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Saturday, September 1, 2018

9-1-2018    The Bloom

                                                           From seed to full bloom

Have you ever considered how a seed planted into the ground starts to grow?  The stem is forming in the seed pod and then starts sprouting upward through the ground producing the plant’s shoot.  The shoot becomes a stem sprouting leaves and then the bud forms.  When the time is right, that bud starts opening up into a beautiful bloom which we can look at, take in its sweet fragrance and enjoy.

A simple process, but nonetheless a process which can take a few weeks to all summer, depending on the plant. 

The seed was planted when Jesus came to this earth and died for our sins on the cross, cleansing us from all unrighteousness and our sins.  But the seed isn’t just the redemption.  It also His resurrection and ascension back into heaven as He waits to fulfill His promise to come back for us so we can be with Him forever.

 The church has been talking about a new revival that’s coming.  I’ve called it a spiritual explosion.

A revival means that we awake something that has been dead but a spiritual explosion means taking something that is not yet fully developed and bringing it into its full stature.

The bible tells us that before Jesus returns for His church, there will first be a falling away (2 Thess. 2:1-3 [if you feel bold, read the whole chapter]).  Those who would not receive the truth would be given over to the lies of the evil one.  It was happening in Paul’s day and it is still happening today.  But, we’re not talking about just the world.  Look at today’s church!  What has (and is) happening to God’s truth in all those churches who are striving to be “politically correct” or being sure not to offend anyone?  Hasn’t God’s truth watered down? 

When Jesus entered Jerusalem for the last time, the church rulers asked that He quiet the crowd.  The clamor was embarrassing.  Jesus responded that if He did, even the rocks would cry out (Luke 19:37-40).  Creation can hardly wait for the flower (the church) to blossom into its fullness (Rom. 8:15-23).  Since the early church, the seed has fallen back into the ground.  The church has been sleeping for much too long

Father desires that none should perish.  When the Lord does come, He desires to find us being diligent in His Word, living in His peace, abiding without spot or blemish (2 Peter 3:8-14).  Without spot or blemish?  That means that as soon as we realize we have sinned, we confess, repent that sin leaving it at the cross – having no ‘unrepented’ sins in our life.  Then, as God puts our sin behind His back, in like fashion, we set our iniquities behind us and allow the lead of the Holy Ghost to get us back on track in our life in Christ as we press toward “that mark” (Phil. 3:14), which is knowing that we have eternal life in Jesus Christ (1 John 5:13).

Paul tells us that we should run the race as if we expect to win (1 Corinth. 9:24).  To  share eternal fellowship with Father through Jesus Christ,  we do have to do is finish the race.  Then we ALL win.
The coming Spiritual Explosion is like the blooming of the flower and in the current season in which are, we are already halfway between the seed and the bloom!

 According to the Jewish calendar, the season we are currently in began in September 2014, Rosh Hoshana.  According to the Julian calendar (what we use today) this event started in January 2015. 
Father has already brought His church through six seasons of growth.  In the late 1300’s Father prompted John Wycliffe to produce an English translation of the Latin Vulgate bible so the common man might have a copy he could read and understand without having to be proficient in Latin or Greek.  Over a century later, Father encouraged Martin Luther with the same concept.  The advantage Luther had over Wycliffe in those early days of the 1500’s is that reproducing the bible had become much easier with Guttenberg’s movable type printing press, invented in the mid 1400’s.  Luther didn’t have to hand write each copy of the bible produced.

Getting the written Word into the hands of the common man was indeed the seed breaking forth into the light.  Man could read for himself (if he could read) what the Word said and not rely just on what the priest said from the podium.

The Protestant Reformation and various “awakenings” between the 1500’s and the 1900’s have been the flower’s “shoot” growing upward.  The stem has grown upward and the leaves have sprung forth from that stem.  And, then, during the twentieth century (1900’s), the bud has been forming.  Now, as we are into the twenty-first century (2000’s), that bud is starting to unfold into its full bloom.    

We are in the seventh season of growth and maturity.  Count them.  Six seasons from 1400 to 1900 (inclusive), each season is one hundred years.  Now in the 2000’s, the seventh season (another 100 years), the bud has formed and is now starting to open up.  This seven year period is a season within a season (if you will).   It is a seven year period at the beginning of a new century and the new century is its own season.  By the end of this seven year period (2015 – 2022) that bud will mature into full bloom and enter another seven year period (season) Where the Spirit of God will manifest Himself to the world (in many different ways) and in power and in glory. 

Do we see some of the flower as the bud is already starting to open up?  Of course!  Even now we see evidence of the bloom trying to open.  How many preachers are preaching a closer walk with the Lord?  How many preachers are now starting to emphasize truly living in God’s love?  The bloom is struggling to open but we won’t see the full bloom until the season is right.

As the flower comes into full bloom, the Spiritual Explosion begins in its fullness.  Yes, we will see beginning rudiments before this seven year period is complete, but at the end of this season, that Spiritual Explosion bursts forth into full bloom! 

Father will pour out His Spirit upon man like never before. 

Will the enemy (Satan) counter attack?  Of course.  His time (that tribulation period) is also coming.  But for now, Father will offer man the opportunity to come into His glorious Kingdom – big time.  I’m not just talking about going to heaven.  I’m talking about learning to live in God’s love, in His kingdom here, now, in this world.  Living in His love, it can be done! 

This spiritual explosion will be such as the world has never seen before.  And though the powers and principalities of darkness stand against it, Father will touch the hearts of all those inclined to receive Him.  The eyes of many may be blinded, but the hearts of many will be opened up to God’s truth and love.  Darkness will not prevail against the Light!  And that Light is Jesus!

The time is coming where there will be a boldness where “Christians” will not be ashamed or afraid to share what God has given them, no matter how much or how little.  Father’s love will rise to new levels, new heights.  His true love will show itself without using intimidation or fear tactics nor will it be intimidated nor fearful.  Yet in power and might, God’s love will be demonstrated for all to see. 

Souls will come into a deeper relationship with Father, through the Son because the Holy Ghost is alive, well and operating in our hearts.  Those who receive Jesus Christ into their hearts will come to know, beyond a shadow of any doubt (1 John 5:13) that their eternal existence is assured. 

Make no mistake, man was created an eternal being.  And Adam, through his disobedience brought man from an ‘infinite’ existence to the ‘finite’ existence (having a beginning and an end) we experience.  (Gen. 3:22-24).  After this life, man will return to an eternal existence either with God or apart from Him.  Apart from God in the eternal lake of fire (Rev. 20:12-15) or with God in eternal heaven (Rev. 12:1 – Rev. 22:5).  And make no mistake, God will make a new heaven and a new earth, free from the ravages of sin (Rev. 21:1-27).

The flower is preparing to bloom.  It will burst forth as an explosion showering mankind with the love of God.  Who dares to enjoy the beauty of its petals and the fragrance of its nectar?  Forever.


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