Welcome to this site. My prayer is that you take a look at the site and as you do, let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart and reveal what God wants you to discover. (in Jesus' name)

God tells us that if we see a brother (or sister) in need we should do that which is within our means to help. Prayer is always within our means but we never know what doors Father may open through them. Should you desire prayer for anything (healing, direction, etc.) or if you want supportive prayer along with your own please feel free to e-mail that request to and be assured that there are others who will be praying with or for you.

In this blog, I share what the Lord shares with me. I reference scripture a lot in support of what is being said. I realize that what is in each entry is NOT a complete 'word' (discussion) on what is being said, but is rather enough information to stimulate our spirits to dig deeper (remember the Bereans Acts 17:10-11) thereby gaining a fuller understanding for ourselves.

At the end of each post are the options to share, forward or make a comment. Click 'comment' to respond. Let us know if you like, don't like or are helped by what you read. Comments can be made or read by anyone. All you have to do is select the "comment" at he end of the entry.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

A New Year's Word (a day early)

Here’s the Daily Prophetic Word for December 31, 2015 from Doug Addison!

A major shifting is happening in the spirit realm and things will never be the same.

Here's an additional comment:

Things ARE shifting AND starting to pick up speed as Father is drawing His children to new levels of performance. Those who hear his voice and follow suit will find things coming together, maturing more rapidly learning more quickly and just plain growing faster. Ministries will not only start materializing but developing so quickly heads will spin and our witness for/in Jesus will be firm, immovable and we will praise and glorify in all that we do. Father's family is starting to become so entrenched in who we are in Christ Jesus that God's children just might start acting, doing and believing like 'God's children'.

This is the beginnings of an exciting time and will carry through these next six years culminating in a mind blowing spiritual explosion like the world has never seen. I would the whole world would come to Jesus, but the hardness of man's heart and mind will enable the prophecies of Revelation to be fulfilled.


Friday, December 25, 2015


'Tis the season

I rode with my daughter and granddaughter up to my son’s home just outside of Chambersburg, Pa. yesterday for our family’s Christmas celebration. You now, to exchange gifts, share good food and fellowship along with my daughter-in-law’s mom, her husband and her two sisters. I always come home from these ‘gatherings (especially at Christmas) with more stuff than I need, but nonetheless enjoy things like ‘buckeyes’, cookies and fudge. What are ‘buckeyes’ you ask? They are the original Reese’s Cup, peanut butter surrounded in a half shell of milk chocolate. And yes, they do look a bit like eyes but I must admit I’ve never asked where the ‘buck’ comes from, too busy poppin’ ‘em in my mouth (mmmmmm).

As my son, his wife and my three grandsons enjoy relaxing at their home today I’m going over to my daughter’s later today to enjoy a ‘traditional’ spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread dinner. Spaghetti & meatballs? Traditional? Hey, my last name has Germanic and English roots but as my dad used to say our heritage is Heinz 57 variety so there just may be a Luigi or a Sophia somewhere in the woodpile. Woodpile? Oh, guess I forgot to mention my dad’s roots go back to southeastern West Virginia, up in the mountains.

This AM NBC had a Cardinal from New York explaining the ‘real reason for the season’ and he did a pretty good job considering the limited time he had. He asked if he could start back in the Garden of Eden but the Hostess, Savannah, politely smiled and laughed indicating probably not a good idea.

I need to mention this one last thing. The church my son & his family attend had their annual Christmas offering, what is now almost two weeks ago. They used a ‘real’ infant for the baby Jesus and (PTL) for the first time in my life I saw somebody use, for they actually used a toddler (@2 yrs. old) for Jesus in the scene when the magi come to town!

All of this brings me to my point – “Tis the Season’. The Cardinal mentioned that God gave his greatest gift to man by giving us His Son as the infant Jesus. I’ll add that the magi bought gifts to the young child Jesus as they payed homage to the coming of his kingship and his kingdom,

As we grow in Christ Jesus, we come to know that Jesus is the only ‘Begotten Son’ of the Father because God took all that He ever said (His Word) and put it into the womb of a young, faithful Jewish girl and brought the totality of who God is into this world in physical form (the flesh, John 1). In this God began the fulfillment of what He promised Adam and Eve so long ago in the Garden where He told Satan that there would put enmity (hostility or hatred) between his seed and the woman’s seed and even though Satan’s seed might bruise the heel of the woman’s seed, the woman’s seed would bruise Satan’s seed head (Gen. 3:15). The word used here for ‘bruise ‘ is the Hebrew word ‘shuwph’ which means to bruise, break or cover (as in overwhelm). This is not just a promise to man (via Adam & Eve) but a prophecy of the Father’s triumph over evil. With the birth of Jesus as the beginning of the fulfillment of this prophecy. This was echoed by a certain Simeon who in part prophesied (Luke 2:34-35) “the child is set for the fall and the rising again of many in Israel and for a sign which shall be spoken against. ‘indeed a sword shall pierce through your own soul that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed’ (Heb. 4:12).

Now we know that Jesus grew, waxed strong in spirit and God’s grace was upon Him (Luke 2:40) so the ‘gift of God’ to us (man) also showed us how to live (through His ministry) reaffirming the Father’s promise to us with His Words.

When Jesus’ time was come they did take Him to the cross and crucified Him where He died shedding precious blood to cleanse us of our sins, unrighteousness (Luke 22 & 23). Yet the gift and the promise don’t end here for on the third day Jesus rose from the grave (Luke 24) – alive and well, in the flesh and shared more about the kingdom of God with His disciples for the next forty days (Acts 1:3). But the gift and the promise don’t stop here for at the end of those forty days Jesus ascended back to heaven (from whence He came, Acts 1:9) and is seated at the right hand (power & authority, Rom. 8:34) of the Father. But the gift and the promise don’t stop here because He is coming back for us so we can be with the Father through Him forever (Acts 1:11).

So ‘tis the season to remember that through our faith, belief and confession of Jesus Christ that He is coming back for us. That He rose from the grave and walked and taught His disciples more about the kingdom of heaven and so He could ascend into heaven completing the task of reuniting ‘us’ with the Father. He died on the cross fulfilling the Law’s requirement for death as the required punishment for sin (in our place). That He lived, walked and talked amongst man giving us an example so we could realize what God expects from us. He was born in a manger, under the Law (that is human) so He could redeem us from the curse of the Law (death). He is the greatest gift God could ever have given to us (man) so that He (the Father) could once again enjoy fellowship with us as He once had with Adam & Eve in the garden before the fall.


To relish His great mercy

To enjoy fellowship with the One who has created all that is

To give Him thanksgiving, praise and glory for all the He is and has done (for us)

To live in His love

Because He first loves us

‘Tis the season to remember what a mighty thing Father has done though the ‘least’ (a baby) for us

Friday, December 11, 2015


One cog on the wheel

1 Corinth. 13:9 for we know in part and we prophecy in part

In chapter thirteen, Paul speaks of the value, reality and importance of ‘love’. He tells us that without love nothing else carries much value. Yes, we might do good works but without love it really means very little – maybe only a temporary fix. Bu after verse nine, Paul encourages us to grow (mature) in love. Verse nine, however, says that whatever we do in this world we do in part. That is we may not see the complete picture or know the whole story. But we know what God reveals to us at a given time. We see in part because we’re not yet mature in love.

Sometimes, the prophetic might get a bad rap because the speaker may not reveal all that pertains to the situation. God may not have shown him the whole picture. Example: The evening sky is streaked with blue, red, orange and yellow and maybe a few shades of mixed colors. Father says to the prophet “Look how blue the sky is. Go tell my children.” The prophet dutifully carries this word to the children but the children look up and see many colors in the sky. Even though the blue may be the most brilliant and beautiful blue God has ever put in the sky, the prophet may be accused of being a ‘false prophet’ simply because he/she didn’t mention the other colors. Was the prophet wrong? No. he/she spoke to the children what God said to speak and nothing more. At the same time, or even at different times, different sunsets, God may send the same or other prophets to point out the other colors in the spectrum.

Think of a wheel or more specifically a gear. The gear has many teeth or cogs, four, a dozen, whatever. All cogs are part of the same wheel and each cog has a job to do as it interfaces with parts of the respective machine. That cog does what it is supposed to do, it meshes with designed other parts and nothing more when it is supposed to. Even though it may be rotating because it is circular and each cog advances the gear with each connection, it still does its job when its turn comes up. It does its job and only its job. It isn’t designed to do anything else.

If we look at the Old Testament and read about God’s prophets, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and all the rest, God gave each of these men a specific task to perform with respects to the children of Israel. They performed their task and only that task. Of course then, afterwards, God may have given them another task to perform, related or unrelated to the previous task, and they would do that.

If we look at a ‘timeline’ of when the prophets existed, we see many overlapped each other, that is that many served, at least a portion of their time, during the same time period as another prophet. More than one might be serving at a specific time but each had their ‘own’ message from God.

Not all words come to pass immediately. Daniel interpreted Nebuchadenzzar’s dream of the giant statue (Dan. Chptr2). He told the king that the gold head represented the king’s current kingdom, but the parts of silver, brass, iron and clay were all future kingdoms, even the stone which broke the stature into pieces was another kingdom.

Point is that when someone operates in the ‘prophetic’ today, their words will come to pass but we need God’s wisdom to determine is the word for today? Or tomorrow? I know for myself as Father has taught me through the ‘revelations of a word pertaining to birds. On several occasions He gave me a word prompted by the actions of birds which I saw out my front window. Between Jan. 2015 and Feb. 2015 four times He shared a word focused around the activity of birds. The word can be progressive, a part now, a part tomorrow and so on as it was with the birds. The lesson with the birds is that God was sharing with me what He wanted to share at a given time. Then after He shared all four installments He tied it all up into a neat little package showing me a more complete picture of how one prophecy led to the next revealing a complete picture of progression. Get the drift?

Don’t get upset or discouraged just because someone doesn’t have the whole picture up front but rather weigh what is said against God’s written word for consistency. We know God is love. Is what was said consistent with the operation of God’s love? If so, receive it and expect it, even when it doesn’t happen right away. The prophecy may be what God intends for you down the road. An example from my life: I might have been a teenager or I might have been in my twenties, I don’t recall anymore but I asked God if I would ever amount to anything. I ‘felt’ a response in that what God had for me would come late in life. I turned twenty in 1965. More than forty years later, over the past two to three years Father has been unraveling what He has set aside for me. I don’t feel too bad though. Abraham was 100 years old when he became the father of Isaac, the promised son. Moses sneaked out of Egypt, eluding what would have been Pharaoh’s wrath (Exod. Chptr 2) when he was forty years old and came back to deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt forty years later when he was eighty. Now I’m not comparing myself to Abraham or Moses but what i am saying is that a day with the Lord is ‘like’ a thousand years (2 Peter 3:8). The word ‘like’ doesn’t limit a day with God to be a thousand years, it means that a day is as infinite as God desires. What I am saying is God is timeless. He knows the beginning and the end. They are the same to Him so what seems like an eternity to us is just a blink of the eye for Him. So, now, I’m anticipating what He has in store for me as I continue to mature as His child.

Any child of God can bring a prophetic word (but remember Satan can imitate) but God’s love is the yardstick. Anytime someone speaks into our lives weigh it against ‘God’s nature’. Of course, we’ll have to know something about God’s nature to do that and to do that we'll need to know some bible. Also God is in the ‘edification business’ (Romans 14:9) so all word should be delivered in love and even though it may seem harsh sometimes, it is always done for our edification. To help us to become a better and more productive person (Christian).

I speak for myself, most of the prophetic words spoken into my life over the past several years have confirmed what Father has already told me. If the word is ‘new’ to me and if it is truly from the Lord, it will edify, be consistent with God’s nature and it will come to pass. It may come to pass quickly or as with me, we just may have to be patient sometimes. It will come to pass and God will tell you. That is He will confirm it in your heart as well as through others. If He hasn’t told you first, as long as you listen, He will tell you.

Originally I was going to share the ‘words’ prompted by the birds but Father said to share this first so I said OK, next time. Father said “No, I have something else planned for the next time, the birds can come in January.” I said OK (what else would I say?

Again, somebody out there needs these words and I pray Father blesses them through them.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Father gave me this this AM during my morning prayer session.  He said to put it on the blog now because somebody out there needs to see these words.  Someone out there needs to hear this message because that someone (maybe be more than one) needs the confirmation for what Father has been telling them.

I know that someone reading this will say "who does this guy think he is?"  I would say the same if I were in your shoes but I'm just trying to do what God tells me.  Obedience is what He desires of us and I am trying to be so.  

AM Prayers

General 1Kings 18:41-46 The rain starts as a little cloud but quickly grows into massive storm clouds bringing a great rain with wind.

Such is the Holy Ghost explosion that is coming. It is starting as a whisper but over the next six years it will grow into the roar of a mighty wind that will begin to sweep the globe. It will begin as a small “mew” as of a lion cub but it will grow into the mighty roar of the King. It will has already started as a small still voice but the time is coming when the clap of its thunder will be heard ‘round the world.

I am calling My children, I am gathering My children that they will do My bidding bringing souls to My table to sup with Me.

Take this as the Holy Ghost leads.
Amen (let it be so)