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In this blog, I share what the Lord shares with me. I reference scripture a lot in support of what is being said. I realize that what is in each entry is NOT a complete 'word' (discussion) on what is being said, but is rather enough information to stimulate our spirits to dig deeper (remember the Bereans Acts 17:10-11) thereby gaining a fuller understanding for ourselves.

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Saturday, April 20, 2024


4-20-2024 Building on the foundation


Don’t be conformed  to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you might  prove that which is good, acceptable and perfect – the will of God (Rom. 12:2)

 Last time we talked about having the proper foundation laid out for our lives.  In other words, what is critical to our faith in Jesus Christ?  As we proclaim our Christianity, we learned that God is love.  God is Spirit – how can flesh and bone live in nothingness?  We must worship God in Spirit and in truth – and in love.  Then, as our love grows in Christ Jesus we express that love towards those we encounter by doing what is best for them in our relationship and help them to be all that they can be in Christ Jesus.

Okay. So just how do we build our love?

We profess to be Christians – followers of Jesus Christ.  So our first step in expressing our love was to ask Jesus into our heart: Jesus, I’ve come to realize that I have violated some (if not all) of Father’s rules of life, that is how to love as You have loved me.  Violation of God’s law of love is sin.  I have confessed that I am a sinner and lay my sins before You.  Forgive me.  let Your Holy Ghost abide in my heart and guide me and help me to be obedient to Your leading.  Thank you Father for forgiving me my sins and give me the strength to abide in Your love.

Again, so just how do we abide in God’s love?

Our foundation has been laid so our first task is to learn what God’s love involves and how to apply what we learn into our own lives.

We have many teachers who put into our lives so we want to make sure all our teachers are tuned in, that is that they (themselves) are connected with Father.  So who, or what, are our teachers? 

Our first step is to look at the world around us. Father does speak to us through nature and the natural elements which He has put into this world.  How many of us are truly aware of the natural beauty that surrounds us?  Even so, we need to begin reading the bible.  There’s nothing more tangible than the written word!  The bible is God’s love letter to us.  It shows us the many aspects of God’s love – how He protects us, nurtures, us, gives us food and clothing, comforts us, walks with us, talks with us and even corrects us so we can stay on the right track.  (Hint, hint).  If one really wants to know God’s love – gotta know the bible. 

The bible does give us a written synopsis of God’s love.  When we accept Jesus into our hearts and lives, we know that Jesus loves us but it is very unlikely we understand the depth and breadth of that love.

So, as we read the bible, we will come across things that we don’t quite comprehend or understand.  So we have our pastors, brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, bible/Sunday School teachers and the like.  We have access to multi-media sources, books and publications.  When properly applied, all these help us to understand God’s love, but when we are young, in the Lord, we need to be careful.  We believe the bible to be “God inspired”, that is those who wrote the words into the book were inspired by God to write what they wrote and that includes all the translators, over the centuries.  And, yes, we have to know God’s love so we can weigh what we are taking in to understand and know whether or not it agrees with that love.  That’s why we did “Building a foundation” on 4/6/24.  But, we really don’t know the depth and breadth of God’s love until we learn about.  The more we learn about it, the deeper our love becomes and the deeper our love becomes, the more we want to learn.  It is a continuing cycle. 

Yes, there are many versions of the bible out there.  Some may be a paraphrase, that is a summary, of what the bible says.  Some are translated into language with which we are more familiar (modern day English).  And some may include explanation to help us understand the passage we are reading.  But we have to start reading somewhere.  We may pick up a bible and discover that it may not fulfill our spiritual hunger – something just seems to be lacking.  So ask Father which bible should “I” be reading.   One may start with one bible, then move onto another version to gain better fulfillment.  If you listen, Father will let you know.  The history of bibles is another whole discussion, but not today.

The bible is great – and necessary, but we have to communicate with Father ourselves – one on one, mano e mano, face to face.  I love it in Job where Job says “I knew all about you, but now I’ve seen You face to face” (Job 42:5). Job came to truly know who God is!  Our prayer life is our communication with Father.  Whether we realize it or not, it is our first connection with Him.  It is our initial and foremost indication that we are growing in God’s love.  It is through our heart (prayer) God confirms that we are functioning in His love and are on the right track.  As we said, He also confirms in our heart where and when the world around is consistent with His love.

In prayer, we give Him the praise for who He is as we recognize all that He does for us – praise and thanksgiving are important in our relationship.  We set our petitions before Him – what I need, like to have or even how do I resolve this particular situation.  Or (WHOA!) even just thanking Him for all that He has done for us.  We can even share our feelings or just our thoughts with Him - in prayer. 

As we expect results, our prayer should be spoken.  Father spoke words and created all things (Gen. 1:1-31).  We don’t necessarily have to ‘shout’ it out.  Samuel’s mom, Hannah, quietly spoke her prayer to God for a son.  She prayed in her heart, only her lips moved.  Eli saw her and thought she was drunk [crazy woman] (1 Sam. 1:9-13).  We need to pray (talk) with Father, BUT we also, then have to listen to see what Father has to say to us.  How can we follow His direction and learn if we don’t recognize His voice?  We recognize His voice because we are continuing to grow in His love.  Jesus says that His sheep know His voice and He knows us (John 10:25-29). PTL!

The prophet Samuel, as a young boy, had to learn to hear God’s voice.  Three times, as he lay upon his bed, he thought he heard his mentor Eli call him.  Three times Eli sent him back to bed – he had hadn’t called Him.  But, Eli finally got the message and told Samuel if he hears the voice again say “Speak Lord, for your servant hears” (1Sam. 3:1-10).  The fourth time God spoke to Samuel, the young boy did as he was told and began a wonderful relationship with Father. 

A friend and neighbor of mine, years ago, said “I don’t get it.  I don’t hear God like you say do but every time I have a problem and I go to Him with that problem, I don’t hear anything.  Then I get this crazy urge to get my bible out.  I do and find myself discovering a passage and guess what?  There’s the answer I needed!  Of course, we also have our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus as well as various counsellors who also can help us.  And yes, we do have to be careful as to inputs into our lives.  What or who must be connected with Father through Jesus.

We said, the last time, God’s love is agape love, that is all giving, all caring, all edifying and all personal – as we share our lives with Him. 

Applying that love is the easiest or the hardest part to do.  How quickly do we yield to Him or how hard do we resist what He says?  As we grow in Christ Jesus, so grows our understanding of the depth and breadth of the love Father has for us.  We don’t get the full package the day we say “Save me Jesus.”  The depth and breadth of Father’s love is so vast, it takes a lifetime to grasp the whole of His love for us. 

If we are quick learners, we can get a big chunk of love early in our walk.  However, if one is slow like myself, it may be the day of rapture or until Father calls us home (natural death) before we fully comprehend God’s great love.  Even if then, but when we are with Him in eternity, we will surely know.  In the meantime, I’ll take all the love He gives me. 

Applying?  Just how bold are we to take a chance and apply what Father shows us?  It’s great that we believe and trust God in His love.  Jesus challenged the Jews that if they didn’t believe Him, at least believe the works which He did (John 10:38).  God created all that exists through His works (Gen 1:1-31), Jesus did many good works and miracles during His ministry.  So we may conclude that faith without works is dead (meaningless).  We show our trust in Father, our faith, by doing the works He gives us to do in this world (James 2:14-20). And Jesus reminds us that as we believe in Him, we can do the same works He did.  Just ask (John 14:1-14).  Our works will be tried by fire.  When good, we receive a reward, when bad, loss is suffered yet the man himself will be saved (1 Corinth. 3:11-15).

Saul (the apostle Paul) was a Christian’s biggest nightmare in his early days (Acts 9:1-2).  Paul was a Pharisee.  Pharisees were members of the sect that believed in resurrection and in following legal traditions that were ascribed, not necessarily by the Bible, but through “the traditions of the fathers.” Like the scribes, they were also well-known legal experts ( in the bible.  Paul declared himself a Pharisee among Pharisees (Acts 23:6).  In other words, Paul was a Pharisee ‘to the bone’, lock, stock and barrel, completely.  But look what happened to him through the love of Jesus.  Not only did Paul ‘get saved’ but immediately, he went out and preached Jesus (Acts 9:17-20).  A 180 degree turn around. Paul already had the knowledge from the scriptures.  Jesus converted his heart!  Now, He understood them.  If you will, the love of God took over Paul’s heart and life.  Paul was a quick learner, he also had a strong foundation in the Torah (the Law), prophets and Psalm and he put his faith to work immediately.  But, how many are like me?  It may take us a little longer to get the ball rolling, but in the end, as with Paul, let our results glorify Father!

I’ve shared with you that we need to receive God’s love, abide in that love and grow in that love.  Of course, we start with Jesus, add prayer, reading and learning the bible, seeking additional help through nature around us, the people Father puts into our lives and then by doing what Father has shown us.  We show our love, trust and obedience to Father by doing ‘works’ to further His kingdom.  And through those works is how we express our love to those around us.

I’ve shared some tools to help identify resources available to help us grow in Father’s love.

My prayer is that we all take advantage of what Father has set before us.


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