6-9-2018 The path to victory
This may
seem a little out of season, but the Lord put it on my heart to do now, so here
it is.
I’m not
going to cite a lot of scripture this trip because I want you to go back, for
yourselves, and read the accounts in Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.
Let’s take a
look at the path Jesus walked beginning that evening in the garden at
Gethsemane through His resurrection and then ascension.
From the mount
celebrating the Passover supper, Jesus took the disciples up onto the lower
slopes of the Mount of Olives to pray. Judas
had left the group earlier to go and gather his band of men so he could earn
his thirty pieces of silver.
Settled in
the garden, Jesus separated Peter, James and John from the group and moved a
little farther into the garden. Finally,
he separated himself a little farther from Peter, James and John and knelt
down, alone. This is where Jesus asked
the Father that the cup might pass from Him. This where Jesus said to the
Father “Not My will, but Your will be done.”
An angel of the Lord came to strengthen Jesus as His sweat flowed like
droplets of blood hitting the ground. Jesus knew what lay ahead. He was preparing Himself to take those steps
necessary for his last days before His crucifixion. Jesus knew what He had to do, though His flesh
thought it was a very crazy idea (I’m sure, mine would). I’m not sure how much of a battle there was
here, but when you pray hard enough to sweat as Jesus did, you ain’t just a pickin’
n’ grinnin’ for fun. It WAS intense. But in the Spirit, Jesus was determined to do
what He was anointed to do. He would not
resist those who were coming for Him.
Twice Jesus
came from His prayer finding the disciples asleep. The third time Jesus returned He awoke them
for Judas had arrived with his band of men.
Jesus asked
the group whom they sought and they said Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus said that was he and the group stepped
back. Then Jesus again said the He was
the one whom they were looking and asked that if they would let the others (the
disciples) go and He would come with them.
They did and He did.
To the hearing (Annas & Caiaphas,
the high priest)
Jesus was
taken to Annas (a former high priest), the father-in-law of Caiaphas (the
current high priest). This is where
Peter denied Jesus three times. He went
out and wept because of the major change which had just taken place in his
heart. Now Annas questioned Jesus before
sending Him on to Caiaphas for questioning.
Before the high priest and the scribes, Jesus was again taunted and
slapped before being sent off to Pilate.
Now, you may
say Matthew, Mark and Luke don’t say they took Jesus to, Annas. One says they took Jesus to where the chief
priests (note the plural), elders and scribes were. Another account says they took Jesus the high
priest’s house. Note, John only says
that Annas sent Jesus bound to Caiaphas, not confirming or rejecting the idea
of a different ‘house’, just another location, possibly within that same structure.
From the hearing to the trial (Before
I’m not going to relate all that happened
before Pilate but the summary is Pilate questioned Jesus and found that He was
only in violation of Jewish custom and had done nothing worthy of death
according to Roman law. He suggested
reprimanding Jesus then letting Him go but the scribes and the Pharisees
basically had a tizzy for they wanted Jesus dead. Pilate agreed to scourge Jesus but after the
trade-off with Barabbas, he bent to the wishes of the Jews and sent Jesus to
the cross.
now Jesus had already been “slapped around” and taunted while with the priests
and scribes and even though Pilate found Him innocent an any wrong doing, along
with the scourging, Jesus was still humiliated and struck by the Romans before
being sent to the cross.
I had always
heard about the “cat-o-nine” tails which was a pretty formidable whip. It had nine leads, but the whip the Romans
usually used in scourging was a short whip having only three leads BUT each
lead had three or more bone or metal chips tied into it. Three leads, but a minimum of nine elements
of damage. I remind you, the death
penalty was forty lashes. Add ‘em
up. That’s a minimum of 360 times a bone
or metal chip would connect with the body.
And also consider that when those sharp objects hit their target, they
would cut into it and then rip the flesh as the whip was pulled back. I’ve read where people have been stabbed six,
eight, a dozen times with a knife and I think that’s almost inconceivable. But 360 connects!
Now, Jesus
was not given the death penalty by scourging.
He still had to go to the cross.
But imagine, they could have whipped Him as many as thirty-nine times. Not enough to ‘kill’ Him, but to weaken Him. I don’t know how many times they struck Jesus
with the whip. I know it wasn’t forty,
but neither do I know how close they came to the thirty-nine! Jesus had to have been one bloody mess after
the scourging. And they weren’t
done! After the scourging, they still
buffeted and tried to humiliate Jesus even more.
From the trial to cross
Now we
usually see Jesus carrying the complete cross in depictions of his trip to
Calvary, but, Romans, traditionally had the condemned man carry only the cross
member, which weighed seventy-five pounds or more, all by itself. Jesus was so weakened by the scourging, He
was unable to accomplish that task. The
Romans commandeered Simon, a Cyrenian to carry it for Him. In His weakened condition, it must have taken
Jesus a very long time to take that trek to the hill called Golgotha.
The condemned was usually crucified
naked. Remember, the soldiers each took
a part of His clothing but cast lots for the coat of Jesus, for it was one
piece. And with the sign they posted
over Him, the attempt at humiliation and mockery continued even on the
They offered
Him a mixture vinegar and gall. Gall
could have been a poppy derivative which may have actually been an attempt to
reduce pain. Maybe that’s why Jesus
refused it. He was going all out in His
sacrifice for us.
Jesus was
crucified shortly before the sixth hour (noon) and at the ninth hour (3:00 PM)
He commended His Spirit to the Father.
From the cross to the grave
Jesus was
crucified on a Friday afternoon. The
Sabbath was the next day, Saturday. But,
the Jewish Sabbath started at 6:00 PM Friday evening. According to the law, a man who is hung on a
tree is accursed and to keep the land from being defiled, the body must be
buried that day (Deut. 21:23). So, to
keep the Sabbath undefiled, Jesus was buried before the start of the Sabbath.
Because they
were rushed to get Jesus into the tomb before the Sabbath, and even though He
was wrapped in a burial cloth and napkin, Jesus did not receive a proper burial
which would have included ointments, etc.
remember, even before Gethsemane, Jesus had gone to one Simon, the leper’s
house and while there a woman came in and poured precious ointment of spikenard
over His head. Jesus’ response to
everyone’s indignation at this ‘waste’ was not to trouble her for she was doing
this beforehand for His burial.
From the grave to paradise
So did Jesus
remain in the grave from 6:00 PM Friday evening until His resurrection on
Sunday morning? The Apostle Peter tells
that even though Jesus was put to death in the flesh, He was quickened by the
Spirit (1 Peter 3:19) enabling Him to go preach to the spirits in prison. The word used for spirit in this passage is pneuma, the Greek word translated not
only as spirit but as breath or rational soul. Prison, from this passage is the Greek word phulake, which implies a place,
condition or time, of holding, as in a cage, also watch. Jesus went to those souls who were watching
for Him, or waiting for Him (the Messiah).
They weren’t in heaven yet, but rather in paradise. We may compare ‘paradise’ to “Abraham’s bosom”
as noted in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. The rich man looked up from his torment and
saw Lazarus, whom he ignored in life, leaning on Abraham’s bosom, safe and secure. Among other things, Abraham told the rich man
that there was a gulf between them so that there was no passage back and forth
between the two places. The rich man was
not in the ‘lake if fire’, but hell nonetheless. Somewhere between the burial and the
resurrection, Jesus went to these souls in ‘paradise’. “Here I am.
Do you believe?” so He wasn’t
just ‘hangin’ around’ in the tomb waiting for Sunday to come. As always, He was still about doing His
Father’s business.
From paradise to complete victory (full resurrection)
Did Jesus
make a pit stop back at the tomb as He entered into His resurrection? When the two Marys went to the tomb on Sunday
morning to anoint the body of Jesus, the stone was already rolled away from the
entrance. This had happened before their
arrival, But was the stone moved earlier overnight or perhaps even on the
Sabbath? I suspect that it would have
created quite a ruckus if it had. That
would have been a hot news flash, which it quickly became anyway. The disciples thought the Romans moved the
body. The Jews were sure the disciples
had moved the body. The only thing the
Romans thought about were the guards at the tomb. They were “dead meat” because the body which
was left under their charge, was no longer there, on Sunday morning. The missing body indicated they had not done their
job and a guard derelict of duty was executed.
For forty
days after the resurrection, Jesus showed Himself to His disciples. He talked with them, He walked with them, in
the flesh. At first, the disciples
thought they were seeing Jesus’ ghost but He challenged them to take a closer
look. A spirit does not have flesh and
bone. Jesus did (and does). At a different time, He even challenged
Thomas to touch the nail prints in His hands and the piercing in His side. Jesus was resurrected a physical being!
After Jesus
had commanded the disciples to wait in Jerusalem, for the Holy Ghost, a cloud
received Him up from their presence. The
Greek word nephele is used for
“cloud” in this passage. The word is
translated as cloud, but the implication is a cloudiness, perhaps even a haze
or something akin to a fog. I won’t try
to read anymore into this.
So is the
victory Jesus’ ascension? We know that Jesus
is now seated at the right hand of the Father.
The right hand signifies power and authority. Jesus tells us that Father has given Him all
power and authority (Matt. 28:18). That
power and authority are solidified as Jesus sits with the Father. Victory in Jesus is complete!
There is one
thing left, though – for us to join Him.
Jesus says His Father’s house has many places to live and he’s preparing
a place for us. The Greek word mone is used in this passage and it
means abode or mansion, a place to live.
No matter what you choose to call it, we WILL have a place with Jesus
and we shall reign with Him (2 Tim. 2:12).
The complete
victory, for Jesus, was to leave His rightful position beside the Father to
come into this world, then to be re-seated at the right hand of the Father
through His resurrection and ascension.
victory for us is when we are called to join Jesus in that victory and we are
with Him throughout eternity.
From the
mount to the hearing, from the hearing to the trial, from the trial to the
cross, from the cross to the grave, from the grave to paradise and from
paradise to the ascension and into complete victory which is eternal life in
the fellowship with the Eternal God who
always was, still is and always shall be.
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