God/Holy Ghost like a cloud Holy Ghost pours out of that cloud
We refuse to accept Rivers of living
water gushing forth
My wife and I were in marriage
counselling in a Southern Baptist church in Maryland. The pastor had a funny idea – if the couple
were not saved, he wouldn’t perform the ceremony. He felt that Jesus had to be in the marriage
if it were to succeed. The pastor asked
me if I had ever given my heart to Jesus I responded “I’ve attended Sunday
School in this church from elementary school through high school.” Now this was a new pastor in the church. I don’t remember if he had been there a
little over a year or a little less than a year, but he asked me again if I
knew Christ. Again I responded “I
haven’t missed many services either.” He
looked at me and again said that wasn’t what he asked so he asked me again if I
had ever given my heart to Jesus. I’m
twenty-six years old in this stage of my life and one might think I could have
continued to side-step him BUT the Holy Ghost convicted me in my heart with the
third question that the only honest and truthful answer I could give was “No”. He asked me if I would like to and still
under the conviction of the Holy ghost I prayed the ‘sinner’s prayer’ with him
letting Jesus into my life. This was
back in 1972 and ever since that moment I’ve known I belonged to God through
Jesus Christ.
Have I always lived like
I belonged to God? No, but that was the
beginning of my walk and my growth in the Lord with and through Jesus. I’ve spent a life time since then yielding
more and more of my life over to Christ and I must admit, that because of
ignorance, stubbornness and a myriad of other reasons it has been a long slow
trek for me. I will say this, that every
time I think I’ve made good headway, Father shows me how little I have actually
grown. Oft times I wonder if I will
ever grow up!
I mean, naturally I’ve grown
physically. I have aged, my body has
physically changed but this is only one part of growing up. There are two more areas involved:
emotionally and spiritually.
Basically emotional maturity
is not letting our emotions control us, but rather we bring our emotions under
subjection to ‘our spirit’, our will. We
yield our unbridled will to Jesus and become subject to His leading, then we
endeavor to bring the rest of our body into subjection to our will (as it is
subject to Jesus, see 1 Corint. 9:27).
This means our speech, our actions and our thoughts. Our goal is to become Christlike in and
through our complete lifestyle, what we say, what we do and what we think.
When I was ten or eleven a
bunch of us kids would go up to the top of the street to play. There was an avenue with each direction split
by a grassy island, which of course had opening to allow passage both ways from
each street. One night as we were
playing up there, I fell and split my hand open on a piece of broken
glass. I walked back to my house with my
friends, my hand gushing blood and was taken to the hospital for stitches. But I told myself “What a big boy I am
now.” I hadn’t shed one tear the whole
time. And I didn’t shed a tear the rest
of my life until my wife went to be with the Lord about fifty years later. So, am I saying that we control our emotions
so that we never display them again? Of
course not! Read Ecclesiastes 3:1 “To every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose
under heaven”. Don’t forget to read the
rest of the chapter. Everything has a
time and a place. Even Jesus got angry
(Matt. 21:12-13), when He overthrew the tables of the money changers and said
“It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer, but you have made
it a den of thieves!” Trust me, Jesus
wasn’t saying this with a soft still voice.
He turned tables over. He was
hot. And rightfully so.
When my wife went to be with
the Lord, I cried. When I was alone
(just me and the cats and the Lord), more than once I cried with deep sorrow
that I had for my loss. She was with the
Lord so it was her gain, but I missed her deeply and I even felt a little
guilty that maybe there was something I could have, should have, done. Father told me later, there was nothing I
could have changed. She had suffered much in her lifetime and it was her
time. From that moment on Father began
His work in me.
By the way, it was my loss
not expressing emotions for so long. I
lived in a controlled rage for most of those years. By the grace of God I didn’t ‘go off’ often
but when I did, it was short, pent up bursts of emotion – no tears, just
anger. I don’t know how different my
life would have been over the years, but I do know now that even though it is
OK to express our emotions, we don’t let our emotions go ‘haywire’. We express them when necessary, but we aren’t
driven by them. I’ve always been a
relatively ‘closed’ person. Didn’t share
much with others, even hardly with my wife, but over the years, Father opened
me up. Even now, I don’t share my business
with others except when it can help them get through something. And I will say that now, more than my wife
and children get hugs from me.
Spiritual growth turning our
lives over to the Lord. To do that means
reading the bible. If we don’t read we
don’t know what it says. If we don’t
know what it says, we can’t apply it to our lives. When we don’t seem to be able to understand
it, we get help. Spiritual growth also
mean improving our relationship and communication with Father. These two go hand in hand – communication and
relationship (works in our natural lives, too).
When we read the bible, we learn how to distinguish what God is telling
us versus our own mind or even a demonic entity trying to put thoughts into our
minds. When we pray, Father opens up our
understanding of what we read in the bible.
When we read more, our prayers become more effective because we learn
how to pray. As our prayer life
increases we understand better, as we understand better we can draw more from
what we read and then get even closer to our Lord. As we interact with our pastors, church
elders brothers and sisters in the Lord, we feed and draw from each other
growing even more so don’t forsake the fellowshipping together (Heb. 10:25) for
we overcome him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimony (Rev.12:11).
Spiritual growth is ‘how
close are we willing to walk with Father?’
What does it take to walk closer with Father through Jesus Christ? And that, my friends, as Paul Harvey used to
say ‘is the rest of the story.
My baptism in the Holy Ghost
came in 1978, nearly six years after I had given my heart to the Lord.
Briefly, my wife and I went
to a rally in Frederick, Maryland presented by a noted spirit-filled, evangelical
speaker, who was also a pastor in a Virginia church. At the end of the rally they broke us (those
who professed an interest) into three groups: salvation, healing and the
baptism of the Holy Ghost. My wife and I
went for the baptism. We had been
hearing and learning a little about this from some charismatic friends and
decided since we were already ‘saved’, weren’t interested in a healing so what
was left? As we gathered, there was a
group of maybe a dozen or so people. The
leaders of the group explained what we could expect and what we needed to
do. After some prayer they tried to
‘jump start’ us (they said some words in the Spirit and asked us to repeat
after them). By the end of the
session. Everybody, including my wife,
was speaking in their spiritual language.
Everybody that is except me. I
was hurt, concerned and maybe even a little angry. I knew the bible, I
could feel God’s hand on
my life and I was more spiritual than my wife (I thought) so what was wrong
with me?
My wife and I went home and
talked and prayed about it some and she was getting tired (it was well after
midnight) so she went to bed. I stayed
up talking with Father more. He finally
gave me some instruction and by the time we (God & I) were done I had received baptism in the Holy Ghost, including the
evidence of speaking in tongues (my spiritual language). Now I know that Cornelius and his family
(Acts 10:44-46) were saved AND baptized in the Holy Ghost at the same time,
as Peter yet spoke. So I see in
scripture that salvation and the baptism
in the Holy Ghost can happen at the same time or there might be a time lag as
in Acts chapter nine when Saul (Paul) met our Lord Jesus on the road to
Damascus and gave his heart to Him but it was later in Damascus that Ananias
came to him and he (Saul) received the baptism of the Holy Ghost then (Acts 9:17-18). I’ve been reading Kenneth Hagin and he, too
experienced a lag in time between his salvation experience and his baptism in
the Holy Ghost experience (“The Holy Spirit and His Gifts”).
Indwelling and Infilling
So what I’ve been learning
recently is terminology. I’ve personally
known what I experienced and have seen confirmation in what I’ve been reading,
I just didn’t know what things were called.
The Holy Ghost comes to dwell
within the hearts of all believers.
Those who have repented their sins, confessed jesus Christ and believed
that God has indeed raised Him from the dead are ‘believers’ (1 John 1:9 &
Romans 10:9).
After the ‘Passover Supper’ Jesus
talked with His disciples and in part “…Nonetheless, I tell you the truth, it is
expedient that I go away for if I don’t, the Comforter will not come, but if I
depart, I will send Him to you…” Jesus had to experience the crucifixion and
the resurrection before His disciples could receive the Holy Ghost.
So after the resurrection, fearing
the Jews, the disciples were gathered together when Jesus came and stood in their
midst. Part of what Jesus said to them
was “Receive the Holy Ghost. Whose sins
you remit, they are remitted to them and whose sins you retain, they are
retained.” (John 20:22-23). And so the disciples received the Holy Ghost. But this wasn’t the baptism (infillng) of the
Holy Ghost which occurred in Acts chapter two, but rather this was the
indwelling, where because of our faith, the Holy Ghost takes up residence in
our hearts.
Paul shares with us that
because we believe in Jesus, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise and
He ils the earnest (downpayment) of our inheritance (salvation) until our
redemption (Eph. 1:12-14), or with Jesus in eternity.
In his book “The Holy Spirit
and His Gifts”, Kenneth Hagin explains the difference between the ‘indwelling’
and the ‘infilling’ of the Holy Ghost.
Jesus talking with His disciples in the temple
said “He who believes on Me, as the scripture said, rivers of living water
shall flow out of his belly.” But He was speaking of the Spirit which believers
would receive for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because Jesus was not yet
glorified. (John 7:38-39). This is the
baptism of the Holy Ghost. And Jesus
promised when He said to them “But you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost
is come upon you and to be (this is not ‘to be’, but AND) witnesses for me in
Jerusalem … and to the farthest parts of the earth.” (Acts 1:7-8).
What has helped me the most
in understanding the difference between the indwelling and he infilling is looking at
John chapter four and John chapter seven.
Jesus tells the woman at the well “If you knew the gift of God and He
who was talking with you, you would ask to be given the living water.” … and “Who drinks this water (from Jacob’s
well) will thirst again, but he who drinks the water I will give him will never
thirst, but it shall be a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”
(John 4:10-14). This is the Holy Ghost
taking up residence in us at our ‘salvation experience’ and equates to when
Jesus breathes on His disciples and says “receive the Holy Ghost” (John
20:22-23) which is the indwelling. But
the ‘rivers of living waters’ flowing out of our bellies (John 7:38-39) is the
full operation of the Holy Spirit in our lives, the infilling, or the baptism
of the Holy Spirit.
The indwelling of the Holy Spirit
builds us up as an individual. It
confirms our salvation (Romans 8:14-16), leads us into all truths (John 16:13)
and helps our infirmities (Romans 8:26-27).
It’s like, as Paul says, the praying in tongues builds up the
individual, me, (1 Corinth. 14:4). Paul
goes on in the same passage to push prophesying as being better because it
edifies the church (1 Corinth. 14:4-6) but) tongues (as the outpouring of the
Holy Ghost may be used with the conditions given in v6, by revelation,
knowledge, prophesying or doctrine, each which come down to an interpretation
of the tongue. And Paul tells us that
the tongue in church should be with interpretation (1 Corinth. 14:26-31) so all
can benefit.
Now, even though speaking in
tongues (our personal prayer language) and the ‘prophetic’ tongue all come by
the same Holy Ghost the capability to pray in the spiritual language is received
with the baptism in the Holy Ghost. Note again, personal prayer builds us up as
an individual and the ‘prophetic tongue’ builds up others.
Father has given me something
I can live with and that is a correlation with the indwelling of the Holy Ghost in
respects to my personal prayer language, in that it builds me up but stays
within me (or between God and me) (I drink and will never thirst). Where the ‘prophetic’ tongue is the
outpouring of the Holy Ghost or the power of th Holy Ghost manifested through
me (rivers of living waters). I know
that there are those who would probably argue this, but I said it was something
‘I can live with’ or helps me understand the difference between the indwelling
and the infilling (baptism) of the Holy Ghost.
I mean it is still the same Holy Ghost, just a difference in how He
operates or manifests Himself in us or through us, the difference, again, is edifying me or
edifying those around me. Having said
all this, I am aware that the initial evidence of the baptism of the Holy
Ghost is the speaking with other tongues (Acts 2;1-4, Acts 10:44-46, Acts 19:6,
three witnesses). I’m not saying we have
‘tongues’ without the baptism of the Holy Ghost, for we don’t have tongues, our
heavenly prayer language, without the baptism, but it does help me understand
the relationship between the indwelling and the ilnfilling of the Holy
Now, keep two things in
mind: 1)We should not quench the Spirit
(1Thess. 5:19), that is extinguish to put out; and yield ourselves to God as
servants of righteousness, for whom we yield ourselves to, we serve (Rom.
6:13-19). 2)We yield ourselves to serve
God and don’t forbid or deny the Holy Ghost to operate in us and/or through us by
rejecting what Father has freely given us.
When we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness He will
provide all that we need (Matt. 6:33). Let
us receive it, with rejoicing.
God/the Holy Ghost is like a cloud
A while back, Father brought
to my remembrance a rain cloud I had seen on the distant horizon. It was raining and as I watched, fingers
reached down from the cloud to the earth and there was no disconnect between
the cloud and the earth.
Eventually the fingers blended
together so the cloud reaching down to the earth had become one single
mass. It looked like the cloud itself
was reaching down to the earth’s surface and settling on it. Of course, the rain cloud eventually emptied,
the rain stopped and the cloud dissipated.
However, God’s ‘cloud’ never
dries up and never dissipates. Father
spoke to my heart saying “In similar fashion I pour out My Holy Spirit on
those who will receive Me.” Again, this
is the situation we read in Acts chapter two with the apostles and disciples
in the upper room. They were expecting
to receive the Holy Ghost as Jesus promised, they just weren’t sure only soon (Acts
1:5). They were expecting Him and they
received Him when He came.
When God led Israel out of Egypt,
He did so in the form of a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night (Exod.
13:21-22) so I’m not surprised He would relate to a cloud to demonstrate this
truth as He blessed the disciples.
We can fend off the raindrops
When it rains, we use
raincoats and umbrellas to help stay dry.
As depicted in the picture, with our umbrellas up, the rain can’t get to
us and we stay dry, untouched by the raindrops.
Now I’m talking about the baptism in the Holy Ghost, our receipt of
power from on high. Our umbrellas are
our doubts, fears or even (maybe) our denial that the Holy Ghost is for today
(as some believe). We may even believe
but then say “It’s not for me.” because we don’t know how to receive or are
maybe even afraid to receive Him because we don’t truly understand how the
Holy Ghost works. We reject, for
whatever reasons, therefore we don’t receive the power from on high Father
offers to all believers.
John 7:38 says “out of his (the believer's)
belly shall flow rivers of living water.
This is an outpouring from us, this is expressed in the picture of the
geyser. The baptism gives us the power
to be vessels for God through Jesus Christ because the Holy Ghost is alive,
well and operating within us, not just the salvation experience, but true power
from the Father to do the works Jesus has called us to do (John 14:12) and do
them most effectively.
Apollos preached a strong
word (Acts 18:24-28) but when he ‘bumped’ into Aquila and Priscilla, they
explained the ways of God more perfectly and the implication is he (Apollos) had
more power behind his word than before.
Even Later, Paul alluded to the fact that Apollos had become a major player
in spreading the gospel as he referenced him in his letters (1 Corinth. 3:3-7). After all who were Paul and Apollos? Nothing more than ministers of God’s Word for
We can only do so much with
our salvation experience, but we can do so much more when we receive the
baptism of the Holy Ghost receiving power from on high - to live our lives for Him and then to more effectively do whatever ministry He to which He has called us. Amen.