10-8-2022 Who is the Holy Spirit?
Breath of God
Simply put, the Holy Ghost is the breath of God! Think about ourselves. We breathe in and we breathe out. God also breath out, but it accomplishes His
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and
the earth was without form and empty and darkness was upon the face of the
deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon
the face of the waters (Gen. 1:1-2). Tohuw
(H8414) is confusion, without form, empty, waste, wilderness, etc. Choshek
(H2822) means darkness, ignorance, sorrow, death, destruction. Tehom
or tehowm (H8415) is an abyss, deep,
subterranean water supply or depth of waters.
Its base word is huwm (H1949) which is uproar or to agitate greatly.
So, in the beginning, as God spoke everything into
existence, His breath agitated the nothingness into something – whatever He
said (Gen. 1:3-31) came into being!
‘Ghost’ and ‘spirit’ have been used to not only reference
God, but anything of a spiritual nature.
Here are some more words and definitions to keep in mind:
In the Old Testament,
nephesh (H5315) means ghost, but also refers to a living, breathing
creature whereas gava (1478) refers more to the ‘act’ of breathing.
In the New Testament, to the above definition of pneuma, we
add ekpneo (1606) which reflects giving up the ghost or to die.
In the Hebrew, owb (H178), as well as ghost, refers to a
hollow sound or familiar spirit and we’ve already defined ruwach above.
In the Greek, to pneuma, we add phantasma (5326) which is also
spirit but includes ‘as a specter’ (disembodied spirit).
So the terms which refer to God also could refer to
something lesser. So we need to
understand the context in which the word is used.
In scripture, God breathed into Adam, giving him
life. That is Adam became a living
creature (Gen. 2:7).
Prophets Jeremiah (Jer. 5:24), Joel (Joel 2:23-29) and
Haggai (Hag. 2:5-9) prophesied the coming of the Holy Ghost. Even Deuteronomy made note of it (Deut.
11:14). Of course, they spoke of Him as
the former and latter rain.
So was the Holy Ghost only for the early disciples? After Jesus’ ascension back into heaven, Cornelius,
a Roman Centurion, a convert, and his family received the Holy Ghost while
listening to Peter preach (Acts 10:1-48).
And Paul encountered twelve of John the Baptist’s disciples on the road
to Ephesus. Note that they had not yet
received the Holy Ghost until this
encounter (Acts 19:1-7).
Jesus breathed on His disciples giving them a commandment to
receive the Holy Ghost (John 20:21-23) which the disciples actually received later
in the upper room (Acts 2:1-16), thus receiving a new life in Jesus Christ
(Rom. 6:4, Col. 3:10).
When Jesus died on the cross, the veil was torn to the Holy
of Holies giving us direct access to the Father through the Holy Ghost, in
Jesus’ name, enabling us to receive from the Father directly (Matt. 27:50-51, Psalm
51:10, 1 Corinth. 2:9-16).
Active Power of God
We’ve seen the Holy Spirit active in creation. But now, let’s get personal. He wants to be a part of our lives.
Jesus says that when the Holy Ghost is come upon us we shall
have power (Acts 1:8). What kind of
Webster’s defines power as authority or influence over
others. It produces an effect or can
mean physical might.
Because the Holy Ghost comes to us, in the New Testament,
let’s look at two Greek words translated as power.
Exousia (G1849) is
translated as power or authority over others.
Whereas dunamis (G1411 is
violent or explosive power or the ability to work miracles.
So, power to do what?
Jesus gave His apostles and the seventy disciples (He sent out later)
power over sickness, disease and to cast out devils (Mat. 10:5-8, Luke
10:1-17). Peter and John healed he lame
man at the beautiful gate (Acts 3:1-8). Paul
cast the spirit of divination out of a woman (Acts 16:16-19). Effectual, fervent payers bring results
(James 5:16).
With the Holy Ghost comes the fruit of the Spirit (qualities
of life) (Gal. 5:22-23) and gifts of the Spirit (the ability to do different
things for God) (1 Corinth. 12:1-31, Rom. 12:5-10 & 29, Eph. 4:11. All given for the edification of man and the
church and the ability to reach out to the ‘lost’.
Think in terms of God (HS) abiding in us/with us. As He walked with His disciples, Jesus told
them that the Holy Ghost was with
them but would be in them (John
14:17)! Jesus spoke in reference of the
Holy Ghost coming after His ascension.
Note: Some of these passages refer to the early and
latter rains. Early rain comes in the
planting season and is usually a light rain and stimulates growth in the newly
planted seeds. Where the latter rain is
heavier and comes just before and into harvest to help plants grow and ripen.
(by permission) early rain is 2000 years ago, latter rain
beginning (@1850’s). The early rains
corresponding with the disciples receipt of the Holy Ghost and the latter rains
beginning around the mid 1800’s, the rise of Pentecost which leads to the
‘ripening’ at the harvest.
The dictionary defines wisdom as knowledge, insight or judgment. The Hebrew word, generally, used for wisdom
is chokmah (H2451) which means good
sense or skillful. The Greek word Sophia
(G4678) implies natural or spiritual wisdom.
Proverbs (the book of wisdom) tells us that the fear of the
Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 9:10).
Want wisdom? Get to know God and
follow His lead. Isaiah tells us that
God will teach us His ways (Isa. 2:3).
We want wisdom? We
must start with God and that by the indwelling (in us) of the Holy Ghost, who
is promised to all believers (John 14:17).
He helps us to rightly divide those things which we encounter (2 Tim.
2:15). For us, wisdom come by the Holy
Ghost (2 Corinth. 2:12-14).
The dictionary defines comforter as a source of strength or
The Hebrew word nacham
(H5162) cites to feel sorry for, pity, revenge or console.
The Greek word parakletos
(G3875) cites intercessor, advocate, comforter as well as consoler.
Jesus says to the disciples that if they have seen Him, they
have seen the Father. That they will do
the same works He has done and greater.
That whatever we ask in His name, Father will do it. These should be words of comfort. Then Jesus
tells His disciples that He will pray the Father to give them another comforter
who will be with us forever (John 14:15-18).
Say what? Consider. John the Baptist testifies that he witnessed
the Holy Ghost descending upon Jesus like a dove (Matt. 3:14-16) and then the
Holy Ghost is made available to man as with the disciples in the upper room
(Acts 2:1-4).
The Comforter (Holy Ghost) will comfort us in all that we
face (2 Corinth. 1-3-7). When we have no
father, mother, brother or sister, He will fill the gap (Mark 10:29-30).
He is with us always and as necessary will prompt others to
rise up and help us as well (Gal. 6:2).
A healer restores, cures, or returns to a sound state
The Hebrew word for healer is rapha (H7495) which is to cure, repair, make whole.
Two Greek words are therapeuo (G 2323) and iaomai (G2390) to heal,
cure, make whole (hmmmm!).
So as a healer, the Holy Ghost, makes whole, repairs, heals
or cures.
The Spirit helps our infirmities . . . making intercession
for us . . . according to the will of God (Romans 8:26-27).
Jesus heals the lame man at the pool of Bethesda (John
5:1-12). He healed two blind men outside
Jericho (Matt. 20:29-34). Cast out
demons from the man at the Gadarenes (Mark 5:1-19).
Jesus looks for our faith in healing. The Roman Centurion beseeched Jesus to heal
his servant, saying that ‘you have but to say the word and he shall be whole’. The centurion arrived home later and
discovered that his servant had been healed the same hour Jesus spoke the words
(Matt. 8:5-13). And of course, after
four days, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-44). Jesus asks that we believe so He can heal us (via
he Holy Ghost) naturally and spiritually.
Even in the Old Testament God healed. God uses Elisha to heal the Syrian captain
who was a leper (2 Kings 5:1-14).
The Holy Ghost rises up and heals us from whatever we
face. And, of course, with all prayers, Jesus
reminds us that we should avoid any doubt (Matt. 21:21-22). We have to believe then receive (Mark 11:24).
The dictionary sys that to teach is to cause to know, impart
knowledge, instruct, train, educate, etc.
There are three Hebrew words mostly used for teacher. Biyn
(H995) which is to teach, instruct, inform, etc.; yarah (H3384) which is to
point out, show, instruct, etc.; and iamad
(H3925) which is to expertly teach or instruct.
Didaktikos (G1317)
declares the ability to teach; (G1320) didaskalos
is a master or teacher; and didasko (G1321)
is ‘to teach’.
Because the Holy Ghost puts what God says into action He is
our teacher so Jeremiah tells us that God will write His laws into our heart
(Jer. 31:33). And as John tells us in
his gospel, the Holy Ghost not only teaches us but brings things back into
memory (John 14:1-26, not v26).
This is possible because the Holy Ghost abides (lives)
within us (1 Corinth. 3:16) and John reminds us in his letter that the Holy
Ghost will teach us all things (1John 2:27).
This enables us to say what we need to say and when we need to (Matt.
10:19). We know that what the Spirit
tells us is valid because He compares spiritual things with Spiritual things (1
Corinth. 2:12-16, foc v 13), in other words, God’s standards. So we know that what the Holy Ghost shares
with us is the truth (John 16:13-15).
So, I part, we know that the Holy Ghost is the breath of God
which makes Him the ‘active’ power of God.
He gives us wisdom to know how to deal with things. He comforts us in our sorrow – whatever it
may be. He heals us and He teaches us
what we need to know and how and when to use that knowledge. And keep in mind, the Holy Ghost reveals the
deep things of God (1 Corinth. 2:10).
Being the breath of God, He actually is part of the Father,
which the Father can then, share with us – that is be an active part in our
lives. He does this through what we call
the ‘baptism of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:1-16, Acts 8:9-24, Acts 10:44-48, Acts
19:1-7). We can walk and operate in the
full power of the living God!
Of course, this is not a complete dossier of the Holy Ghost,
but it should be enough to help you understand who He is and how important His
presence is to us. My prayer is that
this encourages all to research more for themselves and grow closer to our
heavenly Father as your understanding grows.
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