A blessing in the Storm
As those of us along the Atlantic Coast are still digging out from our snow storm this past weekend Father started on My little brain again early this AM.
I had posted on Facebook the other day how I tried rebuking the incoming storm where Father quickly rebuked me "it rains on the just and the unjust alike" (Matt. 5:45). My response was "Okaaaaay". So then I changed my prayer to protects us from what may happen. He quickly reminded of where Jesus asked Father to not take us out of this world but rather keep us from evil (John 17:15). I figured Father wasn't going to stop the storm so the least He could do is protect us from the effects of the storm.
Earlier this AM He had my little pea pickin' brain working again. He started playing a song in my head. Now we're a small church and we still use a lot of recorded music (played from our laptop, CDs, Ipad, etc) and a song our pastor bought forth, actually a couple of years ago now, and started playing it in my head - a song by Kirk Franklin "A Blessing in the Storm".
Father started showing me the blessings, at least for me, in this storm. Yup, I'm gonna mention some. WHAG said Hagerstown got
- 24" of snow this weekend, some local areas got 40"
- By Saturday evening, the street I lived on had a single path plowed down the middle
- I never lost power (they called for the possibility)
- I sill have over 1/4 tank of oil for heating
(I don't have the stamina I had as a youth here in my 'seasoned' years [my season has lasted 70 yrs. so far]) but the young gal from next door helped me shovel my walk Saturday afternoon
- and as I was digging my car out, clearing a path to the plowed strip down our street, the fellow from across the street (a bit older than the gal, but still a whole bunch younger than me) brought his snowblower over and helped me finish so I could gt my car out if necessary. (I didn't even try until late yesterday)
- a lot of snow fell Saturday but my roof didn't.
- He showed me this AM that even though I wasn't excited over the winds that blew on Saturday they did have a purpose: kept ice off the power lines and kept too much snow from collecting on m roof
- I called the gym to see if they were open, they were, & I actually thought about going. Even after Father had said 'Stay put until today! I did start out but after seeing the shape of the main roads quickly made it back home and parked.
- Later as I kept seeing cars go up an down the street (not at the same time, still one lane, I decided to go to the store. so I did. Got to the main street at the bottom of my street and started towards I81 and saw flashing yellow light a few blocks up. I decided to turn up the street I used to live on (a couple of blocks from where I now live), waved at a former neighbor - and got stuck about 2/3 the way up the hill. He & his oldest son helped dig me out & I decided to back down the hill to the street I had just left BUT as I backed down I was watching the snow bank on my left but didn't realize my car had angled a little to the left. Yup! I backed into the snow bank on the opposite side of the street. Myk former neighbor toted his shovel back down to me and dug me out again and yes I did get backed out and to the store. You ask where's the blessing? well,l yes I wasn't exactly obedient by going out to begin with. Yes I made a bad decision in trying to detour around trouble and, yes, Father still bailed me out. Oh, by the way by the time I got back onto the 'main drag', those flashing yellow lights were gone.
There's more, but I think You just might be getting t he picture by now. I thank my Heavenly Father that He is always with all His children. All we have to do is look, ask, then listen (receive) what He says or does for us. Oh, yeah. If we just grab and run, stopping to realize what He does for us, we may never realize the blessings He has in store for us.
As I'm writing this, Father is reminding me of the ten lepers (Luke 17:12-19). Only one turned to give God the thanksgiving and the glory for being healed.
My prayer is that this has or may help someone who reads it.
In Jesus' name
Welcome to this site. My prayer is that you take a look at the site and as you do, let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart and reveal what God wants you to discover. (in Jesus' name)
God tells us that if we see a brother (or sister) in need we should do that which is within our means to help. Prayer is always within our means but we never know what doors Father may open through them. Should you desire prayer for anything (healing, direction, etc.) or if you want supportive prayer along with your own please feel free to e-mail that request to sharbu3@gmail.com and be assured that there are others who will be praying with or for you.
In this blog, I share what the Lord shares with me. I reference scripture a lot in support of what is being said. I realize that what is in each entry is NOT a complete 'word' (discussion) on what is being said, but is rather enough information to stimulate our spirits to dig deeper (remember the Bereans Acts 17:10-11) thereby gaining a fuller understanding for ourselves.
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