8-10-2024 The state of man – and why!
Romans 1:1-32, 2:1-3
Paul has yet
to visit Rome but in his opening statements to the Romans, he shoots straight
from the hip. He paints a picture of how
‘far off track’ the world has become (in his time). Paul is making an attempt to shake the church
up because the ‘church’ was doing the same things as the world and thinks that
they are innocent because they are in
the church.
Let’s see
what Paul has to say about the condition of the situation.
1:1-6 Paul
establishes who Jesus is and who he, himself, is. Jesus
fulfills the law by coming into this world as a ‘man’ with the purpose of bringing
us eternal life (saving us from eternal death).
Paul reminds the Romans (as well as us) that they are a part of this
salvation plan.
V7-12 Paul tells the Romans that they (and
we) are beloved of God, called to be His saints (note; all believers are called to be saints). In this letter, he speaks the peace and grace
of God unto the people from God and Jesus (blessings – whatsoever we do, do in
the name of Jesus [Col. 3:17]). Though
he has never met them, he prays for them that he may eventually come to them
and establish (make their faith a surety) them by imparting some
spiritual gift.
13-16 Paul professes that e is bound to
share the gospel of Jesus to all men
and desires to come to Rome. Paul is not
shamed of the gospel for it is the power of God to attain salvation, for all
men (people, human beings, us).
V 17-20 God
has shown Himself to man (yet man explains what God has done as scientific knowledge,
but doesn’t science explain what and how God has done). We see the righteousness of God through our faith
and man shall live by faith (believe God is who He says He is and does what He says
will do) and as humans, we express our faith
through our works (James 2:18). We
understand God’s creation by studying God’s creation, those things we see and
understand. Though we understand the
world around us, we fail to realize that it is God who has put it all together
(Rev. 4:11). So because of man’s intent
to hold God’s righteousness in contempt, Father might get just a little upset
(ask ourselves, when someone else gets the credit for something we have done,
don’t we get hurt and maybe even a little
Now we get
into how the world has ‘dissed’, disrespected God
V21-32 The
world knew about God (I knew all about You, but now I’ve seen You - Job 42:5)
but did not glorify Him as God (supreme authority - Col. 1:3:16-17). Man became wrapped in his own ideas and his
foolish heart was darkened. Man thought
himself to be wise so he made images of things of this world to represent
God. So God let man pursue the unclean
lusts of his own heart to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. Man changed to truth of God into a lie and
worshipped the creation more than the Creator!
God gave man over this own vile affections, men leaving the natural use
of a woman and lusting after other men doing that which was not seemly (safe)
and receiving the just reward for their actions.
Because man did
not want to keep God in his knowledge (or heart), Father gave them over to
a reprobate mind (rejected, cast off – left to do their own thing) to do those
things which are not convenient (right or correct). Man became filled with unrighteousness,
fornication (unlawful lust, idolatry, adultery), wickedness, covetousness,
maliciousness (wickedness, depravity), envious, murderous, argumentative,
deceitful, malignity (mischief, bad character), whisperers (gossipers),
backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, boastful, proud, inventors of evil
things, disobedient to parents, becoming
men without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affections,
implacable (trucebreaker) and unmerciful, .
(They became
men) Who know the judgements of God and that men who do these things are worthy
of death (10 Commandments [Exod. 20:3-17).
Not only does man do these things but, he finds pleasure in doing them.
Romans 2:1-3
you are inexcusable, O man, for you are guilty of doing those very things for
which you judge others (not talking about a legal court here but
attitudes). We know that the judgment of
God rightly comes upon people. Do you
think, O man, when you judge others, yet you do the same thing that you will
escape God’s judgment?
Look at what
Paul is telling the Romans (and us)! All
the hypocrites in the church, and I mean all those who practice religion and not
living a faith, but think that they are all okay because they do the
right things. What did Jesus have to say
about that?
Matt. 23:1-27 (in summary)
Jesus starts
by blasting the scribes and Pharisees because they tell the people the right
things to do and these things should be observed. BUT, they make themselves look good before
man yet lay grievous tasks upon the people.
They enjoy being called ‘rabbi’ and enjoy all the perks that come along
with that. Now, “Rabbi” is the Greek
word rhabbi (G4461) which means
‘master’, but it is an official
title. Its root word is the Hebrew rab (H7227) which is also means master
but carries the connotation of abounding, plentiful, etc. (in God’s word). In other words, a Rabbi is one who knows
God’s word inside and out (or should).
Because of their position (in Jesus’ time) Too many of them put
themselves way above everybody else. They
enjoyed the ‘pomp and circumstance’ of the position while caring little for
those around them. They stressed the
acts of man while neglecting the condition of man’s heart. Jesus tells us to make our heart sure and our
spirit clean so that our outside will be a reflection of what is on the inside
(v27). Take note, that our outside IS a
reflection of our inside (who we truly are). Why do you think Jesus called them a whited
sepulchers (v27)?
So we see
that the ‘state’ of man is nothing new, even among our leadership. The saying goes that ‘history’ repeats
itself. This includes the church.
The presence
of God was with Israel as they travelled between Egypt and the promised
land? When Father had done something
wonderful for them, Israel rejoiced. Yet,
how long did it take them to complain when things weren’t going so wonderful? Read Exodus!
The state of
man is nothing new but unfortunately, neither has the attitude changed much
over the centuries, the millennia. At
least not for the better. The things we
do (our ‘toys’) have progressed from primitive to more technological but what
about our heart?
When we take
note of how man’s view of God was in the 1960’s and compare it to today. Have we progressed to better things? Technologically, yes. But, again, what about our heart? Has the ‘world’ been trying to erase God from
man’s thinking? His heart?
The first
(and greatest) commandment is to love the Lord our God with all our heart,
mind, soul and strength (Mark 12:30).
The second commandment , or should I say ‘the second part of a single
commandment, is to love other people as ourselves (Mark 12:31). The Law God gave us and all those prophets
over the centuries, who came to us, depend on and reflect Go’s love!
Even in
today’s church, as a whole, has man truly become more spiritual? “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on
earth as it is in heaven”. Has it
God is love
(1 John 4:8), but He is also righteous (Psalm 145:17, Rom. 3:22). Though those who have not given their heart
to God will discover that their names are not written in Father’s Book
of Life (the Lamb’s Book of Life – Rev. 21:27) but will discover that the ‘lake
of fire and brimstone’ is their final destination (Rev. 20:10-15).
Yet, though
Father desires that none should perish (2 Peter 3:9), there is a
condition. Whosoever believes on the
only begotten on of God will not perish but have everlasting life (John
3:16). Father has provided the way! When we confess Jesus with our mouth and
believe in our heart that Father raised Him from the dead, we shall be saved
(Rom. 10:9). For we believe to become
righteous and confess so that Father will accept us (be saved) (Rom. 10:10).
We see that God’s
kingdom is (or should be) in our heart (Luke 17:20-21). Our heart should be filled with the love of
God. should we share that love with
those whom we encounter?
So just what
is the state of man? And why?
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