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In this blog, I share what the Lord shares with me. I reference scripture a lot in support of what is being said. I realize that what is in each entry is NOT a complete 'word' (discussion) on what is being said, but is rather enough information to stimulate our spirits to dig deeper (remember the Bereans Acts 17:10-11) thereby gaining a fuller understanding for ourselves.

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Saturday, March 30, 2019

3/30/2019           FINE TUNING


Though we may be sent out before we think we are ready, Father will put us out in the field when HE deems us ready.  Not before and only after if we are dragging our feet.  God is fine tuning us for our mission ahead.

The snowball, rolling downhill, starts off very tiny but two things happens as is progresses.  As it rolls, the snowball grows bigger and, as it grows bigger, it rolls faster and faster as it progresses down the hill.  However, our snowball, instead of just falling to pieces in a snow bank, when it reaches bottom (our readiness), will burst open as an explosion of great magnitude.  Our snowball, like the blooming flower, springs forth new life and is ready to serve!

We are about half in our current seven year season.  As our snowball is about half way down the hill and as it grows, little pieces will be flying off in different directions.  Those are the little pieces that are not necessary for our growth.  Those little pieces are the sins that pop up in our life, negative thinking and/or our ‘bad’ habits which only hinder us, which we shed.  As we continue downhill, we become more and more the image of our heavenly Father.

Watched SG1 (TV show, Star Gate 1st team) and in the episode it mirrored what would be a Buddhist-like atmosphere of this particular temple on some unknown world.  The monk-like character could perform some amazing things with the elements around him, simply by thinking it to be so.  He spent time convincing the character Daniel Jackson (of SG1) that he could do likewise.  All he had to was focus and believe.  Focus and Believe! 

What does Jesus ask us to do?  As Christians today, as we focus on Jesus and believe we can do all things through Him, He said we could do all that He did plus more.  Does the grain of a mustard ring a bell (Matt. 17:15-21)?  Jesus promised we could do all that He did and more (John 14:12). The monk also talked about trust.  Just as Peter had to trust Jesus in order to walk on water, we must trust Jesus to accomplish what He has started in our lives.  And then, unlike Peter, stay focused on Jesus (Matt. 14:28-32).  I know that some will say “But Jesus took Peter’s hand and led him back to the boat.  True, but had Peter stayed focused on Jesus, he could have met Jesus on the water and walked back to the boat WITH Him (still on top of the water).  Peter dildn’t start to sink until he took his eyes off of Jesus and started looking at the circumstances around him.  Thank God Jesus is always there to help us in our weaknesses.

When we focus on Jesus, trusting Him for all things and believing He will deliver (just as He said He would), then we can do all things through Christ Jesus because the Holy Ghost is alive and well within our hearts (Phil. 4:13).  Amen?

Father has given all of us a gift that only we can perform (as an individual) in the way He has equipped us, whether we believe in God or not.  But, gifts are given without repentance (Rom. 11:29) so we don’t have to be saved to have a calling or gift (talent).  However, when we follow Jesus, Father can develop that gift to its fullest, pointed in the right direction so we can help those around us AND glorify our Father, which is in heaven.

Fine tuning doesn’t mean less, but more!

More Will be Given to Him that has

Matt. 25:19-21

            After a long time, the Lord returned to settle with his servants
One with 5 talents doubled what he had begun with
Father was pleased

This also relates to our Spiritual growth in the Lord.
As we are diligent and faithful in what God does give us, He will give us more.
Successful at one level, God promotes us to the next

Ezekiel 37:1-14
Fine tuning has a beginning:

            Bones strewn all across the valley
What has God called me to?
            God brings those old dry bones together in proper alignment (bone on bone)
                        Am I understanding my task?
            He connects those bones with sinews so they stay together, no longer scattered
                        Am I becoming focused on my task?
            He covers those skeletons with muscle so they can function – do what He asks
                        God is equipping me to perform that task
He covers the bones and muscles with skin so we can look like what we’re supposed to be – a reflection of God’s love

People recognize that I am God’s servant.  They must see something different about me as I serve the Lord.
            But the resulting body (bodies) has (have) no life

            I know what to do, how to do it but am I reluctant to do it?
            Am I afraid?  Do I have the confidence to step out?
            Or am I content right where I am?
            Bear in mind that being content or luke-warm really doesn’t produce much

And fine tuning continues:

Breath, come from the 4 winds that these who are slain might live – breath of live enters in and an army stands up but they complain.  My bones are dry, I’m lost, I’m cut off for my parts.
I have the Holy Ghost within me and have the authority to go forth but do I still doubt my God-given gift?

Fine tuning isn’t complete until we become complete in God. 
Father says He will bring us up out of our graves (bringing full life), the baptism of Holy Ghost in power (Acts 1:8) and put us in our own land (give us back the authority Adam ceded over to the enemy.

I am now empowered by the HG, I can operate fully in God’s will being effective for the kingdom of God in this world.
All I have to do now is step out and do that which God has called me, knowing that He is with me all the way (Deut. 31:6, John 14:16, Heb. 13:5).

We are fine-tuned enough to go out and serve, but we will continue to grow until we abide in the literal presence of our Lord.
Fine tuning is God’s “Breakthrough” strategy to prepare us for the Spiritual explosion which is coming.

Our strategy?

Each of us has a God-given talent (Jeremiah 1:5 – He knows us, sanctified us and ordained us), for something only we can do, the way He has called us to do it.

Not all will be behind the scenes, not all will preach before large crowds, but all will minister with their own God-given talents helping souls to join us in a true relationship with Jesus Christ.  I’m not just talking about lost souls in the world but those wayward souls in the church.  The church will be shaken as well. 

All those who may have gone astray (for whatever reason), those who are just treading water (hoping to get in to heaven by the skin of their teeth) and those who may really be trying but have no clue to who Jesus really is, will come to the realization of what it takes to enjoy eternal fellowship with the Father through Jesus Christ. 

Yes, this does mean that there will be front-line troops.  Somebody has to be before the lost and the wayward, but all those front line troops have a support team behind them. 
The military is supported by artillery and air support.  All are supported by logistic support and supply lines.  There is a task for all willing to serve and those who do serve should serve with the fullness that Father has to offer.

In the 1990’s there was a movement called WWJD (what would Jesus do?).  The idea was to ask oneself “What would Jesus do in any given situation?

Though I was employed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for several years and the General Services Administration (GSA) for a short time I spent the bulk of my career with the federal government working for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  Half of my career with them was processing drug applications for scientific review and approval for public distribution.  We had definitions which guided us identifying the various types of communications we received and how to properly route them for review.  One day I sat grumbling at my desk about how some documents were easy to classify while others took great effort to see what the drug companies were submitting.  As I grumbled I heard a voice in my heart “Buck, give Me the job.”  So I said “OK.”.  Aside from my salvation experience, this was when I truly started giving my life over to the Lord.  As I was obedient to Him, Father blessed me with promotions and then a job change which prompted more promotions.  Father does the same with the calling He has placed on our lives.  He promotes us as we are faithful, maybe even giving us new duties as we grow.         

WE need to seek God as to our task, then pursue it so we can do our part when and as necessary.  Once we know our calling in life, we need to perform that task as if we are serving the Lord.  After all, that’s exactly what we are doing (Matt. 25:37-40).  We do what God gives us with all our strength, might and energy and HE will bring the results.

The enemy doesn’t like to see us grow.  He will try to stop us, but as our faith grows we are more able to resist the devil at any level to which God takes us.  After all, he who is faithful with a small responsibility, shall be given more (Matt. 25:23).

So, as we see in the valley of dry bones, there is a growth process.  But God promises us that through each stage of our growth, He is with us, empowering us to move on to the next.
Our strategy is to continue walking closer with the Lord so we can realize the full potential which He has put within us.

Father desires for His children to come through the torn curtain of the temple, into His Holy of Holies and commune with Him.  Then, because our hearts are one with our Father (through Jesus Christ, our Lord) we can realize that He does give us the desires of our heart because we have committed our ways to Him.

Father is fine tuning us though giving us a breakthrough strategy – serving Him with all our heart.


Saturday, March 16, 2019

3-16-2019        Life of Jesus and The Three spheres of battle


So, just how does Jesus’ life reflect the three battlefields of life – the natural man, the spiritual man and the heart of man?

Jesus lived as we do for thirty years

The bible doesn’t say much about the first thirty years of Jesus’ life here on earth and I’m not about to try and go back to explain what happened with Him between “before creation” and His “natural” birth in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago.  Neither am I going to say much about those “dark years” before He started His ministry. 

Even though the bible doesn’t say much about those first thirty years on earth, it does give us an idea of what His life was probably like.

Jesus had to come into our world in order to redeem us from it.  He walked as we did before Calvary so we would have no excuse “You don’t know what it’s like down here!”  From His humble birth in Bethlehem He did walk as we walk, experiencing those things which we experience.

We know sons usually followed in their father’s footsteps that is they took up the trade of their fathers.  This may be an extension from when Moses and Israel were in the wilderness, Father told him that He had given certain people certain skills (Exod. 35:30-35) – to build the tabernacle, the ark, etc.  Sons would normally be familiar with what their fathers knew and did, so when they came of age, they would follow in the “family business”.  Jesus was presumed to be the son of the carpenter, Joseph, so we may also presume that Jesus, as a youth, trained to be a carpenter like Joseph.

As a boy in the temple

However after one pilgrimage,Joseph and Mary realized that Jesus was not in the entourage as they travelled home from Jerusalem and went back looking for Him.  They found Him in the temple and berated Jesus for not letting someone know where He was.  Jesus’ response “Don’t you know I must be about My Father’s business” (Luke 2:43-49).  From this statement, we may also presume, that Jesus was learning the “family business” from His true Father as He wowed the scribes and Pharisees with His knowledge of scriptures.

The “natural” legacy of Jesus

Jesus obeyed His parents and increased in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:51-52).  We may also conclude that as Jesus obeyed His earthly parents and that this was a reflection that He also was obedient to His heavenly Father.  Or was it vice versa?

All this laid the foundation for the ‘natural man’ in Jesus as He was exposed to all the trials, tribulations and temptations of this world and because He pleased both God and man, we know that He successfully passed this stage of His life.  This is also evidenced by His successfully passing those final three trials in the wilderness after His baptism by John (Matt. 4:1-11).

Jesus walked in the full power of the Father as He ministered to us for @3 ½ years
The next stage of His life, the ‘spiritual man” began when Jesus went to the river to be baptized by John the Baptist.  Recognizing in his spirit, John said to Jesus, “It is I who should be baptized by you” (paraphrase).  Yet Jesus answered John “Do this now, for it is necessary to fulfill all righteousness.” (Matt.3:13-15)  (That is to fulfill the “Law” and become acceptable to God).

As he preached the coming Messiah, John was baptizing with water representing the cleansing from sin which the Messiah would bring.  As Jesus came up out of the water, the Holy Spirit descended upon Him like a dove and a voice from heaven said “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” (Mark 1:10-12)  Thus beginning the second phase of Jesus’ ministry to us – building our spiritual man.  With the full power of our heavenly Father embodied in His presence, Jesus began teaching us how we could (and should) walk closer with God.

Early in His ministry as He was in the Synagogue, the book of Isaiah was given Jesus.  In part, it read “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, heal the broken hearted, bring deliverance to the captives, sight to the blind and liberty to those who are bruised (broken) and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.”  Then Jesus said, “This day, this scripture is fulfilled in your ears” (Luke 4:17-21).  Jesus was talking about how He was going to repair our spiritual condition in so we could be with and walk closer with God.

How did Jesus minister?

Jesus taught His disciples by word AND example as to how to bring lost souls into the kingdom of God.  He was also teaching them (and us) how to walk in God’s love so we too, could show the true nature of our heavenly Father to those around us.  The disciples were with Jesus, watching all that He did, and then later He sent them out to ‘practice’ (Luke 10:1-10).

The scriptures tell us that the beginning of miracles (John 2:11) for Jesus began at the wedding feast at Cana (John 2:1-10).  Since then, wherever Jesus ministered, miracles were performed, people healed and devils were cast out.

More than once Jesus controlled a storm (natural elements) commanding their rage to stop “Peace, be still” (Mark 4:36-41, Matt. 14:22-32). 

God gave dominion of the earth to Adam (Gen. 1:26-28).  But Adam ceded that over to Satan when he and Eve disobeyed God’s command to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Through all that He did, Jesus was showing that through Him, we can regain that dominion.
Upon the mountain, part of what Jesus told those who were gathered to hear Him, was that He had come, not to destroy the law, but to fulfill it (Matt. 5:17)! 

Many believe that we aren’t obligated to the “Law” (10 Commandments) because Jesus fulfilled the law, but Jesus said that not one pen stroke or punctuation mark of the law will pass away until everything has been fulfilled (Matt. 5:18).  In short, once we are abiding with God for all eternity the law will become moot because we will be existing in His eternal love.  And what did the ‘Law” do for us?  It explained God’s love and how we could (and should) interface with Him and those around us.  

Read the gospels.  Jesus kept the law even though He fulfilled it.  Today, we don’t ‘keep the law’ to get saved, we keep God’s law (which is love) because ‘we are saved’!  Father’s Law of love should be abiding in our hearts (Jer. 31:33, Heb. 10:16).  

Jesus healed the sick, the blind, as well lepers.  He caused the lame to walk.  He cast out devils.  When He sent them out, He gave the disciples the authority to also do this.  Yet, one time, they weren’t very successful and they brought a demon possessed boy back to Jesus wondering what happened.  Jesus told them that this comes by prayer and fasting (Matt. 17:14-21).  We have to have a true ‘commitment’ with the Father to see complete results.

As with the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus knew things about people and the woman perceived that He was a prophet (John 4:19, John 4:4-39).  (I wonder if being the ‘Son of God’ qualified Him as such? lol)   Today, the Holy Ghost will reveal things to us.

Jesus showed compassion as with Mary and Martha in the ‘death’ of their brother, Lazarus, (John 11:1-44) as he wept (John11:35).  But earlier, Jesus had reminded them that He is the resurrection and belief in Him brings life over death (John 11:25).

Even with all this love pouring out, Jesus did get angry – when the Father’s righteousness was challenged.  Often, people would come to the temple, having none of their own, they had to buy a sacrifice to present to the Lord but those who bought and sold cheated the people and Jesus let them know that, in so doing, they were desecrating God’s house (Matt. 21:12-13).

Through all this, Jesus taught that He was willing to teach anyone whose heart was willing to receive (Matt. 21:22).  He demonstrated this through the parable of the sower (Matt. 13:11-23).

Through all of this (and more) Jesus laid the foundation for our spiritual battleground.  But there was one more stage in life for Jesus to address.

Connecting our heart with the Father

Now, our heart is connected to the Father in our ‘salvation experience.  But Father desires us to walk “with” Him.  This we do by yielding every aspect of our lives over to Him.  And that is abiding in His love and fully keeping His commandment of love.  This doesn’t happen overnight.  It is a growing process in our spirit as the Holy Ghost guides and directs us.

After the crucifixion and the resurrection, Jesus walked with His disciples for forty days teaching them even more about the kingdom of God (Acts 1:2-3).

Then, He was taken back up into heaven (Acts 1:9-11), and having already told His disciples that He was going away but would not leave them (us) comfortless (John 14:16-20).  He gives us the Holy Ghost ten days after His ascension (Acts 2:1-18).

Jesus now stands at the right hand of the Father.  Just ask the first martyr of the church, Stephen (Acts 7:54-60). 

Jude says “Glory, Majesty, dominion and power belong to the only wise God, our Savior both now and forever.” (Jude 25)  Who is our Savior?  So, Jesus stands in the glory of the Father in heaven waiting for when He will come back and get us (John 14:3).

We know a few things have to happen before that.  The disciples asked Jesus how shall we know when You are coming back for us.  Jesus describes the conditions of the end times concluding with “this generation shall not pass until these things are fulfilled (Matt. 24:3-34).

Then all things shall be subdued and become subject to Christ, then all things (including the Son) shall be in God (1 Corinth. 15:15-28).

Our heart will then be one with the Father through Jesus Christ, our Lord, FOREVER.
This why Jesus tells us, that while we are still in this world, to seek the kingdom of God, first and foremost (Matt. 6:33).  Then our Lord tells us to ask, seek and knock (Matt. 7:7) so that the blessings of God can come down from heaven and strengthen our hearts as we draw closer to Him.
So from His ascension back into heaven until He comes back for us, Jesus continues to build our heart up in His love.  He draws us ever closer in our relationship with the Father through our relationship with Him (Jesus).  Of course, once we are with God in eternity, our relationship becomes complete. 

The Life of Jesus reflects our three cord battle front:  He walked thirty years as we do, in the natural, being subject to the same things we face – day in and day out. 

He ministered to our spiritual man for three and a half years.  Helping us to understand how we should live and where hearts should be.   

And now, being at the right hand of the Father, Jesus ministers to our hearts (through the Holy Ghost) until the time He brings us to join Him in eternity. 


Saturday, March 2, 2019

3-2-2019    Armor of God and Today

Father used the Armor of God to springboard the whole revelation about our three areas of spiritual battle.  I originally talked about this on November 24, 2018 in “Who is fighting Whom?”  As Father started answering that question, He started unfolding the scriptures showing that this is reflected in the “The Law”, Ezekiel’s “Valley of Dry Bones”, the life and ministry of Jesus, the Godhead and so forth.  He continues to show me how our three battle fronts are laced throughout scripture. 

Actually this goes all the way back to Genesis and the Garden of Eden (Gen. Gen. 2:7-23).  God put man in a garden to take care of it and freely partake of its fruit (except the tree of knowledge …).  The heart of man was working with God, Almighty. 

Initially Adam named all the creatures God had formed but there was no suitable companion for him.  God also knew Adam needed one like unto himself with whom he could fellowship so God created Eve from Adam’s rib (Gen.2:21-22).  Now we know God visited (communed) with Adam.  How do we know God communed with Adam?   Adam and Eve heard His voice, as He walked in the garden, and hid, for they had already violated His trust by this time (Gen. 3:1-9).  The indication was that this was God’s “normal fare”, not just a one-time event.  God’s visitation, not man’s hiding.

Adam and Eve lived in complete harmony with the Lord – for a while – until they decided to do what ‘they wanted to do’, eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  And that, my friend, is when the three battle fronts began.

Adam and Eve were created eternal to fellowship with Father.  If you will, their hearts were knitted as one with the Lord.  When they took of the forbidden fruit, their “spiritual man” was shattered as their heart was separated from God, dying in the spirit.  God told them that the day they ate of the fruit they would surely die (Gen. 2:17).  And indeed, their heart and their spirit died in this separation.  This led to the final battlefield for the natural man.  They didn’t die physically at the time of the sin, but 950 years later Adam experienced the loss of the final battle – for the natural man.  His natural body died.  Adam and Eve moved from the heart of man, through the spiritual man to the natural man in death to their relationship with the Father. 

To reconnect, we have to come back in reverse order.  The natural man needs to be convinced that he needs more that what he sees.  He has to reconnect with Father spiritually, which is receiving Jesus into our heart, unto to the ‘salvation’ of our souls, yielding our will to the Lord.  That is coming back into the kingdom of God from which Adam separated us.  Finally, to add final assurance (the icing on the cake), Father continually draws our hearts closer to Him as we abide (live) in His will, in His love.  As we grow closer and closer towards Him.  In his letter, John says “I have written these things to you that you believe on the name of the Son of God; that you may know that you have eternal life …” (1 John 5:13).  What things?  That’s where we have to read the bible and learn for ourselves.  The bible, from Genesis to Revelation, reveals how God has loved us and how we can give our love back to the Father.  We love Him for He first loved us (1 John 4:19).

God shares how He equips us through the “armor of God” (Eph. 6:10-18).     

 So, if you have missed “Who is Fighting Whom?”  This is a recap, concerning the armor, with a little more insight.

In studying the Armor of God, Father has shown me the three areas that are addressed in our relationship with Him, the natural man, the spiritual man and the heart of man. 

He showed me how the first three pieces of the armor, the girdle of truth, breastplate of righteousness and the shoes of the preparation of the gospel of peace all reflect protection for the natural man.  The shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the Sword of the Spirit all protect the spiritual man.  I said, Father, that’s only six pieces of armor covering only two areas.  Then Father asked me “What about verse eighteen?”  Always praying in the Spirit, watching and praying for the saints.  All about where our heart is!  I said “Wow! That’s pretty cool.” 

Father showed me that the first three pieces don’t require salvation to be true.  That’s why they reflect things of the natural man.  People who don’t know the Lord can (and some still do) refrain from lying or gossiping.  Yet they may tell “little white lies” to protect themselves or not bring harm to someone else – they think.

They can live ‘what they think’ is a righteous life.  They may treat people equitably and fair.  That is right up to what ‘they think’ is righteous.

They can read the bible. May not understand it, but they can read it.  They can know what the words say, but the deeper meaning is beyond their understanding (1 Corinth. 2:9-16).

Without the leading of the Holy Ghost, they can only get a ‘surface’ understanding of what the Word is saying (John 16:13), what righteousness is or what really constitutes a lie.

Unfortunately, that is where too many people stay –knowing only a surface relationship with our heavenly Father.  Even those “in” the church.

This is where faith comes in.  We have to have faith to receive Jesus into our hearts (1 John 5:10).  If we don’t realize we need Him, we won’t search for Him.   If we don’t believe who He is, we’ll never accept Him (Rom. 3:19-23).  If we don’t have Jesus in our hearts, the bible will never truly open for us.  Faith is the beginning of our spiritual experience (Heb. 11:6) and it carries through protecting us from the fiery darts of the enemy (Eph. 6:16) to be with Him in eternity.  We need to believe in our hearts that Jesus is for us.   How can He protect us if we don’t believe in Him?  We have not because we ask not (Matt. 7:7-8) and even then, we have to believe it to receive it (Mark 11:24)! And it always helps to be asking for the right reasons (James 4:3).  God will protect us (Psalm 91:4)).

The helmet of salvation is self-explanatory (I think).  I mean, through Jesus, our eternity is secured (1 John 5:13) but without some sort of faith, we would never have accepted Jesus to begin with. 

 Also, without Jesus, how can we effectively use the Sword of the Spirit how can we rightly divide (understand) what is before us without His guidance through the Holy Ghost dwelling in us (Heb. 4:12)? 

All this deals with our spiritual man.  After all, the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God and the Word of God IS Jesus Christ and Jesus IS God (Eph. 6:17, John 1:1)!  The sword shows us how to deal with what is before us, naturally or spiritually, even dividing the intents of our heart (Heb. 4:12).  Without Jesus our sword would be just waving in the air, looking good but doing nothing.  Father had to give us a touch of faith to receive Jesus to begin with.  Ergo, our spiritual man is being dealt with.

Father gives us the Holy Ghost when we accept Jesus into our hearts (John 14:16-17), but Jesus promised His disciples a greater impact on their lives once we receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, which is evidenced by speaking in the Spiritual language (tongues) which God gives us in that baptism.  Jesus says that when the Holy Ghost is come upon us we shall receive power (Acts 1:8).  Power (strength) to do what?  For one, live this life in this world.  To have the authority to do what Jesus did (just as He said we could John 14:12-14) while He walked with us and helps us to witness to His love in this world (Matt. 28:18-20).  Jesus give us authority over our enemy (Luke 10:17-20) and the disciples experienced this. 

Paul says we should always be “…praying … in the Spirit …”.  Communicating with Father in our heavenly language because the Spirit opens up the mysteries of God to us (1 Corinth. 14:2) and helps us to pray when we don’t know how (Rom. 8:26). 

We should always be watchful for we don’t know when or how the enemy will strike. Satan roams the earth (Job 1:7) seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8).  Obviously Satan is NOT Jesus so he (Satan) has come to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:7-10) so we are watchful under the protection of Jesus (John 10:11).  We need to know what our enemy is up to (Eph. 6:11).  Do we spend all our time watching him?  Of course not.  Yet we shouldn’t be ignorant of our enemies devices keeping him from getting an advantage over us (2 Corinth. 2:11).

And because we all need support, we should pray for the saints and they should be praying for us (Eph. 6:18).  We should always seek to edify one another (1 Thess. 5:11) having compassion (Jude 20-23). When we operate in unity, it is hard to break a three stranded cord (Ecc. 4:9-12).

These things reflect where our heart is as well as strengthening our hearts in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Father knows our hearts (Jer. 17:10) and He wants our hearts to always be right with Him (Acts 8:18-21).

Father equips us with the armor so that even though we’ve done all that we can do to stand against the enemy (Eph. 6:13), we can still stand!  Remember the footprints in the sand.

The armor does protect our body (the natural man), what motivates us (spiritual man) and our attitudes (our heart).

I’ve heard Doug Addison speak of the three cords.  He was speaking of strength and how a three stranded cord is hard to break. 

This is a three stranded cord – natural, spiritual and the heart of man.  When these three cords are operating in unison in the Father’s love, we can stand against anything the enemy throws at us.
