7-16-2022 State of Affairs
God's Heart
The world is
in a sad state of affairs today. Yet,
Paul wrote his fellow servant, Timothy, about it 2000 years ago!
2 Timothy 3:1-17
1 Perilous
times will come in the last days.
that the apostles and disciples thought they were living in the last
days 2000 years ago (1 John 2:18). Just
before ascending into heaven, Jesus promises the Holy Ghost to the disciples. Then,
the disciples asked - …’at that time, Lord, will you restore the kingdom to
Israel?’ … (Acts 1:4-8). Jesus has
already explained about the end times (in part, Matthew 24).
2-5 Men will love themselves, they will be
covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful,
unholy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent,
fierce, haters of those who do good, traitors, heady, high-minded, loving
pleasures more than God, having a form of godliness but denying the power of
God. Turn away from those who are like
Wow! Most of this list is self-evident, but in
case you‘re not sure: a blasphemy is showing contempt for God and His works
(Webster’s). Strong’s adds to defame,
hate, speak evil of, etc. (H5007, G987,988).
We can even say that attributing God’s work to Satan is a big nono. Without natural affection? God created our bodies for specific purposes,
male and female. Yes, we are to love
all, but that means God’s love, agape love.
Adults having physical relationships with children or with the same
gender? God did not intend our
affections to move in that direction or using our body in ways God did not
intend. Incontinency is lack of self-control
(Webster’s & Strong’s G193). Heady
is violent or impetuous (Webster’s) and Strong’s means rash (G4312). In short, these are people who do whatever,
whenever and where ever they want to satisfy themselves. God is far from their actions much less their
For these are the kind who will
creep into houses and lead as captives those silly women laden with sin into
various types of lust.
These are the people who desire to
draw others into their lifestyles and away from God.
7 These people are always learning
things but never coming into the knowledge of truth.
what?! Look how far ‘knowledge’ has come
in the last 2000 years! Did they have
automated printing presses? Drive around
in automobiles? Be able to communicate
with those afar off in an instant via the internet? Travel into space? Look at all the technological advances man
has made. Now look at the last sixty
years and how man has pushed God from his consciousness. Gotta separate God from state! God set America apart from the rest of the
world and blessed us because, as a whole, we were obedient to Him. What are we doing today? (think about it)
8-9 Just as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses
(Exod. 7:10-12 – Jewish tradition), also resisting the truth. The minds of men will become corrupt and
reprobate concerning the faith. Men will
get no farther than these two men against Moses as their foolishness shall be
Man is
resisting God’s direction and council.
Jesus told the Jews “You are whited sepulchers. You look pretty good on the outside but are
full of dead bones on the inside” (Matt. 23:27).
10-11 (Paul to Timothy) You have fully known my
doctrine, my lifestyle, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, patience,
persecutions and afflictions which came upon me at Antioch, Iconium and Lystra. You know the persecutions I endured and how
the Lord delivered me out of all of them.
Paul tells
Timothy that he and the church knows all about him. Paul endured all that came upon and against
him, gladly, so the church could prosper.
12 Indeed,
I will live a godly life in Christ Jesus and suffer persecution.
In fact He
goes son to say that he will suffer anything to live for Jesus!
13 But evil men and seducers shall grow
stronger and become worse in deceiving and being deceived.
But trickery
and deception will get worse, as time goes by and as that implies the truth
will take a back seat in people’s lives.
“It’s all about “me”! look
around. What’s happening today?
14-15 But, you, continue in those things you have
learned and assured of, knowing who taught you.
You now that from a child, you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are
able to make you wise unto salvation through the faith which is in Christ
Some people
learn from their childhood, that’s natural and/or spiritual (childhood), the
things of God. Yet, Paul encourages us
to stand firm in our faith and love in Jesus Christ and not yielding to the
ways of the world. Paul laid a foundation
in the lives of those whom he encountered and encouraged them not to stray from
that foundation. Amen?
16-17 All scripture is given by the inspiration of
God, therefore it is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction or
instruction in righteousness. That the
man of God may be perfect and thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
Christians, we believe God inspired ALL the writers of the bible. That the His Holy Spirit led those writers to
write down what He (God) wanted us to know.
John tells us in his gospel that everything in the bible is given to us
so we can understand what we need to know to come into ‘salvation’ (John
20:31). Perfect implies complete. We’re doing what we are supposed to be doing.
John also tells us that if everything
that Jesus told the disciples were written down, the world would not be able to
contain those volumes (John 21:25). In
other words, the bible tells what we need to know to enjoy eternal life with the
Father through Jesus Christ, even though there may be a whole lot more to know.
So, has the world gotten any better
since Paul’s time??
brothers, until Jesus comes to gather us together, don’t be troubled by spirit
nor by word nor by letter, even from us, that the day of Christ is at
hand. Don’t let anyone deceive you for
He (Jesus) shall not come until there is first a falling away and the man of
sin, the son of perdition, is revealed. The
son of perdition opposes anything that is from God and exalts himself above
anything else that is called God. He
sits in the temple proclaiming himself to be God (2 Thess. 2:1-4). He tries to convince us that he is God to
ultimately draw us away from the One, True and Living God.
As we read
the bible and come to understand what it is really saying, we come to realize
God has intended for us to live in His love.
That love helps us to interact with others in a way which is edifying to
them (1 Corinth. 14:12). That is we have
their “best interests” at heart. Not
what we want or can get from them, but what they need. Yes, we can have our own wants and desires,
but as we grow in the Lord, those wants and desires line up with God’s will for
us (Rom. 12:2). We can desire things, just
not what is contrary to God’s love or to take what someone already owns.
So just what
is the state of affairs in the United States and in the world? Many will come claiming to represent
Christ. There will be wars and rumors of
wars. Nation will rise up against
nation. There will be plagues and
diseases. There will be famine (natural
and spiritual). Earthquakes will occur
where they had not occurred before (Matt. 24:4-8). Not to mention the weather gone
‘bananas’. Ask yourself “are storms
getting stronger and hitting various places with more frequency? Have the ills of the world become greater and
more intensified? Open your eyes and
what Paul said “cling to those things we know to be true and abide in the love
of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord!
What is
the state of affairs of the world?
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