2-17-2018 Give
us Power
God gives us explosive power
Before He
ascended back into heaven (from whence He came (John16:28), the disciples were gathered around Jesus and they
asked Him when would God restore Israel to its former glory. A time of peace and prosperity (the end
times). But Jesus told them it wasn’t
for them to know the times or the seasons of these events for Father has
reserved this power for Himself. This
knowledge was His and His alone (Acts
The Greek word
used for power in this passage is exousia
(Strong’s 1849) which is translated
as authority, jurisdiction, privilege, etc.
Father put it only in His jurisdiction.
Jesus tells the disciples that only the Father knows the times (Mark13:32), not the angels, not even
the Son. Whoa, what did you say? Jesus, the Son, is God, how can He not
know? Jesus is the Son of man, born
after the flesh (Mary) and He is the Son of God, born after the Spirit (God,
the Father). Remember? In the beginning was the Word and the Word
was with God and the Word was God (past progressive – once done, always on
going) (John 1:1), wrapped so
closely that we can’t separate them. As
the “Word”/Son, Jesus knew everything the Father ever said. He is the living Word of God. Jesus told His disciples that everything that
He heard from His Father He has shared with them (John 15:15). But, Jesus
couldn’t tell His disciples (nor us) when the end times would come because
Father never spoke it. And, even seated
at the right hand of God (power, Luke
22:69), obviously if Jesus now knew, He would most likely tell us as He
said to His disciples.
Jesus does tell us that we all shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come
upon us and we shall be witness for Him in all Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to
the ends of the world (Acts 1:8). So even when we receive power, we cannot
exceed the power and authority which He (Jesus) has given us. So if Jesus doesn’t know when the end times
are coming, neither can we. However, He
does give us a clue as to when those times are approaching as Matthew writes in
his gospel (chapter 24).
The judgment
of man is committed to the Son (John
5:22) which is why we stated earlier that Jesus is seated at the right hand
of the power of God (Luke 22:69). The
Greek word used in this passage is dunamis
(Strong’s 1411) which is power with
the implications of strength, abundance, miraculous ability, violent or mighty
(as explosive). Just as Pharaoh gave
Joseph all authority over Egypt, Joseph was subject only to Pharaoh (Gen. 41:39-41), Father has given the
Son not only the authority (exousia)
but all power (dunamis) to ‘do’ as
Jesus gave the ‘twelve’ power over sickness and devils (Luke 9:1-6) and later the seventy (Luke 10:1-17). Luke 9:1 Jesus
sends them out in power (dunamis),
the same power He promises us in Acts 1:8.
Now listen carefully, Jesus could ‘share’ His dunamis power with the
disciples because He was with them, the full embodiment of the Godhead (Col. 8-9) including the Holy Ghost as
depicted in His baptism by John when the Holy
Ghost lighted upon Jesus (Matt. 3:16). Okay, you say, but how could he share
it? Remember the woman with the blood
issue? She touched the hem of Jesus’ garment
and was healed. Jesus felt virtue (dunamis) go out from Him (Mark 5:25-30). All the woman did was touch Him and drew
power from Him. Jesus is capable of
imparting His power (dunamis) as necessary.
He asked the question “who touched me”, but He knew who drew the power
and He let it go out. When Jesus healed,
it was through His word which released His dunamis
power. A Centurion approached Jesus on
behalf of his servant. Jesus didn’t even
have to touch for He healed the servant who was a long ways off (Matt. 8:5-13). He didn’t speak healing into the woman at the
well nor did he touch the centurion’s servant.
All power is His. We have no more
recorded dunamis activity, by anyone
other than Jesus in the gospels. However
we do see it being exercised by the disciples after their baptism in the Holy
Ghost as recorded in Acts chapter two. After
their initial baptism in the Holy Ghost, at which time we not only see the
disciples speaking with new boldness, but from then on and through second and
third generation disciples, we see them operating in dunamis power. Second and
third generations? Philip was apparently
a product of Peter’s ministry, a second generation (Acts 6:1-7). Of course he
was also an evangelist (Acts 8:1-8). Aquilla and Priscilla were at least second
generation. We don’t know who brought them into the body, but they knew Paul (Acts
18:1-2) and were responsible for Apollos’ (3rd gen.) ministry (Acts 18:24-28) kicking into high
gear. We see Paul speaking highly of
Apollos throughout his first letter to the Corinthians indicating the status
within the community Apollos had attained as a third generation disciple.
The book of
Acts records, for us, at least three generations of the full operation of the
Holy Ghost in believers. Do you suppose
this might be an indication that receiving the Baptism of the Holy Ghost was
supposed to continue throughout all generations until Jesus’ return?
Now Jesus
reminds his disciples (after he had sent them out) that this same dunamis Spirit is with them now (at that
time) and would be in them (John14:17). Physically with them through the presence of
Jesus (Himself) and in them through the baptism of the Holy Ghost (as recorded
in Acts chapter two).
So Jesus
tells His disciples that they will do the same works He did and greater because
He was going to the Father (John 14:12),
to be seated at the right hand, full power (dunamis).
that when Jesus breathed on the disciples and said receive the Holy Ghost (John 20:21-23), this was not the
baptism for dunamis power. Rather they received authority in Christ (exousia), but not full power. Jesus had to be at the right hand of the Father
or be literally be with them, before the full power of the Holy Ghost could
dwell within His disciples. We know that Father promises the Holy Ghost (John 14:16) Then Jesus tells his disciples
to receive the Holy Ghost (John 20:22). Then, just before He ascended, Jesus tell the
disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the
promise (the Holy Ghost) (Acts
1:4), the infilling.
So we can
receive the Holy Ghost with our salvation experience just as when Jesus
breathed on His disciples (John 20) and we can exercise a certain authority (exousia) with this experience. But, it takes the baptism of the Holy Ghost
to receive dunamis power as the
disciples experience in Acts chapter 2 (and beyond). However, we have to expect and receive the
baptism. The disciples waited in
Jerusalem, expecting to receive the baptism (Acts 1:4-5). And then He
(the Holy Ghost) did come to the disciples in the upper room, ten days after
Jesus’ ascension. Then the full power
of the Holy Ghost sat upon each of them in that upper room when cloven tongues
like fire which sat upon each of them giving them ability to speak in tongues
as the Holy Ghost gave them utterance (Acts
I’d like to
take a moment to examine what happened on that day in the upper room. The Holy Ghost came in and ‘sat’ upon each of
them. ‘Sat’ is the Greek word kathizo (Strong’s 2523) which means to sit, anoint, settle as to hover or
dwell. The Holy Ghost anointed the
disciples. He probably hovered over them
briefly before settling, not only on them, but ‘in’ them.
Cloven is
the Greek word diamerizo (Strong’s 1266)
which means cloven or divided. Think
about sitting around a campfire at night watching the flames lash out at the
night sky. Don’t they sort of
look like
tongues of fire reaching up for the stars?
tongues, they would be licking out, but interestingly the word used for tongues
here is the same as used for ‘speaking’ in tongues. The Greek word is glossa (Strong’s 1100)
which is a language, usually not naturally acquired. Yet this is a physical manifestation reaching
down to and entering into the disciples.
Interesting? The Holy Ghost came
down into the disciples so He could then manifest himself through their
speaking (an outgoing action). If you
will, the Holy Ghost inhabits our words!
After all, the power of life and death are in what we say (Prov.18:21), right?
And so the
disciples could see what was going on around them, these cloven tongues
appeared as fire. The Greek word here is
pur (Strong’s 4442) which is fire, but not just fire, more like
lightning. I suspect that these weren’t just
little specks of flame floating down upon the disciples, but came down in power,
like a lightning bolt striking. I don’t
think anyone got fried, but can you imagine an hundred twenty people sitting
around and then, for a moment, they all light up like a Christmas tree? The power of the living God had just come
upon them! Their lives were already
changed by knowing Jesus and now even something more has happened. Their lives were enhanced even more through
the infilling of His mighty Holy Spirit.
The Holy
Ghost gives us power (dunamis), but
then we have to enact that power by believing, then doing. Jesus tells us as to receive as we believe (Mark 11:24). He also tells us faith without works is dead
(James 2:15-20). It helps to be as the Roman centurion who
understood how faith works (Mark 7:2-9). When Peter and John healed the man at the
Beautiful Gate, they commanded him to stand.
Then they reached down and took the man’s hand and helped him to his
feet (Acts 3:2-8). James tells us, in his letter, to stand firm
in what we believe and not doubt (James
At times we
don’t realize the power because we haven’t asked. Father doesn’t just give us power from on
high because we’re a bunch of sweeties.
We do have to ask Him (James
4:1-7). And even then we may not
have because w desire to elevate ourselves rather than God. Simon the sorcerer desired to have the
ability to give the Holy Ghost, not to glorify God, but so people would think
more of him (Acts 8:13-22).
And there is
another reason why we may not see the Holy Ghost operating in our lives. Are we quenching Him? Paul exhorts the Thessalonians do to several
things and one of them is not to
quench the Spirit (1 Thess.5:19). Quench is the Greek word abennumi (Strong’s 4570)
which is to quench, go out or extinguish. We extinguish the Holy Ghost’s ability to
work in our lives by denying Him the right to function and operate in and
through our lives as He is intended.
Even to the degree where we don’t believe He fully operates today like
He did two thousand years ago. Lack of
belief is quenching.
When we
quench Him, we grieve Him because we tie his hands and He cannot do what He
desires to do in our lives. Grieve is
the Greek word lupeo (Strong’s 3076) which is to grieve, make
sorry, fill with heaviness. When the
Holy Ghost is grieved, His heart breaks and Father is grieved because we don’t
allow Him to work in/through us which is why Paul tells the Ephesians not to
grieve Holy Ghost (Eph. 4:30) for
our redemption is sealed in Him.
We desire power (dunamis) from God? First we
have to be His child (be saved). We need
to seek the full presence of the Holy Ghost for our lives and then invite Him
into our lives. We need to believe
without doubting. We have to ask for the
right reasons – to glorify the one only true and living God who reigns forever
and ever. And we need to remember not to
quench and/or grieve the Holy Ghost, once we’ve received Him. Then, we need to put what we have received
into action, in our own lives, that is let Holy Ghost do His job in us and
through us. Then He (the Holy Ghost)
will reach out touching those around us because we have been obedient to Him.