12-24-2016 NO GREATER LOVE
No greater
love. John 15:13 tells us that no man can express a greater love than he
lay down his life for his friends. Jesus
came into this world over two thousand years ago to do just that – and
While we were yet sinners
(separated from God) God s showed His love towards us as Christ died for us (on
the cross) (Romans 5:8). And He showed us the relationship He wanted
with us when He explained to His apostles and disciples (John 15:14-17) that He doesn’t want ‘just’ servants, but He wants
friends (like David and Johnathan, 2
Sam.1:26), someone He can share His thoughts with and who will share our
lives with Him.
This is
Jesus who was with the God and was God (John
1:1), who was made flesh and lived among us and the disciples saw His glory
as the only begotten of the Father (John
1:14). So Jesus became a ‘man’ under
the law to redeem us from the law (Gal.
3:13) by being born a human (Gal.
4:4-6) to deliver us from the bondage of the law. He had everything in heaven, yet He came to
earth to bring us back into eternal fellowship with the Father (Romans 10:9).
He did this
by going to the cross for without the shedding of blood, there is no remission
of sin (Heb. 9:22), becoming cursed
for us so that we might attain righteousness and have eternal fellowship with
the Father (Gal. 3:13).
But we know
that Jesus not only died for us, but overcame death and the grave (1 Corinth. 15:55-57) and ascended to
the right hand of the Father (Acts 7:55)
and is patiently waiting to come back for all His brothers and sisters (the
church) so we can be with Him forever and ever (1 Thess. 4:13-18).
So how do we
return this love to Jesus?
We read
the bible to show ourselves approved (2
Tim. 2:15). There are many voices
in the world. If we don’t learn
something about the nature of God, how can we know what voice we are
hearing? Samuel had to learn to know that
it was the voice he was hearing in the night (1 Sam. 3:1-11). We learn how
God interacts with us, comforts us and guides us through reading the bible.
There are
three ways in which we can read the bible:
Content – From Genesis to Revelation, what’s in the bible? We learn the stories of the bible, about
creation, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, King David, King Solomon, Jesus, the
apostle Paul and etc. We may not
understand all that the stories mean or involve, but we do become familiar with
them so we know what has happened in the bible and have an idea of how God has
dealt with man in the situations.
Depth – What lessons can we learn, should we learn, from reading the
bible? How to speak, how to act, how to
interact with other people and the world around us, who is God, who is Jesus
(really), our relationship with HIm and so forth. We begin to understand the meaning of the
contents and truths of the bible, how they impact us and how we can apply them
to our own lives.
Revelation – A much deeper insight into what God wants us to learn from
His written Word. Our relationship with
the world around us. Our relationship
with our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.
Our relationship with our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ and the
role of the Holy Ghost in this relationship.
How we can walk with the Father/Jesus through the Holy Ghost. The
apostle John reminds us that Jesus said and did a whole lot more than what is
recorded in the bible (John 21:25),
so we know that there is more to learn that what is literally written in the
As we learn
about God, we need to become familiar with how to communicate with
Him. Communication is how we build
relationships. If we don’t talk with
someone, we don’t learn anything about them, things they like, their interests
or their basic nature.
To develop
our relationship with God, we need to learn about Him, not just in reading the
bible (that’s just the beginning) but really to get to know Him and we call our
communication with Him “prayer”.
(prayer) is a two way street:
Us petitioning God – What’s on my mind?
What needs do I have? We can bare
our hearts, our thoughts, our needs: money, guidance, help, to God even though
our heavenly Father already knows our needs are (Matt. 6:8) He still would like us to honestly, sincerely and
plainly, verbally express (speak out loud) those needs to Him and ask.
God speaking to us – God answering our prayers.
God answers prayer three ways:
The bible:
We may not be able to ‘hear’ God’s voice so Father will speak to us
through His written word (the bible), giving us the answer we need. We have a
problem, the Holy Ghost will lead us into the bible showing us the answer we
The world around us:
He may provide circumstances, situations or people who will express the
answer to our prayer request. We just
need to look and/or listen and to receive His response to our prayer through
the things around us.
Personal Revelation:
As with Samuel (1 Sam. 3:7-10),
God may speak to us directly, or put a thought in our heart or mind (the Holy
Ghost lives within us (John 14:16-17),
which is His response to our situation.
And this response WILL BE consistent with the truths of the bible, so we
have the assurance we are hearing from God.
So we find
that God can answer our prayer by sending us into His written word, things or
people around us or by speaking directly to us through thoughts or ideas
expressed using an audible or internal (thought or feeling) or external voice. Now I personally have yet to experience an
external voice from God, but I’ve talked with those who claim this
experience. I cannot divide yea or nay
so I accept their testimony based on their relationship with the Lord.
There are four aspects to our
‘prayer life”
Praise and worship
Our prayers life should always include praise and
worship. Acknowledging God for who He
is, His characteristics, qualities, His love as expressed towards us (Psalms 34:1). We enjoy others giving us praise for the good
things we do for them or for our successes in life. We get that from our heavenly Father – He too
enjoys our acknowledging His works in our lives (Rev. 4:8).
We should continually thank Him for all that He has done and
does do for us (Psalms 50:14). How do we feel when our children (or anybody)
thanks us for something we’ve done for them?
God relishes the fact that we appreciate what He has done for us, as
Our petitions
God wants us put our request before Him (Phil. 4:6). As we’ve
already said, He knows our request before we even ask Him, but there’s just
something about speaking them out before Him.
Our listening to the
Creator of heaven and earth
Once we’ve had our say, we need to ‘zip our lips’, sit back
and listen for whatever revelation Father has for us (Job 37:14, Psalms 46:10).
What does He have to say that He wants us to know?
All of this
is our following the lead of the Holy Ghost in building our relationship with
our heavenly Father so we can walk with Him and talk with Him in the cool of
the evening and hear what He has to say to us.
Having a true relationship with our Creator.
All of this
is how we can show our love to God in appreciation for His giving us life and the
promise (not just hope) of eternal fellowship with Him, through Jesus Christ
(our Lord) and sealing us with His Holy Ghost – for ever.
God showed
us His great love by giving us His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, on Christmas
Day. We can return our love to/for Him
by living for Him in this world. John
chapters fourteen, fifteen, sixteen and seventeen give us a good start on how
to live for Father through Jesus Christ.
We remember that God is love (1
John 4:7) and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth
(John 4:24) so we can be a true
beacons of his love to a lost world (Matt.
No greater
love? God, the Father, towards us and us
returning that love to Him to the best of our ability and God helps us here too. Apart from Jesus we can truly do nothing (John 15:5) but in Him we can do all
things (Phil. 4:13).
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