8-15-2020 There’s a New Virus Coming to Town
There’s a
new virus coming to town! It will be
very infectious. It will change the way
we live! It will make all other viruses
seem meek and tame. Once we get it, it
will never leave us. Isn’t that wonderful?
What’s even
crazier is that we will want this virus.
We will desire it and we will want to pass it on to others.
Why would we
want something that we can never get rid of and be so easily transmitted to
What will it
It will
affect our minds. It will affect our
bodies. It will even help us to
understand things. YIPES! It will affect my brain?
It will
produce peace within me. I won’t even
care once I’m infected. What’s worse, I
won’t even want them to find a cure!
It will
bring strength to my body. Whoa! Whoa! I don’t do steroids. Besides, ‘roids’ have some negative side
effects – bad breath, caveman eyebrows, brittle bones, heart problems, etc..
Hey! Hey! Hey! This infection carries no ill side effects.
It does have
side effects, though. I may find myself
not hating others – no matter what they may do.
I may find myself ‘wanting’ to help others – even though they may not
have treated me right. And even though
it may seem that I may be stationary at times, I may even enjoy seeing others
get ahead. Wow!
As I let
this virus infect my whole body, I may discover I can handle my finances
better. My financial situation may even
GET better.
infection may even help me to realize things that are out of this world! (I can always use some more ‘smarts)
And, every
so often, I may find myself ‘zoned out’!
No, not on drugs but in a state of mind where I find myself not even
caring about the rest of the world. The
only bummer is that I’ll have to come out of that condition and still deal with
the world around me. That means this
condition will come and go, but I have control!
And, guess what! I find that I’m
becoming better equipped to deal things.
This virus
is on its way and all I have to do to get it is ask. Ask?
Ask to get ‘sick’?(!) Are you
Think about it. this virus brings no sniffles, no coughing, no fever, no aches
or pains. At times, I may feel like I’m
walking on a cloud. I may even do a
‘Tony the Tiger’ imitation saying “I feel GRRRRREEAAAT!
So what is
this virus?
We know that
when we ask Jesus into our heart, the Holy Ghost takes up residence there, but
consider a few things. Very few can sit
down at a piano and play something that makes sense. How many people can pick up a trumpet or a guitar
and produce sounds of sweet music - the first time out?
Don’t we first have to understand how the
instrument functions? Do we not have to
learn the basics of playing that instrument?
Without some basic knowledge, all we can do is ‘make noise’ and that’s
only if we pick it up (use it). Or the
instrument may just sit there – doing nothing.
‘activate’ any instrument, we need to start pushing keys or blow into a
mouthpiece and push the valves, start plucking the strings, even with drums, we
needs to pick up the ‘sticks and start tapping the ‘skins’ (drums) in order to
make a noise. The more we understand,
the more our noise will sound like sweet music.
When we
first receive the Holy Ghost, He is there, available to help us, but we need to
activate Him, or should I say give Him permission to operate in our lives. We give Him permission by yielding ourselves
over to Him. Asking The Spirit to help
us, guide us and/or direct us.
So, how do
we know what to ask Him? Musicians have
music books to help them to learn how to play an instrument or sing a song. We have the bible through which Father tells
us how, why and when the Holy Ghost desires to help us. As we learn more of God’s will for us, we
open up more and more knowledge as to how the Holy Spirit desires to help us. Then we activate the Holy Spirit by asking
Him. Help me with … Then we apply the action He shares.
is important. John and Peter met the
lame man on the way to the Beautiful Gate.
Peter gave the man what he had – healing. After telling the man to receive what had
just been given, Peter reached down and took the man’s hand and helped him to
his feet. The man not only stood up, he walked
around leaping for joy.
We can read,
discover and ask all we want, but if we don’t apply (put into action) what we
are told, we become like the instrument which makes no noise because we haven’t
picked it up to strum or push keys, etc..
If we don’t do ‘something’ with that instrument, it remains silent. So is it with the Holy Ghost! We can know we have Him, know what He can do
but unless we put Him to the test, He is like the instrument which just lays
there. The Holy Spirit likes working
through us so if we don’t budge, He won’t budge. He’s a gentleman. After all He is part of the Godhead (Father,
Son and Holy Ghost), so He won’t ‘force’ himself upon us. We ask, but then we expect God to do it for
us whereas the Holy Ghost says ask and I’ll do it through you. Remember, faith without works is dead. We believe, but where is our faith? WE have to take an action, then the Holy
Ghost gives us the strength to accomplish what we start.
Jesus says I
am always with you. I will never leave
you nor forsake you.
ascended back into heaven 2000 years ago to be with the Father, but He gives us
the Holy Ghost, who is in us, so we can do things in His name. Jesus gives us strength through the Holy
Ghost working in us and through us. If
you will, the Holy Ghost is the engine and we are the vehicle. He provides the gas (prayer), all we have to
do is push the pedal and go (open our mouths and pray and do).
Jesus says
that He desires us to be one with Him as He is one with the Father and this is
accomplished through our ‘salvation’ experience. Then, by the ‘infilling’ of the Holy Ghost,
we can ‘activate’ Him by our faith in and through our obedience to
Our faith is
believing Father can and will do all things for us. He desires His best for us. Our obedience is following and living in His
will – living in and for him in all that we say and do. We yield our lives over to Him – no matter
how long it takes. We take the first
step after we believe and He empowers us to continue along the path. Then we continue along the ‘narrow’ path.
In case you may
be a little dense (like me) and haven’t figured this one out yet, the ‘new
virus’ isn’t a virus at all, but the Holy Ghost abiding in us.
With our
reception of Jesus into our heart through the act of our salvation experience,
He comes into our tank. Then we have to
fill that tank up! As we learn what
Father has for us, no matter how long it takes, we yield our lives over to
Him. This is filling our tank. Then, as we
‘activate’ the Holy Ghost (in our lives) by stepping out in faith and allowing
Him to inhabit our actions, we keep refilling that tank (reading the bible,
praying) so that it never runs dry.
Father wants
us to have all that He has, but it requires obedience - faith and action on our
The coming
‘virus’ is a fresh outpouring, a new infilling, of the Holy Ghost which will
enable us to do all that Jesus did and greater!
Read the book of Acts, this will be just the tip of the iceberg. Our manual (the bible) brings us into a
functional relationship with our Father through Jesus Christ, our Lord. At first, we fill our tank with ‘regular’
gas, but, as we grow we discover, our octane rating is growing from 86 to 93 to
100 and beyond. We see what the bible
says, but then we come to realize what it means!
Keep in
mind, Satan knows what the bible says.
He just refuses to apply it to himself.
Listen, Many
have heard and have already been talking about this fresh explosion
(outpouring) of the Holy Ghost. I see it
on line and on TV (TBN, 700 Club, etc.) Father
has told many of His pastors and preachers this explosion will far exceed what
man has experienced in the past – from the disciples reception 2000 years ago
to today.
Even as
Jesus ministered to the Gentiles during His ministry, His primary target was
Israel – the church. And so it will be
this time. Though the unsaved are not
forgotten, today’s Christian church (or those who claim to be a part thereof)
are the primary target.
Father wants
His children ready and prepared to come home.
Ten virgins were waiting for the bridegroom to come to receive them, but
only five were prepared. Only those five
went with the bridegroom when He did come.
Think about it!
So, there’s
a new virus coming to town. I can “live”
with this virus. Can you? (or should I say ‘will’ you).
You may have
noticed I that I haven’t cited a lot of scriptures (in fact ‘0’). Okay, I mentioned the Book of Acts and I will
give you two: John 20:22 and Acts 1:8.
Look them up. There are clues (in
this text) to other passages which support what is said here. Can you find them? May the Lord guide your searches.
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