10-26-2019 Who do we Represent?
The lion of Judah?
Who do we
represent? Whose ideals do we
reflect? Our speech reflects our heart (Matt. 12:34). When we look in the mirror, whose ideals do
we reflect? What does our heart have to
The sixties
were and represented a dramatic time of change including styles of music, but
changes in the music actually was kicked off in the fifties.
In 1954,
Bill Haley opened the door for multiple variations of music which included “Soul”
‘Folk Rock”, the “Beach or Surfin’” sound (the Beach Boys), “Rock a Billy” to
go along with already existing “Pop”, “Rhythm & Blues” and “Country”, jazz,
blues and what was left of the ‘big band’ era.
Though Bill Haley ‘started’ the move with “Rock Around the Clock”, other
artists emerged taking the limelight perhaps the most notable (until the
Beatles era) being Elvis Presley. Those
early R n R songs were framed by the sounds of country, blues and gospel with a
little jazz tossed in for good measure.
It shouldn’t be any wonder that those new sounds quickly overshadowed
the current ‘big band’ sounds and pop with a liveliness that reflected the
heart throbbing pulse of the Pentecostal churches of the day.
Over the
years Father has blessed me with many “song poems”. Actually lyrics only, but tunes from those
early years danced in my head as I was jotting down those lyrics. In fact, Father even asked me at one point
“What would some of those songs sound like had those early rock ‘n’ rollers
sang to Me instead of the
world? So many of those song poems (Father
gave me) were penned with those old tunes as a guide for the flow but written
about or glorified the Lord or our relationship with Him.
speaking, most music is good. When it
generates true love, peace, joy or hand clapping and toe tapping. That’s a good “swing”. But when it generates sexual gyrations,
violence or negative attitudes, then it’s not so good. Unfortunately with most music, the lyrics
also do make a difference. What is the
song singing about? What emotions does
the song stir up within us, musically or lyrically? When those lyrics encourage us to do harm to
ourselves or others, when it encourages us to act immorally or contrary to
God’s love - not cool.
We know that
the authorities over us don’t always do the right thing, but when lyrics tell
us to retaliate rather than pray for those men and women whom God has set over
us, we need to rethink our position.
After all, Father encourages us to pray for those in authority over us
so it will be well with us (1 Tim. 2:1-3)
and not just the leaders we like.
Remember, David would not lay a finger on king Saul (though Saul was
messed up by an evil spirit) because he recognized that Saul was God’s anointed
(1 Sam. 9:26 – 1 Sam 10:1, 1 Sam. 24:4-7).
God put Saul in authority over
Israel. So,Yep, I’m including the
protest songs of the ‘60’s and ‘gangsta
rap’, which came later, and the like on the ‘nono’ list.
Father tells
us to do that which edifies (especially the body of Christ) (1 Corinth. 10:23-24, 32:33 [OK, go
ahead and read the verses in between, too!]).
Now, in
considering others, we can’t forget about ourselves for without a relationship
with the Father (through Jesus Christ), it would be difficult to interact
positively with those around us. Yet,
when we do interact with others, we should consider what results those actions
might bring and those results should be positive.
Our words
change the atmosphere around us. Whether
we sing or listen, our music (instrumentally and lyrically) can impact things around
us spiritually which in turn impacts the natural world. How did God create everything? He spoke words. God created by speaking words (Gen. 1:1-31). Then, The Holy Spirit (the breath of God) put
those Words into action (moved across the face of the waters – Gen. 1:2).
Think about
movies. The background music helps set
the tone or the mood for the scene. How
many loves scenes have the heart-thumping music of the chase scene from
Bullitt? How often has anyone seen a
scene where the monster is attacking and the background music is “Maria” from
West Side Story? Music is a mood inducer
or changer.
Just as God
spoke, His breath came out and He moved the atmosphere to bring things into
existence. Hold your hand in front of
your mouth and breathe out. Feel the
blast of breath? Just like a stone
tossed into a still pond, the impact of our breath causes a ripple in the
atmosphere which continues to grow until that impact fades out. How far does it go? At least as far as the nearby ears. Beyond that?
I don’t know. Should we yell loud
enough, people within a city block can hear us, but those across town will have
no clue. When God spoke, He moved the
atmosphere. I speak in the past tense,
not that God has stopped speaking and moving the atmosphere but when He created
all things, it happened some time ago.
And He’s still doing it today. We
just have to listen. Through our speech, God has also given us the ability to move the atmosphere –
for good, or for bad. When we speak
negatively, those negative words do impact the atmosphere, negative things will
happen around us. When we speak God’s
love – that love moves the atmosphere and impacts those things around us
positively. Just look around at the
world. Which do you think is being
spoken more often? Do you think maybe we
need to speak more love? I can’t tell
you how many times I have prayed for myself and others (even when they weren’t
aware) and yes, I pray aloud (it moves the atmosphere). After a time, Father will show me how He is
answering those prayers. Our words do impact the spiritual realm
and then the spiritual realm impacts the natural realm. Sometimes we see an answer almost immediately
and sometimes it takes a while, but the world around us is changed by what we speak.
And don’t
forget, the music we listen to can be a mood changer. David played his harp before king Saul, the
evil spirit which inhabited Saul, departed (1 Sam. 16.23). When David
played, Saul had peace. So, not only do
our words affect the atmosphere, so does our music. What we put into our spirit gets buried into
our heart. What’s in our heart will
eventually come out of our mouth (Mark
7:20-23). Music and words should be
done, not to tear down, rather to edify.
So, what
does all this have to do with ‘who’ we represent?
Back in
1970, James Taylor released a song called “Steamroller”. A bluesy tune making fun of some of what was
being put out at that time. In his ‘live
via satellite’ concert, “Aloha from Hawaii” (1973), Elvis Presley ‘covered’
that song but called it “Steamroller Blues”.
That’s how I became aware of it. Father
took the same song, using the same blues flow and theme from Elvis’ rendition (construction
equipment) and produced a song-poem for me, a piece He called “I represent the
Resurrection”. Can you imagine, a song
about steamrollers and steam shovels in respects to the resurrection?
A little
more background. I about croaked when
Carmen (a noted gospel singer of the ‘80’s & ‘90’s) did a rap song in the
mid ‘90’s. How could a Christian sing
rap? With the right lyrics, no problem. Father had been showing me about the variety
of styles of our music since the ‘80’s and how many different styles of music
can be used to glorify Him – even rap.
Conclusion? There will be many
styles of music when we are with Jesus in eternity, but not all will
make it in.
Father has
shown me that a broad spectrum of music can glorify Him, even some of that
early rock ‘n’ roll which was supposed to be the devil’s music. Grant it, some did morph into that which was
not so good. I say this because it
surprised even me that Father could take a song like ‘Steamroller Blues’ and
use it to glorify Him. It wasn’t that
there was anything evil about the song, but again, construction equipment?
After being
a Christian for a while, Father made it real to me that as a Christian, I
represent Jesus in this world (2
Corinth. 5:20). Mary, Martha and
their brother Lazarus lived in Bethany, just outside Jerusalem. Lazarus had become ill and died so Martha,
when she heard that Jesus was coming, went out to greet Him. When she had come to Him, Martha said “Lord,
had you been here, my brother would not have died.” Jesus said “Your brother
shall rise again.” Martha countered “I
know, in the resurrection at the last day.”
Then Jesus said “I am the
resurrection and the life …” (John11:1-44). So, if I represent Jesus in this world and
Jesus is the resurrection, then I
represent the resurrection – as all believers do! What does our reflection show. When we look in the mirror, do we see more of
Lucifer or more of Jesus? When we speak,
do our words tear down or edify? The
more love we put into our hearts, the more love will come out of our mouths.
I’d like to
talk about “I Represent the Resurrection” for bit.
The song
makes four statements:
1) Because
I follow Jesus, I represent the resurrection
I represent the resurrection because, in this world, I
represent Jesus and Jesus IS the
resurrection and because I have the Holy Ghost inside and Jesus is with me
every step of the way, I can be like a steamroller, rolling right on over what
Satan sets before me.
2) Jesus
is the resurrection (let there be no doubt)
Like a steam shovel, Jesus has already ‘dug’ our way out of
hell. Giving our lives to Jesus
qualifies us to represent Him in this world.
Let’s live like we understand this.
All we have to do is open our heart up to Him and let Him guide our
3) We
(all believers) represent Jesus, therefore the resurrection and this becomes
more real as we walk in unity.
If you can envision it, Father has us in a huge cement
mixer. Cement is made from heating
a mixture of limestone, shells, and chalk or marl combined with shale, clay,
slate, blast furnace slag, silica sand, and iron ore to which water is then
added to make it fluid (to pour). When it dries, it’s a
pretty solid chuck of ‘stuff’. Father is
bringing us (many components) into unity, making us one heart, one Spirit, one
body, our unity. He’s not building a
mega church, but bringing many aspects of the body to the realization that,
though we are unique individually, we function as a whole (body). Working as individuals together to accomplish
God’s will. Father says this is not just
each individual within a specific fellowship, but that each fellowship has a
specific role and needs to interact with other parts of the “body” (other
fellowships) to be fully effective.
Because man had become single minded (or focused), ‘all on his own’, (so
to speak) and started building the tower at Babel to reach God, God confounded
the language, so that they could not all communicate together to accomplish
their task in unity (Gen. 11:1-9). Man can accomplish things without God. What
can the church, with God, accomplish
when it works in unity?
4 Finally,
the fact that we represent Jesus as the resurrection, we need to bring it home,
make it up close and personal. Not just
singing about Jesus, but making it first person by singing ‘to’ our Lord and
All too often, we sing or speak about the things God does for us. Too many times we sing or talk about God. We put Him in the ‘third’ person. Period!
But how often do we get up close and personal with our creator? I mean, thank Him for what He does for us
(me) personally? Thank You Lord for doing ‘this’ for me!
When do we sing to God, or
truly before Him? If it were just Him and us? “To God be the glory for YOU have saved me.” Not
saying we can’t share things with the world, but God looks for a relationship. Remember the old movies where the gal is
leaning out her bedroom window or on the balcony and the guy pulls out his
ukulele or guitar and starts singing to her about his love for her? He’s not singing about his love for her to a
tree. He’s expressing his love to her!
God gives us so much, simply because He loves us. Are we too good to give back to Him? Singing to
Him. Dancing before Him, doing things for
him (helping others). What we do for the
least in the kingdom, we do for Jesus (Matt.
When I
worked for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), I gave my job to God. I quit working for the FDA and started
working for God. I still worked my FDA
job, I still had FDA bosses, but let Jesus become my supervisor. When we pray or talk, do so as if God were
right there in front of us, eyeball to eyeball (so to speak)?
Father wants
us up close and personal. His desire to
walk with us, as in the garden when He called for Adam and Eve. The indication was that this was something He
did regularly, not just the one time to ‘catch them in the act’ (Gen. 3:8). Abraham was called the friend of God (James 2:23) and God spoke with him (Gen. 18:1-33). God spoke to Moses as a friend, face to face
(Exod. 33:11). Yes, these were two great men of God. Study them and discover why He called them ‘friend’. Where is our relationship with the Lord?
You say “OK,
OK, I get the picture. You said God gave
you a song. So where’s the song?” Can’t print it out because it’s
unpublished. I don’t mind someone else
taking the credit, I just don’t want them blocking me from enjoying it.
However, I
did want to let you know that there are a lot of ways we can praise God as we
reflect our love for Jesus. Be open and
ask yourself “How do I feel, when I hear music?” What kind of words come out of my mouth? It can get you excited for the Lord. It can bring you peace. It can even be ‘just relaxing’ as long as
it’s Father who gets the glory. But more
than that, it should be up close and personal.
Don’t be afraid to identify with our heavenly Father.
Our lives
and living should reflect the same. What
we put into our hearts and let out should be the same and reflect God’s love.
What we put
in will eventually come out. When we
look in the mirror, do our lives, our speech and our music reflect who we
represent? Actually it does, whether we
realize it or not. Bad or good. The question is “just who do we represent”? The
enemy (Mr. negativity) or Jesus (Mr. Love and Peace)?
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