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In this blog, I share what the Lord shares with me. I reference scripture a lot in support of what is being said. I realize that what is in each entry is NOT a complete 'word' (discussion) on what is being said, but is rather enough information to stimulate our spirits to dig deeper (remember the Bereans Acts 17:10-11) thereby gaining a fuller understanding for ourselves.

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Saturday, February 3, 2018

2/3/2018  The Gnome

 This dream came to me bright and early this past Thursday morning while I was yet sound asleep.  Not even in twilight yet.  When I say twilight I mean that time of sleep when I’m not really asleep, but my eyes haven’t yet opened and I’m totally aware of what’s going on around me.  My sound sleep is when I’m so far out you could fire a cannon right beside me and I wouldn’t know it.  This is one of those ‘real’ dreams where I wasn’t part of the action (one of the characters), but I was ‘on set’, aside, witnessing the action of all the characters.

This came between 6-6:30 AM on Feb. 1st.

There were all the creatures of the forest bringing gifts to who seemed to be the ‘king’, or at least, the “Lord of the forest”.  Along with those coming came what seemed to be a gnome. Smaller than all the others but carrying with him a yellow house with what looked like a silo attached to it.  He also had a basket with several items in it, one of which looked like a globe or ball.  This globe was basically white with red and green laced throughout and translucent.  It was clear, but one could not clearly see through it. 

Many challenged him and mocked him “What could he possibly have worth giving?”  He started to forage through his things, then turned displaying the globe and all who saw it were amazed.  It was gorgeous. This seemed to be his most prized possession.

The dream didn’t show how the yellow house and the basket containing the globe disappeared from the forest (in the dream), but what would be the next scene, a young boy, pre-school, one who reminded me of my grandson (who’s four), burst into his house (not my grandson’s house, it was different) setting the little yellow house and the basket on the floor.  He started foraging through the basket.  Finding the globe he proudly displayed it to everyone.  The basket and the yellow house were nearby sitting on the floor.  There were several children there and it seems an adult or two.   All the kids oohed and aahed over the globe and wanted it, but the little boy wouldn’t give it up.  Somehow, one of the little boys, named Mikey, ended up with the globe.  Again, all the kids wanted it, but Mikey desiring it too played keep away and started running around with it – catch me if you can.  Shortly it was announced that it was Mikey’s bedtime and he was taken upstairs to bed.

It wasn’t long when the little gnome finds his way into the house where all the children are.  I didn’t see him open the door, but it was ajar in the background after he had come in.  He was looking half dead, as if he had been half starved or travelled a very long journey.  As the children gathered around him, the diminutive fella looked up at all those in the house with pleading eyes, but not saying a word.  Now there were two “tubes” protruding from his back, through his coat.  They weren’t like medical tubing like for IV’s or anything, but were rather a part of him.  Sort of like two skinny volcanic cones poking up from the surface.  The taller (longer) one was between his shoulder blades with a shorter one a little farther down, about his lower back.   The little guy collapsed and when the children picked him up they noticed a gooey, green mess on the floor.  One of the adults went to get something with which clean the floor, then someone noticed that this ooze was coming out of the tubes on the gnome’s back.  Everyone felt sorry for the little guy but didn’t know what to do.

The gnome saw his yellow house and his basket and crawling, inched his way over to them, looking into the basket searching.  Somehow he conveyed to those there that he was looking for the globe.  The fact that he formed a circle with his forefinger and thumb might have given them a clue.  They realized what he meant so they all searched diligently for the globe.  It was nowhere to be found.  Then someone remembered Mikey was the last one with the globe, maybe he still had it.  Someone went upstairs to check, as Mikey was asleep.

Then I woke up but I had the ‘feeling’ that, sure enough, the globe was indeed with Mikey so it was recovered and brought to the gnome.  Somehow, I knew, giving the globe to the little guy related to his good health.  I knew in my spirit that the gnome would be OK.

After jotting down the afore, I had to take my car to a brother’s shop for he was doing some bodywork on a rear quarter panel for me.

Came back home and started my AM session.  After getting into things, ‘wanting to know the interpretation of the dream’ kept floating around in my head.  I reached a certain point in my session, because I couldn’t shake the dream, I stopped and said “Lord, You are the one who interprets dreams (Dan. 2:15-23, note v 19).  (I had the feeling that the gnome is me) So what’s going on?”
Father said the forest is indeed His kingdom of He who sits on the throne.  And even though others may not think much of what God has given us, Father is always ready to accept that which we bring when it comes with a pure heart and right intentions.  BUT the devil will try to steal and maybe even succeed, for a season, in taking that which we have to offer. 

Father said “The little gnome truly is me – and all the many like me whom He is currently raising up for the Spiritual explosion which is coming.  He said this is why I’ve been doing the blog so those souls can see and know that the things they are experiencing are not ‘just’ their imagination or something else.  It is the Lord’s doing.  Trying to get their attention so He can use them.  It IS happening with others.  I say this because He is continually showing me some of those whom He is raising up.  This is and has been a continually growing process as Father raises up those whom He has called.  And it will continue through the next season.

Again, the gnome is me and all those like me.  The globe represents three things, purity, the blood of Christ and new life.  Three most prized things in this life.  Without the blood of Jesus, we are all truly lost with no hope. But through the blood, we have not just the hope but the promise of eternal fellowship with the Father.  Purity is the life we live, following the lead of Jesus through the direction of the Holy Ghost.  The new life are the works we do here in this world using the gift or gifts, Father has given us so we can magnify and glorify Him as we edify and serve those around us in this world.  So the blood of Christ and a pure heart help us to work the calling Father has placed upon each of our lives.  

We ARE the temple of the living God, so the temple is always with/in us (1 Corinth. 6:19).  We don’t carry it as an external burden, but rather in our hearts where the Holy Spirit dwells.  The silo, of the little golden house, is the storage of blessing Father bestows upon us for our obedience.  The basket? Our works in this world.  Through our obedience to Him and through His precious blood, our works will produce new life not only in us, but to/for those whom we encounter.  Three things which we all should value dearly, as precious gold or silver.  Salvation with purity of heart and serving our Creator through works we perform in helping those around us. 

For me personally, I wrestle with elements in my life which are holding me back.  Remember Paul’s buffet from Satan? (2 Corinth. 12:6-8).  The ‘green ooze’? Any un-repented sins that may still be in my life.  Because of sin, we may find ourselves wandering in the wilderness for a season, but we know that through Christ Jesus we can reconnect with our “home”.  So, I find two things still holding me back, sins of which I may not even be aware yet, or even denied the existence thereof and then, all too often the church itself.  

I’ve been through several denominations and they were all willing to teach me as they believed.  But few were actually willing (maybe unable) to help me realize my potential in Jesus Christ.  Some churches actually ‘shot me down’ or hindered me because I was essentially ‘nobody’ so how could I know anything or become anybody.  I admit, in earlier years, I thought I knew a lot, but as I’ve grown, I’ve realized how little I really know.  Remember when we were teenagers?  (I speak for myself) I knew everything.  Those older than me understood nothing and I “knew it all” LOL).  AS I aged chronologically and started to seek the Lord, Father started showing me that I really knew and understood very little.  Yes I was learning, but on a scale of one to a hundred, when I thought I Knew it all, I actually knew about ‘.2%”.  And in retrospect, that might be generous.

Nonetheless, for many reasons, true growth opportunities were not available to me.  I felt ‘shut out’ or ‘down’.  Both mainstream and ‘Full Gospel’ churches have shown opportunities belong to those in “the in crowd”, the church cliques.  Father is surpassing the ‘in crowd’ He is raising up many ‘nobodies’ to His calling for the coming Spiritual explosion.  As Doug Addison says “God is raising up the rejected of the church” (  And He is providing opportunity to realize our full potential in Him.  All we have to do now is seek out the doors, then turn the knob to see which one(s) opens then walk through the open door.  Having done so, we then need to be obedient and pursue what God is showing us.

The dream ends with the little gnome still on the floor as the discovery of the globe is imminent.  We know the gnome will regain his Globe and all will be well.  That is, even though he had things hindering him before he could fully offer his gift to the “King of the forest”, things are coming together for him.  Yes he had to search for his treasure but soon, he’ll be able to return to the forest and present his gift.  The dream doesn’t tell me whether the tubes disappear or when the gnome gets back into the forest, but, as I said, I had the overwhelming feeling that all will be well with him. 
Once we recognize our gift, or maybe regain it, then we can present that gift to our King.   We do that by serving those around us.  Jesus, Himself, reminds us that what we do to least in the kingdom of God, we do unto Him (Matt. 25:40).  In serving others we reflect the love of Christ working in us and through us.


Maybe Father will give me another dream, a sequel of victory in presenting my treasure before the Lord???  

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