This new phase of our current time? Father is preparing the outpouring of the
latter rain
5:24) through which everyone will benefit (Zech. 10:1).
The former, or early, rain prepares
the ground for planting then nurtures the seeds and the
young plants so they can sprout and
grow strong.
The latter rain helps the fruit to
mature and be ripe for harvest.
Jesus is the vine (John 15:1-6) and we are the branches
and it is ‘we’ who bear fruit (new converts),
bringing them into the body of Christ
through our testimony and assuring that their growth is solid
in Jesus Christ. But, for us to be effective, we need to be
where Father wants us to be – in our
relationship with Him. Should our relationship be weak, how can we
help others to have a strong
relationship with our Lord? So we
need to be doing our part to assure we are where Father wants
us to be. Just, as the fourth time, the Lord came to
Samuel calling his name. Now, having
prepared by Eli, Samuel responded
“Speak, for Your servant hears.” (1 Sam. 3:10) Do we hear
what God is saying to us? Are we truly listening?
You may have been hearing about the
“Spiritual explosion” that’s coming. It
is! And Father is
preparing His children for it, even
We are in the midst of a seven year
‘preparation’ period where Father is bringing His church into a
deeper understanding of its (our)
relationship with Him. He’s been
bringing His children into a
fuller, deeper relationship with
Himself so we can be truly effective servants for Him. He’s been
teaching us how to truly live for Him
and to hear Him and understand what He asks and then be
obedient to His will. As He sends us out, we will be ministering in
the full concept of the Holy Ghost.
Just as the apostles did. After all, we are a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), aren’t we? To serve God
with all our energies (Col. 3:23-24)?
We have witness to the first
outpouring, the early rain, in the book of Acts (Acts 2:1-21), then we
can read about the Impact of that
outpouring throughout the book of Acts and the New Testament
epistles. We see evidence of the power of the Holy
Ghost operating in the lives of believers.
‘just’ the apostles, but through
various believers. We see where Peter and
John healed the lame
man in the name of Jesus (Acts 3:1-10). We see at Peter’s preaching, five thousand
believed (Acts
4:1-4). Cornelius and his family are given as example
that salvation is for all, as well as the receiving
of the Holy Ghost (Acts 10:34-46). Paul (He was not one of the original twelve) cast
out devils in
Philippi with the woman possessed
with the spirit of divination (Acts
16:12-19). Not only were
people saved, healed and delivered,
but more believers received the baptism of the Holy Ghost as
exampled by the twelve on the road to
Ephesus (Acts 19:1-7). Oh, and by the way, as we serve God,
Father protects us as related in the
shipwreck as Paul travelled to Rome. Paul was bitten by an
unseen snake (Acts 28:1-6). The natives
knew that this snake was very poisonous and waited for
Paul’s quick death which didn’t come.
After all, Jesus said He would protect us, didn’t He (Luke
Jesus told His disciples that they
would do all the works that He did and more (John 14:12). That
didn’t go away with the apostles and
disciples of two thousand years ago. It includes
us, today.
Nothing passes away until the perfect
is come, that which is in part shall be done away with (1
Corinth. 13:10). Today, we see through a glass darkly, but
when we are with the Lord, all things will
be very clear (1 Corinth.13:12).
Be patient for the coming of the
Lord. The husbandman waits for the
precious fruit of the earth,
patiently he waits until the early
and the latter rain. We also should be
patient, establishing our
hearts (in Jesus Christ) for the
coming of the Lord draws near (James
I’ve heard it said that Jesus can’t
come back until Christians have made the world ready for Him. I
differ with that slightly. Something has to be ready But dare I say it’s
the church and not the world.
Father is preparing His church for Jesus’ return (Matt. 24:42-44). Look at how the church is
reflecting world values and Paul
tells the Thessalonians that there would first be a falling away (2
Thess. 2:1-3). Father is drawing believers closer to Him so
we can be like the five wise virgins
were continually ready for whenever
the bridegroom (Jesus) returns (Matt. 25:1-13).
The latter glory of this house shall
be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts. And in this
place I will give peace, declares the
Lord of hosts.’” (Haggai 2:9). In other words, when the latter
rains come, this fresh outpouring of
the Holy Ghost, will surpass what the ‘early rains’ did. I suggest
to you that the early rain was the
initial outpouring of the Holy Ghost to the early disciples and now,
as the fruit is ready to ripen, we approach
the harvest of the latter rain. The
latter rain is coming to
make the second outpouring of the
Holy Ghost greater than the first.
Greater strength, greater
power, greater manifestation so the
hearts of people may be solidified and that we may continue
steadfast and fellowshipping, in the
doctrine of Jesus Christ which the apostles preached (Acts
2:42). And a greater dose of God’s peace, which
surpasses all understanding (Phil. 4:7)
which will
probably rattle the world as they try
to figure how we can keep our ‘cool’.
Spiritual explosion is coming and just as we celebrate a time when Jesus brings
new life and new hope into our presence, we need to grasp the outpouring of the
Holy Ghost afresh, anew and abide in Christ Jesus so we can glorify the Father
by keeping His commandments. His commandments
are to love (Luke 10:25-28). There is no greater commandment and there is
no greater expression of that love than to give our lives for a brother (John 15:7-13). Jesus died on the cross to cleanse us from
our sin. We die to Him daily by yielding
our bodies, souls and strength, our very lives to Him (1 Corinth. 9:27, Rom. 8:14) by living for Him daily. So, we share that love with those around us
as Father opens the doors for His love to flow.
We show our love for our brothers and neighbors by considering them no
less than ourselves (Mark 12:31) and
doing that which will edify them (1
Corinth. 14:26).
‘is the season to let the love of
Jesus flow.
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