10-5-2024 Living for Jesus Romans 12:1-21
Throughout the Old Testament in the bible, we see the ups
and downs of Israel. They love God, they
become discouraged and stray away from God.
Even as we look at world history, where most cultures have believed in a
god (of some sort), man has strayed from his religious beliefs and come
back. Yes, conquest does play a role in
some of this yet as conquest forces itself upon others true faith should be a
free choice.
As a rule, man has a revolving door relationship with any
deity. Wanting to do ‘his own thing’ does play a huge factor in this
situation. Point, this situation is not
just in Judeo-Christian culture, but a human condition. Where rules are enforced through power, those
rules are generally obeyed for fear of retaliation. Yet our God, Yaweh, the Great I AM, gives us
the freedom to make our own choices in life – right or wrong and there are
consequences, good or bad, to our choices.
As with all religions, our heavenly Father does give us a
set of rules to follow, but His rule is actually one, two-fold rule. To love!
Two fold because He asks us to love Him in a similar fashion as He loves
us, with all our heart. And the second
is to love our fellow man in the same manner.
This means not having to follow a
set of rules, but desiring to obey them – with all our heart. We have to make decisions to do the ‘right’
thing! According to the rules.
In the civil law, we break even one statute and are caught,
we pay the penalty. As it is with man, Father
is not asking us to figure out how we can avoid the penalty but rather not
break the statute to begin with. And,
Father carries that action one step farther – not to even consider going against His Law!
We are entering our fall season, the old season is passing
away to make way for a new season in the spring. We can collect and enjoy the good fruits of
our labors over the past year. This is also a time we can reevaluate the ‘old
man’. The number ten (October) represents
‘divine order’. So this is also a time
(fall and winter) when Father is helping us to reorganize our lives to prepare
for that which lies ahead, bursting forth in new energies and new life in the
coming spring.
Let’s take a look at how Paul describes man’s situation.
Simple, we live our lives to please
God and in order to do that, we have to discover exactly what
does please God. Our discovery is based upon reading our
‘guide book’ (the bible) and communing (talking) with our heavenly Father. The Holy Ghost will lead us into all truth
(John 16:13-15). This we do with all our
heart and to the best of our ability.
Our attempts and successes are what are pleasing to Father.
Again, I say, we have to know what
pleases God in order to please Him. We
know that the ways
of the world don’t please Him so we
renew our minds through reading His Word (the bible) and
communing with Him (prayer).
We shouldn’t get wrapped up in our
own egos but remember who God is, our relationship with
Him and that all of ‘man’ are our
brothers and sisters and to treat them accordingly and Father
gives us the ability to do so.
4 For as we
have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office:
5 So
we, being many,
are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.
We are all members of humanity and as
Christians, we are baptized into one body in Christ. Yet, being many members we all have our own
gift, talent or ability. And these gifts
all work together to edify (benefit) the body
of Christ. Therefore, we exercise our gifts by allowing
Father to mold us into all that for which He has intended. After all He did know us, even before we were
conceived (Jer. 1:5).
7 Or
ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that
teacheth, on teaching;
Let us serve, in our gift, in a
simple way that all can understand and benefit.
The word ‘wait’ is
the Greek word apekdechomai (G553). It does
mean wait but it carries the connotation of
expecting or perhaps to even search
for. Our gift may not ‘just fall’ into
our laps!
9 Let love be without dissimulation.
Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.
God loves us not regarding who we are
or our position or status in this life.
He loves (meets) us where we are and then helps us to grow considering
those things which are pleasing to Him and shedding things which are not. Shouldn’t we do the same?
10 Be kindly affectioned one to
another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;
Set our own ego aside and do what is
best for others. What can we do for
others to help them
11 Not
slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;
No matter what our occupation (job) is
in this world, we do perform our tasks to the best of our ability. We truly don’t work for whomever or ‘boss’
may be, but we work for our Lord Jesus and He will help us to accomplish our
tasks. Our human bosses just benefit
from our diligence on the job. And
Father will bless us for our efforts.
(Ask me about my time with FDA)
12 Rejoicing
in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;
Always rejoice in the Lord (Phil.
4:4) no matter what situation we find ourselves in continually seeking Father’s
direction for resolution.
13 Distributing
to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.
Abraham and Lot are examples for us
as to how we should treat everyone but especially our brothers and sisters in
the Lord (Gen. 18:11-8, Gen. 19:1-3).
14 Bless them
which persecute you: bless, and curse not.
When someone ‘does us wrong’, attacks
in any form or fashion, is our first response “Oh, yeah! Well, take this!”? If Father reacted to us in this fashion, no
one would ever have access to eternal life.
Thank God that He is gracious and longsuffering – even for all those
times, after we have received Jesus – for those times we have thrown mud back
in God’s face. Paul tells us to follow
his example as he follows Christ Jesus (1 Corinth. 11:1).
15 Rejoice
with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.
Many years ago, when my son was not
yet two, I found a friend of mine kneeling on the front walk with my son. They both were crying. My friend told me he wanted my son to know
that someone else felt his pain. I don’t
know what started it all, but soon, the both stopped crying. As I’m jotting this down, Father is reminding
of the poor woman who found her lost coin, her friends rejoiced with her (Luke
In case you missed
this one, treat others as you desire to be treated. We are no better than
anyone else, nor
are we any worse than anyone else.
Without Jesus, we all would be doomed
to the lake of
fire (Rev. 20:10-15). But in Jesus, we
can rise to a higher level and treat everyone
with dignity and
17 Recompense
to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
What did we say earlier? If someone slaps us, our ‘knee jerk’ response
is to slap them back, but we should deal honestly and in love with all people. No, it ain’t always easy, but how do you
think God feels when we act contrary to how He has taught us?
18 f it be
possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
Father knows that this isn’t easy, but
we are called, first, to be peacemakers for that is the way of God’ (Matt.
5:9). That means even if we have to grit
our teeth to keep the peace. It is
better to walk away than to be a part of a most intense confrontation. In short, don’t stand and argue!
19 Dearly
beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give no place unto wrath for it is
written Vengeance is mine; I will repay saith the lord.
Whoa! This is the third time this has been
said! Maybe we should pay close
vengeance and showing Father’s love?
21 Be not
overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
So what
should we do? Give our enemy what he needs!
I didn’t say ‘wants’ but ‘needs’.
When an enemy means evil towards us we repay him with kindness and
love. Why? A – He may not understand what is actually
stirring up his actions (negative powers or principalities Eph. 6:12) and B -He
has no idea what Father will do when someone picks on one of His kids (us - Matt. 18:6, Jesus is the
first of many brothers Rom. 8:29).
So, Romans
chapter twelve gives us qualities and characteristics of the Christian life. Father never said it would be easy. Paul mentions the afflictions he has suffered
‘walking the walk’. Yet, he tells us to
persevere (1 Corinth. 9:24-26) in God’s love, for it is our salvation and
wisdom (2 Tim. 3:10-17).
In the end?
God’s obedient children (us) we win!
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