9-16-2016 Herod’s Temple, Our Walk with the Lord
How does our
walk with God relate to Herod’s Temple?
Back in
December 2014 Father gave me a bible study to bring to the fellowship on the correlation
between Herod’s Temple, Solomon’s temple and where Christians are in their
relationship with the Lord. He called it
the “Comfort Zone”. The comfort zone is
‘how close are we willing to walk with God?
Or, at what level are we willing to live for Him?
He has
continually tweaked my understanding of the ‘Comfort Zone’ and now He’s saying
it’s not just enough to understand where we are in our relationship with Him, but
NOW is the time to start growing closer and closer in our walk with Him by
putting what we know into action into our lives.
Our first
shot is an artist’s depiction of what the temple may have looked like. In the diagram, take note that all the
courtyards were within the perimeter of the temple outer wall. The Court of the
Gentiles surrounds the inner courts which include the Court of Women, Court of
Israel, Court of the Priests and the Holy Place. Anyone could enter into the Court of the
Gentiles but only Jewish men and women could enter into the Women’s Courtyard
and only men could enter the Court of Israel (to observe sacrifices). Then the Priest’s Courtyard was just that, a
place where only priests could go. The third picture is a depiction the Holy
Place which contains the Sanctuary and the smaller, Holy of Holies which is
also separated by a curtain or veil.
These various areas represent the levels in which Christians, the Church
of the New Testament, can walk and become comfortable in their relationship
with God.
Gentile’s Courtyard, along with all areas outside the temple walls represents
those who are unsaved, never having given their lives to Jesus. Woe to those who are comfortable out here for
their eternity is the lake of fire.
The women’s
Courtyard represents a conglomeration of people who had confessed Jesus but perhaps
better designated as sheep and goats (Matt.
25:31-46). The sheep, because they
did God’s will, enter into eternal life.
The goats are like Simon the Sorcerer as depicted in Acts 8:5-24. Simon confessed Jesus and was baptized along
with the others in Samaria yet Peter had to rebuke him because his heart was
not yet right with the Lord. Simon had
gone through the motions but his heart was not truly converted. In Matthew chapter 25, we see the goats going
into everlasting punishment.
In Jesus’
time, only Jews (or proselytes, those converted to Judaism) could enter into
the Women’s Courtyard, and today we might conclude that those who have
confessed Jesus and been baptized come this far in their relationship with God,
whether hypocritical or genuine. They
profess and appear to have salvation.
Here, the commitment isn’t great.
That is people may do what is necessary to maintain ‘salvation (see
Paul’s letters where he describes ‘should at least … Acts 15:28-29.) These would
be the souls who have no real rewards in heaven though their souls are ‘saved’
(1 Corinth. 3:13-14). Unfortunately, along with the sheep, there
may also be goats and some tares (Matt.
13:24-30) where the enemy sowed tares in the field while men slept, but our
enemy sowed tares (stumbling blocks) in
our churches while they sleep.
The Priest’s
Courtyard is where the animal sacrifices were performed while the men observed
from the Court of Israel. The men were
generally considered the heads of household and were responsible for
others. Christ is the covering for a man
and a man is the covering for the wife (1
Corinth. 11:3-12). More
responsibility means a closer walk with the Lord in order to fulfill those responsibilities
and in today’s world, responsibility becomes more important than gender and
those with greater responsibility need to come, at least, as far as the Court
of Israel. A closer walk with God.
The Priest’s
Courtyard is for the priesthood and in today’s world he/she who desires and
seeks a closer walk with our Father.
These are the souls who have a desire not to ‘just’ live for God but
have a desire to serve Him (in some capacity) and in order to serve God
effectively, we need to have some sort of reasonable relationship with Him –
reading the bible to learn His ways better (2 Tim:2:15), praying more intently, earnestly, so we can find His
direction (Eph. 6:17). Maybe even fasting along with those prayers (Matt. 17:20-21), more than that to
which we’ve been accustomed. And
remember, we are a royal priesthood, chosen by God (1 Peter 1:5-10)
Again, in the
Priest’s Courtyard we have a myriad of souls at various stages of growth in the
Lord, but nonetheless, growth, a call to service. I don’t mean just helping out with the Sunday
School class or one of the ‘helps’ ministries.
It can start there but there is a hunger to understand that which Father
has called us to do, a specific task, and we are growing in understanding to
what that task is and then pursuing it.
This could range from being the church Janitor, the secretary, a Sunday
School teacher, a youth minister, minister of music, pastor or evangelist, or
prophet or an apostle, all serving God at various levels. To what level? Do the names Billy Graham and Benny Hinn mean
anything to us? I mean, neither Billy
nor Benny started off as great preachers. And this is a call to service, no matter what
level it starts at or reaches.
Whoa! If that’s what it takes to enter into the
Priest’s Courtyard, what does it take to get into the Holy Place?
The Holy
Place is a place of personal commitment – to Jesus. It supplements, increases and/or intensifies
any area of service which we enter because whenever we seek to walk closer with
the Lord, He enhances whatever we do. It
doesn’t matter in what level we are serving God, entering the Holy Place
reflects our personal relationship with Father.
How close are we walking with Him?
How much closer are we willing to walk with Him? This is where Father would like ALL His
children, in the Holy Place (at least) no matter at what level of service they
abide. How deep a relationship do we
want with the Father? One may ask “Do I
have to have some sort of ministry to get to this level?” No.
But I take the liberty to say that when you seek a closer walk with God,
He will give you a ministry. We can only
take so much into our cup before we have to pour some back out in order to take
in more.
The Holy
Place contains the Sanctuary. This where
the priests offer that sweet aroma of incense to God. The priests offered lambs, etc. for the
people’s sins and healing on the altar in the Priest’s Courtyard, but in the
sanctuary he lets the odor of that sweet smelling incense rise into the heavens
offering up that sweet savor of true praise and worship. When we offer true, genuine, heartfelt praise
and worship to Father, He pours His love back upon us. We touch His heart and He touches ours
because when we worship Him as the only true and living God, thank Him for who
He is and what He has done for us (already) and we praise Him for the same, He
inhabits our praises and becomes one with us (Psalms 22:3) because we have become one with Him (John 17:15-26).
We talk with
Jesus, we walk with Jesus, we live for Jesus (because He lives in us) and we
abide in Jesus and as we abide in Jesus, He and the Father abide in us (back to
John 17). Amen.
Our personal
relationship with the Lord is growing at this stage but there is one more step
to take in that growth. Every soul who
has confessed Jesus, Father wants to come through that torn veil into the Holy
of Holies and sup with Him. Just as
Father communed with Adam and Eve in the garden before the fall (Gen. 3:8), He wants to commune with us
(His children) not just when we get to heaven, but here and now. When we are in our personal, private prayer
time with Him, He desires us to come in and sit down and commune. Not just ‘talk’, but share our hearts with
Him and then listen to what He has to share with us. Here, the Holy Ghost interprets our feelings
to our Father and the response back to us.
This is what He does (in part) (Rom.
When Father
brings me into His ‘zone’, that’s when He shares the things with me that He
wants me to know and understand. It’s an
anointing for me because this is when He is communing with me. It’s kind of crazy, because I don’t usually
know when I enter into the “zone”, but when He has finished sharing with me, I
know that I am indeed in it and it will take a while to come back out of it. He gives me glimpses of where He’s taking
me. How the ministry He has bestowed
upon me is going to unfold so I can function at the level He is calling
me. John the Baptist was a voice crying
in the wilderness, PTL! I’m just a pebble on the beach and because
I’m just a pebble on the beach I can confidently say that what Father has done
and is doing for me , He’ll do for anyone simply because He loves our obedience
in His Word and His will. He loves our
returning our love to Him, no matter how feeble our attempts may seem. He wants so much to commune with us,
The veil is
torn. The door is open. All we have to do is walk in. Are we willing to enter the Holy of Holies
and sup with our Heavenly Father?