1-19-2019 The LAW and today
When dealing
with the natural man, the spiritual man and the heart of man, we discover that
it’s not just understanding the “temptations of Jesus” (Jan. 5, 2019) but the Old Testament also informs us of what
we have to deal with these three areas and so we can realize what we need to deal
with in Spiritual Warfare.
When Father
laid the “Law”, the Ten Commandments, on my heart concerning this, I said
“C’mon, Lord. Really?). He responded “Really!”
The Ten
Commandments are initially found in Exodus chapter twenty verses three through
seventeen (Exod. 20:3-17). Five of the seven areas Father put on my
heart to bring forth an understanding in dealing with the natural man and
finish with the heart of man. But the
“Law” and “angelic intervention” both start with the heart of man impressing
the need for our heart to be impacted if we expect to realize true victory in
the other five areas. To be awakened our
natural man needs to hear but to understand, we need to be ‘tuned in’
Spiritually with Father so we can build a solid relationship with Father
through Jesus.
We readily
understand the ‘natural’ but we have to learn and grow into the ‘spiritual’ and
then we learn to walk in the ‘heart’. Five
examples begin with what we understand the most, us but two begin with
what we need to know the most, our heart. So the Ten Commandments begin with dealing
with our heart.
Let’s take a
look at how these elements are presented in the book of Exodus.
“You shall have no other Gods before Me.
(Exod. 2:3)”. Father created all that is (Gen. 1:1-31), and there are no other
gods before Him or even beside Him (Isa.
45:4-8). Therefore He is worthy of
all our praise and glory (Exod. 20:5-6,
Luke 4:8). He is a jealous God and
wants our complete devotion so He can bless us and guide us as He always has
our best interests at heart. He knows
that nothing else out there truly cares about our well-being but with Him, we
are His top priority. He knows that when
we put Him first, everything else will fall into place.
Therefore, He does not want us to
make an image of anything to bow own before it (Exod 20:4), even if we say it represents Him (Hinduism). God is a Spirit. How can we make an image of something we
cannot truly ‘see’? How can we say that
something that God created is Him? We
indeed can experience Father even without actually ‘seeing’ Him (with the naked
eye, experiencing Father is another topic altogether). Things made of stone, wood, metal or anything
else are inanimate objects which just sit or stand there doing nothing. The only time we see an image ‘coming to
life’ is when the image of the beast speaks and causes those who don’t worship
the beast to be killed (Rev.13:14-15)
and even that, the image could only do things as long as the beast could see
it. It will be a deception upon mankind.
Even though,
at times, it may seem harsh, God’s love for us will not permit Him to cause
harm to those who love Him. Love
reprimands without injury (Rev. 3:19). Father does as Paul tells us, ‘do all things
to edification (Rom. 14:19). Those who don’t believe in Jesus are already
condemned (John 3:18), therefore they
are subject to and controlled by the power of this world. The power in this world is Satan (2 Corinth. 4:4, Rev. 12:7-9). To make any image of God and to worship it is
inspired by our enemy. Praise and
glorify God but don’t bow down before any man-mad image.
And we
should not take the name of the Lord God
in vain (Exod. 20:7). What is vain?
The Hebrew word used here is shav
(7723) which means idolatry, as in false gods, lie about, destroy, make
desolate (of no value). In other words,
to make the Creator of all things as worthless as all the other gods out there. Also consider contributing the works of the
only true and living God to ‘anything’ else (sound a bit like blasphemy?).
These three
areas deal with our relationship with the one, true, living God, our heart. He wants a relationship with us, a close
relationship, just as the apostle John had with Jesus (John 13:23).
Now, the
next two commandments may be split between the natural and the heart of man but
they are actually transition between the first three commandments and the last
five. A time of yielding our spirits to
the Lord.
Remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy (Exod. 20:8). God wants us to
take some specific time to be with Him.
A time when we’re not busy doing other things but can sit down and
commune with Him. Allow Him to be our
companion. We should set that time apart
from everything else where we can just focus on the Creator of all things,
giving Him thanksgiving, praise and glory and LISTENING for what He has to
share with us (Exod. 20:9-11)! If you’ve seen the “War Room”, the wife
literally put herself in her ‘prayer closet’.
Paul reminds us that no day is really different from another (Rom. 14:1-8). So we may conclude that not just one day a
week, but we should set aside some time, each day, to spend with God. Daniel prayed three times a day. Can we afford at least once? Moses communed with (talked with and listened
to) God on the mount and in the tent (Exod.
19:1-6, Exod. 33:9). Ought we not to
follow his example by getting close to our Lord?
Honor our natural parents (Exod. 20:12). This is the
first commandment with promise – so that we can live long. We also find that if we have a hard time
honoring our natural parents (whom we see), how well can we honor our heavenly
Father whom we don’t see? Jesus,
Himself, asks this question though in a slightly different way “How can I tell
you heavenly things when you don’t understand the natural (John 3:12)? By the time I
was nine, my father was no longer in the house.
He was an alcoholic, so I don’t remember him having a huge impact on the
family as I was growing up. Now my dad
did sober up (by the grace of God) and remarried and even though there was not
a ‘regular’ connection, there were times my Heavenly Father used my earthly
father to impact my adult life. I
learned to respect my dad. My mom? I was always with her. Effectively, she raised me. But, in case you missed it, respect equates
with honoring. We can respect someone
and give them their ‘due’ honor (for position of authority, etc.) and not even
like them. But when we truly honor someone,
it is a decision we make and it comes from the heart.
So setting
aside time for God and honoring those in authority certainly points us in the
direction as how we should treat everyone – with respect. Again, whatever we do should be to the
edification of others (1 Corinth.
These last
five commandments, hopefully) help us to understand how we can edify others. Each of these commandments is presented in
the negative, so we should do the opposite.
Don’t kill (Exod. 20:13) Obviously, we
should not wantonly commit murder. That
is kill someone just because we feel like it, ‘I don’t like the way they looked
or looked at me’. We should not kill in
the commission of a crime (of course, we shouldn’t be committing the crime to
begin with). The Hebrew word ratsach (7523) includes ‘dash to pieces’
and murder. Webster’s includes to
‘deprive of life’. Scripture says that
if a man takes the life of another man, he should be put to death himself (Lev. 24:17). Now, even though the
military takes the life of the enemy, it is not the same. Read the Old Testament, Abraham went after
the people who kidnapped Lot and others and slew them (Gen. 14:14-20). Scripture
tells us to be obedient to those in authority over us for they shall praise our
good deeds but authority is an avenger upon the evil (Romans 13:1-4). The opposite
of kill is to give life. The best way we
can bring life is to share light and light is Jesus Christ (John 1:1-14).
Now hate is
also killing because when we hate someone, we are not likely to share the
life-giving gospel of Jesus Christ which leads to life eternal. Hate equates to killing for those who have
refused Jesus are already condemned to death for lack of belief (John 3:18). Jesus says “I am the way, the truth and the
life, no man comes to the Father but by Me (John 14:6).
Don’t commit adultery (Exod. 20:14). The Hebrew
word is naawf (5003), to break vows
of wedlock.
The Old
Testament mentions fornication only in 2 Chronicles, Isaiah and Ezekiel and is
talking about spiritual fornication which is like being adulterous or immersing
in idolatry with other gods. The New
Testament also carries the idea of idolatrous activity as well as adulterous relationship
pertaining to sexual lust (4203 porneuo).
Webster’s includes a sexual relationship between two unmarried
people. Paul warns the Thessalonians to
abstain from fornication keeping our bodies in honor and sanctification (unto
the Lord) (1Thess. 4:1-4).
basically, the only difference between adultery and fornication are the
marriage vows. They both reflect sexual
immorality which also means greater incident of STD. Why do we think God says to ‘contain’
ourselves but if we can’t then marry (1
Corinth. 7:7-9) and once married stay true to the one we married? Ergo, we should not defame others by engaging
in sexual or spiritual immorality.
Don’t steal (Exod. 20:15). The Hebrew
word here is gawnab (1589), carry away, deceive. Without even looking at Webster’s we can see
this is also depriving someone of something that is rightfully theirs. We can do this in the dark of the night,
trickery or even lying. Remember, Satan
comes to steal, kill and/or destroy (John
10:10) so we’re not just talking physical objects but also spiritual
well-being. If the devil can’t keep us
from receiving Jesus, he steals through discouragement, tough fights and
half-truth as he did with Jesus in the wilderness (Matt. 4:1-11) so as to keep us off track. When we falter, he steals our testimony, our
witness as a Christian. But, PTL, once
we truly repent, we’re back on track (Isa.
38:17) for we have an advocate with the Father pleading our case (1 John 2:1). So we keep what is ours, don’t take what is
not ours share of what we have with others.
Don’t bear false witness (Exod. 20:16). Two Hebrew
word are translated here to imply ‘false’ ‘winess’: sheqer (8267) deceit, lie, without cause and ed (5707) testimony.
Have any of
us ever took cookies out of the cookie jar when we were not supposed to? Mom might have come back asking “who took
cookies?” Knowing we might be punished
for our dastardly deed, our reply most likely was “Not me!” Seemingly innocent enough, but still a
lie. My son tells his sons to tell the
truth when confronted. His sons may be punished,
but the punishment won’t be as severe as if the child tried to cover things
with a lie (wonder where my son got that from).
Think of a courtroom. What is
perjury? Giving false testimony after
swearing before the court (and before God) to be truthful. In the courtroom, that carries severe
punishment, possibly jail time. Think
about gossip, spreading rumors about someone else. Words pour out of our mouths which we
probably don’t know if they’re true or not.
We may be spreading ‘lies’ about another. We can even lie about ourselves expressing
greater than truth facts about ourselves to make us feel better about
ourselves, boost our egos or maybe even just trying to get a psychological edge
over someone else. We know the devil is
a liar and the father thereof (John 8:44),
so when we ‘fudge’ the truth, who are we emulating? Rather we should always be open and truthful
when we speak. Does this mean I can’t
joke? Make sure what you say is not
hurtful and that all hearing understand, otherwise, keep our lips ‘zipped’.
Don’t covet your neighbor’s house, wife, or anything else that
is your neighbor’s (Exod. 20:17). The Hebrew word for covet is chamad (2530) among other things means
delight, desire, lust for.
there’s nothing wrong with wanting to better ourselves, just not at someone
else’s expense. Do it the old-fashioned
way, earn it! Coveting things your
neighbor owns leads to theft. Coveting
your neighbor’s wife leads to adultery or something worse (rape). Nothing wrong desiring something ‘like’ your
neighbor’s, just not what he actually possesses.
Coveting is
lust and lust only leads to something harmful to another. As I said, coveting can lead to theft,
adultery even murder and lying. Would
any of us kill to possess something someone else has? Even if it is only in an attempt to cover up
something we did? We may say “I’d kill
to have that!” Problem is there are some
who would literally mean it and then, just like the cookie jar, lie to cover up
our deed. Watch any detective shows
lately? It is not wrong to desire to have something ‘like’ our neighbor, but we
go out and ‘earn’ our own.
The last
five commandments bring man’s basic nature into focus. These are things the ‘natural’ man is subject
to and we should always be striving to overcome these negative aspects of our
lives. For the most part, most of us do
well (he’s such a ‘good’ man), but as mankind pulls farther and farther away
from God, just how long can that last? Watch
the news or pick up a newspaper.
The natural
man must be dealt with so we can move into a spiritual connection with Father
eventually (and hopefully) leading into a closer walk (relationship) with our
Lord and Savior. Yet, we discover walking
closer with the Lord makes it easier to nurture the spiritual man thus making
it easier to control our basic nature (the natural man).
Paul tells
us that “Woe is me for the things I shouldn’t do, I do, etc. (Rom. 7:14-25) but Jesus delivers us
from this dilemma (Rom. 7:25). We just have to be obedient to Him.
how the Law interfaces with the natural man, the spiritual man and the heart of
man helps us to realize what Father is doing in today’s church. Ever since William Tyndale, Father has been bringing
His church to where we are today. As we
await the impending “Spiritual Explosion” Father is drawing His children into a
closer relationship with Himself. We are
coming to know more and more His calling upon our lives as individuals and not
‘just’ as a church.
We know that
the Great Commission of the church is to share Jesus Christ with the world (Matt. 28:18-20) that we might have that
eternal assurance of fellowship with the Father through Jesus Christ because
the Holy Ghost is alive and well within our hearts.
For over six
seasons (600 years) God has been bringing His people to the Spiritual point in
which we are currently. We’re entering
into a seventh season where the Holy Spirit is being unleashed so God’s
children can truly be the children of our heavenly Father – doing His will in
this world, en masse and big time. For
over twenty years “prophets” have seen this coming and now we are at the
doorstep of this new season. The
questions to us are: Are we ready? Are we willing? Are we obedient? To press into this new season to Glorify
However we
must come to understand that we need to be fully equipped to be able to
effectively fight the enemy and resist his counter measures on all fronts. Five more installments are coming to help us
understand that which we need to know as we battle in the natural, in the
Spirit and in the heart.