11-14-2015 The
Watchman part 3
scriptural references and the summary. I’ve used italics in the summary to indicate my additions.
And, as in part one and two, I have separated lines out for easier reading.
This is the final part of the Watchman, so I’ll share what Father has shared with me pertaining
to this particular prophecy at the end.
On 9-30-2014 Father gave me the third and final installment of the Watchman. Didn’t know
that this was the final part until He gave it to me and “that’s it. There is no more.”
Next time I’ll share some of the events that God put before me so as to confirm that this
prophecy indeed came from Him.
I AM the Lord God who created the heavens and the earth.
I have set all things in their respective places at My good pleasure.
I know the beginning and I know the end.
I have established the beginning yet I have given man a choice.
Man can choose to follow Me or go his own way.
To choose to go his own way, man opens himself up to the promptings and temptations of the Evil One, to fall into his snares, the end of which is man’s own destruction.
What is destruction, My children?
Separation from Me and My love – forever.
Have you considered forever?
Consider pain and torment.
Consider lusting after something and never being able to attain it or to be satisfied or fulfilled. All to which there is no end.
What is eternal life, My children?
Living in Me and in My love.
Being always satisfied, never wanting.
And because you abide in My will, freedom – to do what you will because you abide in My will, which is My love.
As you consider the well-being of others, I will lift you up before them (in this world and in Mine).
I AM –
all that you ever need,
all that you should truly desire.
I know your hearts and I will open My storehouses of blessings unto you My children because of your obedience.
Let My angels guide you.
Let My angels serve you.
I have set them about you,
let them perform their appointed tasks.
Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was
God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him and without Him there was nothing made.
Rev. 4:11 You are worthy, oh Lord, to receive glory and honor and power for You have created all things and for your pleasure they are created.
Rev. 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending says the Lord …
Prov. 3:19 The Lord by wisdom has founded the earth and by understanding He has established the heavens.
Josh 24:15 If it seems evil to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve … as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.
Matt. 6:24 No man can serve two masters, he will hate one and love the other or he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
Matt. 25:31-46 … (the sheep served God and were welcomed into His kingdom. The goats did not serve God and were cast out) … (v46) and these (the goats) will go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous (the sheep) into life eternal.
1 Corinth. 2:9 … Eye has not seen no ear heard nor has it entered into the heart of man the things God has prepared for those who love him.
Rev. 20:11-15 I saw a great white throne … and every man was judged according to their works and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death …
Matt. 25:31-46 (v34-40) come, blessed of My Father, … fed Me, gave Me drink, clothed Me, visited Me when I was sick, visited Me in jail … because you have done it to the least of My brothers, you have done it to Me.
Romans 15:2 Let each of us please his neighbor for his good so that he is edified.
Phil. 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Jesus Christ.
Phil. 1:20-24 … for I am torn between the two, desiring to be with Christ, which is far better or to stay here (in this world) which is more needful for you.
Heb. 4:12 The Word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing, even dividing apart the soul and spirit, the joints and the marrow, discerning the thoughts the intents of the heart.
Deut. 28:1-9 And it will come to pass if you listen diligently to the voice of the Lord your God and do all His commandments … the Lord shall command His blessings upon your storehouses … if you keep His commandments and walk in His ways.
Heb. 1:13-14 But to which of His angels did He say at any time “Sit on My right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.”? Aren’t they all ministering spirits sent forth to minister to those who are the heirs of salvation?
Psalms 91:1-16 (v11) He shall give His angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways. (read the full psalm to see its full effect)
Heb. 11:6 Without faith it is impossible to please Him for he who comes to God must believe that He is and He rewards those who diligently seek Him.
We allow angels to perform their tasks in our lives because we believe God desires what is best for us.
As promised – what Father has shared with me about the ‘Watchman’:
Father shared the Watchman with me in September 2014 on three separate days. The month and days
are significant, that is the numbers that represent the dates have significant meaning, though I didn’t
realize that until after receiving the third segment.
There are several listings for number meanings but they all pretty much agree with the two I narrowed it down to, both of which proclaim biblical foundations indicating that is the meaning of the number is based on passages from the bible. One of the lists I use may be found on
September is the ninth month. Nine represents ‘completeness from the Father’. This means that
Father has declared it in Heaven, therefore it already is, we now just wait for the manifestation here on earth. Just as with creation, Father declared it and it was so, the heavens, the earth, water, land, etc. and He continues to declare things to be (Gen. chapter 1 & 2) – even if we don’t see the manifestation of it right away, It doesn’t necessarily mean it isn’t true – it just hasn’t happened yet.
Daniel (Dan. Chapter 4) Daniel interprets one of Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams where the king would live in the fields like a wild animal, which came to pass during the king’s lifetime. The prophet interpreted another dream for the king (Daniel chapter 2) pertaining to a stature made of gold, silver, brass, iron and clay. Part of this dream was for Nebuchadnezzar’ current kingdom and part was for future kingdoms.
Isaiah 7:14 God promises the birth of Jesus which didn’t happen for over 700 years.
God is timeless – 1Peter 3:8:… one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, that is to say He is not bound by our concepts of time, and
Isaiah 46:9-10 … I am God … declaring the end … from the beginning … God knows the beginning and the end and time is meaningless to Him.
Father gave me the first segment of the Watchman on 9/24. The date represents the ‘priesthood’, we
are a royal priesthood (1:Peter 2:9) and the 24th represents “We are a royal priesthood before God
Almighty designated to bring God’s redemption to the world, at His timing, through creative works. We will experience a break with tradition and Father will provide new methods of reaching the lost.”
As believers, we are called to bring the gospel to the world. Not everyone will do it in the same way but God will provide unique ways for his ‘priests’, individually, to bring the Word to the lost and He will do it in His timing.. Even where people may have a similar, God has given each a unique way to perform that task.
The second segment came on 9/26. This date represents ‘redemption’. God desires ALL to come to
repentance (2 Peter 3:9). “In God’s perfect timing and through and maybe even because of man’s
weakness, the Gospel of Jesus Christ will bring redemption not just to the lost but the church as well.
Not only does the ‘world’ need to come into God’s kingdom, but his church (the body of Christ) has
gotten off track and needs to come back into true fellowship with the Father.
The third segment came on 9/30 and represents ‘commitment’. We need to offer sincere reverence and ‘Godly fear’ for the Lord (Heb. 12:28). “There is a new responsibility to God’s Law. Not just the Ten Commandments (as such) but His ‘Law of Love’. Those who are truly washed in the blood of Jesus Christ will find a new dedication in serving God. We need to push forward and not falter.
Christians will start living for God as ‘God intended. We will know that He is the only true and living God and we will live our lives accordingly. We will also operate in God’s will sharing what we have with those around us (John 21:15-17)
In the Priesthood (day 1)
Father reminds us the duties of the watchman (see Ezek. Chpt. 37) and gives us
some encouragement that the enemy is not overpowering (2 Kings chpt. 6). He reminds us that Gideon (Judges chpt. 7) and Elijah (1 Kings chpt. 18) faced seemingly insurmountable odds, God gave them victory. As an extra added measure, He reminds of the walls of Jericho (Josh. Chpt. 6). He reminds us that if we keep Him first, He will give us victory (Matt. Chpt. 6) and that He inhabits our efforts (James chpt. 2). He also reminds us that things are going to start happening in the ‘near future’.
He asks us if we are ready for battle – prepare our hearts, prepare our souls (Mark chpt. 12) and put on the armor of God (Eph. Chpt 6).
He also shared with me that He has raised up many children for this time, not just one particular
individual or one particular church but ‘many’. He caps it all with encouragement to trust Him
completely and put our faith into action.
We are His royal priesthood, called to do His work in this world, no matter what that task may be for
each individual.
The Redemption (day 2).
I like the way this one starts: it started out as a brief conversation although as He started with
‘remember the Watchman?’ which indicated it was more than just a ‘how are ya doin’ today?’ thing.
Father gave me the first segment of the Watchman on 9/24. The date represents the ‘priesthood’, we
are a royal priesthood (1:Peter 2:9) and the 24th represents “We are a royal priesthood before God
Almighty designated to bring God’s redemption to the world, at His timing, through creative works. We will experience a break with tradition and Father will provide new methods of reaching the lost.”
As believers, we are called to bring the gospel to the world. Not everyone will do it in the same way but God will provide unique ways for his ‘priests’, individually, to bring the Word to the lost and He will do it in His timing.. Even where people may have a similar, God has given each a unique way to perform that task.
The second segment came on 9/26. This date represents ‘redemption’. God desires ALL to come to
repentance (2 Peter 3:9). “In God’s perfect timing and through and maybe even because of man’s
weakness, the Gospel of Jesus Christ will bring redemption not just to the lost but the church as well.
Not only does the ‘world’ need to come into God’s kingdom, but his church (the body of Christ) has
gotten off track and needs to come back into true fellowship with the Father.
The third segment came on 9/30 and represents ‘commitment’. We need to offer sincere reverence and ‘Godly fear’ for the Lord (Heb. 12:28). “There is a new responsibility to God’s Law. Not just the Ten Commandments (as such) but His ‘Law of Love’. Those who are truly washed in the blood of Jesus Christ will find a new dedication in serving God. We need to push forward and not falter.
Christians will start living for God as ‘God intended. We will know that He is the only true and living God and we will live our lives accordingly. We will also operate in God’s will sharing what we have with those around us (John 21:15-17)
In the Priesthood (day 1)
Father reminds us the duties of the watchman (see Ezek. Chpt. 37) and gives us
some encouragement that the enemy is not overpowering (2 Kings chpt. 6). He reminds us that Gideon (Judges chpt. 7) and Elijah (1 Kings chpt. 18) faced seemingly insurmountable odds, God gave them victory. As an extra added measure, He reminds of the walls of Jericho (Josh. Chpt. 6). He reminds us that if we keep Him first, He will give us victory (Matt. Chpt. 6) and that He inhabits our efforts (James chpt. 2). He also reminds us that things are going to start happening in the ‘near future’.
He asks us if we are ready for battle – prepare our hearts, prepare our souls (Mark chpt. 12) and put on the armor of God (Eph. Chpt 6).
He also shared with me that He has raised up many children for this time, not just one particular
individual or one particular church but ‘many’. He caps it all with encouragement to trust Him
completely and put our faith into action.
We are His royal priesthood, called to do His work in this world, no matter what that task may be for
each individual.
The Redemption (day 2).
I like the way this one starts: it started out as a brief conversation although as He started with
‘remember the Watchman?’ which indicated it was more than just a ‘how are ya doin’ today?’ thing.
I understood that the ‘darkness’ wasn’t just storm clouds in the sky. Father showed me it wasn’t just
the darkness the world is in but it also represented the darkness in which the church (body of Christ) is operating in, for the most part. The rays of sunshine streaking those clouds was a reminder that God
hasn’t forgotten us. There is still hope. There is always hope – as long as we take a breath or Father
hasn’t called us home yet.
I related to Elijah’s loneliness (1 Kings cpt. 19) where he told God that Israel had walked away, the
prophets were slain and he was the only one left and they wanted to kill him! I relate in that last winter (Nov./Dec. 2014) I was looking for confirmation as to that which Father was saying to me and I felt that I wasn’t getting that confirmation. I was feeling pretty alone then. I’ll relate this incident in another entry, later. This is what I indicated I would share next time – my confirmation between Nov. & Dec.
What we have to remember today is that all the gifts, all the talents, all the capabilities which God gives us are to encourage us to press on and to help others to do the same. They are tools teaching us how to live in God’s love (John chpt. 15) and help others to do the same. He says ‘don’t quench the Spirit’ (1 Thess. 5:19), that means don’t prohibit the Spirit (the Holy Ghost) from working in you and through you but rather allow Him permission to operate in our lives so we might be edified as well as those around us. Faith without works is dead (James chpt. 2) so we should allow the Holy Ghost to work through us to accomplish God’s will.
God has an army. He’s always has an army. That’s why, when Judas brought the soldiers from the priest to arrest Him and Peter and the other disciples were ready to defend Him, Jesus could declare “Don’t you think that I can, even now, pray to the Father and He will quickly give me more than twelve legions of angels?” (Matt. chpt. 26). But Father wants us to live in His love (John chpt. 15) so we can be true exponents of that love to the world.
We are called to show the way in which the world should go to attain eternal life.
The Commitment (day 3)
Father reminds us of who He is and what He has done. He is Creator. He has set everything that is into motion and He has given man a choice so we can freely choose to follow Him – or not (Gen. chpt. 2) God gave Adam & Eve freedom to eat of all the trees in the garden except one and that one was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (a choice – to do or not to do). He tells us the results of which choice we make – living in God’s love or eternal life (Rev. chpt. 21-22) or disobedience which is eternal death, the lake of fire (Rev. chpt 20).
As an expression of His love living in and through us Father encourages to always consider others to the edification of everyone (Rom. Chpt. 14, 15 & Eph. Chpt. 4).
God reminds us that He is all that we need because He already knows those needs even before we ask. (Matt. chpt. 6) therefore we should desire Him above all else (Matt. chpt. 22 & Exod. Chpt 20).
Through our obedience, He will bless us (1 Corinth. 2:9).
He has set His angels charge over us. Let them help us.
Psalms 91 Though ‘angels’ here refer to bearing up Jesus (remember Jesus in the wilderness (Luke chpt. 4))
We are joint heirs with Jesus, then if heirs we also can say ‘Abba (Daddy)’ and even though we may suffer persecution with Him, we shall also be glorified with Him (Rom. Chpt.8) thereby enjoying many of the same privileges Jesus has (had) especially in this world.
Matt. 18:10 Be careful not to despise one of these little ones for I tell you, in heaven, their angels always behold the face of My Father which is in heaven.
If children have angels, why should we suppose those angels leave us as we grow older? Unless, of course, we choose to walk away from the Lord.
In the ‘Watchman’ God establishes who He is, what He has done and what He intends to do.
We are His royal priesthood intended to carry His gospel of love to the world.
So that the world might come to the Father, through Jesus Christ, repenting its sins and be repatriated
(saved with the Father.
There is a life to live so there are choices to make:
Learn to live in His love
Come to an understanding of our relationship with Him (and with those around us)
We (believers) are sons and daughters of the Most High God through our ‘big brother’ Jesus Christ.
Draw closer to Father in that relationship because the Holy Ghost is alive and well within us.
Put our faith into action by believing God and serving and edifying those around us
Because we now know, beyond a shadow of any doubt that God is indeed God and we are
indeed His children we should be living like we not only know this (intellectually) but understand in our hearts it as well.
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