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In this blog, I share what the Lord shares with me. I reference scripture a lot in support of what is being said. I realize that what is in each entry is NOT a complete 'word' (discussion) on what is being said, but is rather enough information to stimulate our spirits to dig deeper (remember the Bereans Acts 17:10-11) thereby gaining a fuller understanding for ourselves.

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Saturday, November 30, 2024

11-30-2024         Are we truly thankful for what Father has done for us?                                

Most of us in the U.S. have just celebrated thanksgiving with our families.

As a child, and frankly into my early adult life, at dinner time I sat at the table and devoured what was set before me (even if I cooked it myself).  No thought as to where the food really came from.  When something good happened to me I assumed that it was because of something I had done or just ‘pure luck’. 

Mom provided a place for me to live, food and clothing until my buddy and I got an apartment together.  Not a care in the world or even considering what mom had to go through to provide for me.  She provided for my older sister and me from when I was still in single digits (age-wise).  Sadly, I have to admit that, even into my early adult life, I never really understood what mom had done for my sister and me.  And, even sadder to have to admit, even after I had gave my life to Jesus, it was still a while before I truly realized all that mom had done for us. 

How often has any of us just taken our parents for granted?  Even sadder yet.  It wasn’t until I started ‘walking’ with the Lord, not ‘just’ knowing Him, but making efforts to abide in His love, that I realized all that He had been doing for me - all my life!

When I first truly gave my life to Jesus (I was in my mid-twenties), I knew He had come into my life.  As I sat and invited Jesus in, I felt a huge weight being lifted up off of my body.  Literally!  I could literally feel that weight being lifted up off of me!  Yet, I had not yet truly started walking with the Lord.  I was signed but not yet ‘sealed’ (fully) nor delivered at that time.  Though I was now attending church on a regular basis again (I attended as a youth) I was just ‘crawling along’.  Six years later I invited the Holy Ghost to become a part of my life and that’s when Father gave me my ‘Spiritual’ language so I could start communicating with Him at a higher level.  Sealed, but not yet ‘delivered’.  Over time, I have come to realize that ‘delivered’ means actually being in the presence of our Creator, so I’m looking forward to finally ‘being delivered’!  (just not yet)

Jesus says that He will never leave us nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5) and even through the tough times, I’ve seen this to be true for He has comforted me and guided me through this life’s walk – as long as I listen to Him and do what He says.  Yes, I’m hard-headed and it has taken time and I’m still growing, but Father has hung in there with me through it all!

When I’ve fallen down, He has picked me up.  When I’ve stumbled, it is Jesus who grabbed my arm and helped me get my act together again.  He has blessed me on the job with many promotions – once I gave it to Him.  Even though I haven’t always been a tither, Father has always met my needs through the years – and when I started tithing, things got a whole lot better.  No, I don’t live like a rich guy, but Father continues to meet my needs.  Am I thankful for what He has done for me over the years?  You better believe it!  And I’m learning in recent years, that Father loves me so much, He’s giving me a much deeper understanding of His Word than I ever dreamed.

Father says to thank Him in all things (1 Thess. 5:18) for He is the one orchestrating the events in our life (Lam. 3:37, Matt. 10:30) and through our obedience, He’s the one who brings our positive results (1 Corinth. 10:13). 

Consider Nebuchadnezzar, though blessed by God, rejoiced in his own strength.  God took Nebuchadnezzar’s sanity and throne from him for a season. But when Nebuchadnezzar came to his senses, God returned his throne and his sanity (Dan. 4:30-37)

How many of us woke up this morning?  AND thanked God for being able to see the sunlight peek through the blinds or walked to the kitchen because we smelled breakfast cooking?

Again, I say that most of us have just celebrated Thanksgiving with our families.  How many of us remembered to thank Father for all that wonderful food set before us?  How many of us remembered to be thankful for our families?  How many of us remembered to thank God for all the blessings He has given us this past year – up to date?  Or all the blessings in all the years before?

When I get dressed, I always slip into a pair of jeans but when I look at my shirts?  Father often helps me with the selection, especially on Sundays.  Yes, Father can help even with the simple things – if we let Him

How many of us reflect on the love, blessings and just plain goodness Father bestows upon us each and every day?

At church, we have ‘testimony time’ an opportunity to share what Father has been doing for us over the past week – or even longer.  We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony (Rev. 12:11).  By sharing the victories God has given us, we help others to overcome the trials they face!  Has Father done anything for us since we last gathered with other believers?  Do we share what Father has done for us even with those outside the body of Christ?  Do we thank God every day for His goodness, graces and mercies which He bestows upon us?

Father (Yaweh) is a good God and as we continue to be faithful in His love, seeking His direction and following it, He will continue to bless us through the years to come.  

He loves us that much!



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