12-4-2021 Name of God “El…”

The names of
El (H410)
reference any god. But normally
references the “Almighty God” and is often used in compound with more
descriptive words as with our following examples.
El (ale) is
the Hebrew word meaning God, power, strong.
The implication is something much greater than ourselves. When capitalized, it clearly references the
Creator of all things.
Elohim (Elohiym) (H430)
God is
creator, powerful and mighty, Lord of lords. He is the Lord Most High, stronger
and mightier than anyone or anything else. When we face impossible
circumstances or adversaries, know that our God is stronger.
(Gen. 1:1,
17:7, Ps 19:1 Jer. 31:33)
Elohiym (e
lo heem) means exceeding, supreme god, great and is the plural of “elowahh. As we see it, references the Creator of all
things. This form is plural because
Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three aspects of the same God. WE can’t separate Him.
El-Elyon (H5945)
The most
high God. Do not fear the enemy who tries to intimidate us. Know that our God
is the Most High God. There is none above Him. Jesus Christ is exalted high
above every name.
14:17-20, Deuteronomy 26:19, Isaiah 14:13-14)
El-elyon (El
yown) means “most high” thus in compound with “El” the meaning is drawn out to
be “the most high God” and there is none (nothing) greater than Him.
El-Gibhor (H1368)
Mighty God.
The Lord is mighty to save. His arm is not too short. Whatever problem we are
facing, know that our God is El-Gibhor, the MIGHTY and He can and does overcome!
(Isaiah 9:6)
Gibbor (ghib
bore) means powerful as in champion, chief or giant, mighty, strong. God is a “mighty God”! He is greater than and can overcome anything
we face.
El-Olam (5769)
The everlasting
God. God is eternal, while our problems are temporary. His love will never
change. His promises are true. Build on Him, who is eternal and do not focus on
our temporary situations. He will show us His great and eternal goodness.
Olam (0
lawm) means continuing, eternal, without end.
When all our problems have ended, God still is! He outlasts anything and everything. When the smoke clears, He is the last one
El-Roiy (H7210)
The strong
one who sees. When we feel lonely and abandoned by people, know that God is
with us. He sees us and He knows us. He hears the cry of our heart and He loves
us more than we can imagine. He will
lead us through situations and fill our heart with His praise.
Roiy (roe e)
means vision, look to, see. He sees
what’s ahead. He sees it all so He can
always appropriately direct us. We just
have to listen.
El-Shaddai-Rohi (H7706, H7210)
Almighty, the mighty One of Jacob. God is not just another ‘god’ like the
countless idols. He truly is the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth.
Gen. 17:1,
49:24, Ps. 91:1, 132:2, 5)
Shaddai rohi
(shad da ee, roe ee) means Almighty who gets things done because He sees and
knows all things and He does all that which is right. His Word will not come back void.
El-Chuwl (H2342)
The God who
gave birth. God is our Creator and our Father. He saw us and He loved us, even
before we were born. He has a plan for our lives and as we walk with Him, He
will fulfill His dreams over our life and amaze us.
Chuwl (khool)
means travail, bring things to pass with great effort. He imagined all that is then brought it into
existence. He spoke the word and the
Holy Ghost brought it into being. And
so, here we are, even now.
El-Deah (H1844)
God of
knowledge. Wisdom comes from the Lord. Man tries to become wise apart from God,
but ends up in foolishness. When we fear God and keep His commandments, to love
Him and one another, we will know Him as He is and His wisdom will guide us.
(1 Samuel
2:3; Romans 11:33-36; 1 Cor. 1:18-31)
Deah (day
aw) means knowledge. May be expressed as
“Dea” (H1843 – day ah). He knows all
things, how can He go wrong? The respect
of knowing who God is, is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge.
Attiyq Youm (H6268, H3117)
The Ancient
of Days. God is eternal. He was before the beginning of time. Therefor He has
all authority. Every knee bows before Him.
(Daniel 7:9,
13, 14, Rev. 1:11, 17-18)
Attiyq (at
teek) ancient and youm (yome) day, sunrise to sunset. Together they mean “Ancient of Days”. He is “Alpha and Omega”, “the beginning and
the end”, “from everlasting to everlasting”.
Genesis tells us that in the beginning God … (Gen. 1:1).
Adonay (H136)
Is a name used to reference only the true, living
God. It is derived from “adon” (H113)
which is sovereign, lord, master or owner and can be used in reference to
either human or divine entity. It appears in compound with other words as
(Judges 16:28, 2Sam. 7:28, 29)
Adonay (ad o noy) which means “Lord”. This can be a title of position (for us humans)
but when used to address our heavenly Father, it addresses His sovereignty over
all things. Traditionally used only in reference to God, the Father.
Savior (H3467, G4990)
More than once, God reminds man that He is our savior. Mary rejoiced in God, her savior as she and
her cousin Elisabeth greeted each other.
Gabriel had already announced to Mary that her first born would be named
Emmanuel (God is with us) and she called her first born “Jesus” (Savior). His disciples acknowledged Jesus as
Savior. Jesus, himself, told people that
He and he Father are one.
Isaiah 60:16, Luke 1:41-47, Matthew 1:23-25, Luke 19:10,
2Timothy 1:10, John 10:30).
Savior (H3467 – yasha – yawshaw) means deliver, defend,
bring salvation and savior (G4990 – soter – so tare) deliverer, God, Christ. God tells Isaiah “You shall know that I the
Lord am your Savior”. Jesus has come to
seek and save that which is lost. That
makes Him savior. Both being considered “savior”
defines a oneness which cannot be broken.
Of course, we know Jesus as “Christ”. Christos (G5447 – krist os) means
Messiah. Its root word is “chrio (G5548
– kree oh) which means t anoint (with oil).
Jesus IS the anointed one and through salvation, He anoints us into His
In our first listing of “Names of God” we explored “Jehovah”
and the qualities that spring from that name and here, we explored “El” which
is the root of even more qualities (characteristics) of God.
As we explore the bible, we will find more and more
qualities and characteristics of God that reveal His very essence and presence. His love for us.
However, the two lists give us a pretty good foundation in
how our heavenly Father interacts with us.
He knows us – even before we are born.
He cares about what happens to us.
He helps us to learn to do that which helps us live this life a whole
lot better (when we listen - lol). It’s
really simple! All He asks of us is to
believe and trust in Him, then do as He directs us for that which He tells us
IS for our own benefit (Rom. 8:26-29).
WE haven’t explained exactly how He works in us and through
us, but consider what IS here.
Father is called “Father” for a reason. Until we reach full maturity in Christ Jesus,
we ARE ALL His “kids”. Understand, I
tell my children that they are always my children no matter how old they
get. We are God’s children, even when we
are in eternity with Him, no matter how mature we think we are. Mature?
How many of us actually live “exactly” as Jesus lived while He was on this
earth? How many of us think as Jesus
did? How many of us truly love as Jesus
loved? How many of us forgive as Jesus
forgave? We may reach certain levels of
‘maturity’ but how many of us are true reflection of Jesus as Jesus was (and
is) the reflection of Father. He is our
example to follow. Philip told Jesus
that they all would be ‘happy campers’ if Jesus would just show them the
Father. What did Jesus say? “… he who has seen Me has seen the Father …
(John 14:9)” How many of us are
that kind of reflection? It should be
our goal, but who has truly reached it?
Learn (even) these names of God and understand how they
operate with us, in us and through us and we will walk a little closer with
Father, through Jesus, than we had been before.
And remember, the Holy Ghost is in us giving us the strength and the
power to live this life.