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In this blog, I share what the Lord shares with me. I reference scripture a lot in support of what is being said. I realize that what is in each entry is NOT a complete 'word' (discussion) on what is being said, but is rather enough information to stimulate our spirits to dig deeper (remember the Bereans Acts 17:10-11) thereby gaining a fuller understanding for ourselves.

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Tuesday, February 16, 2016


I know I'm working on a post for this weekend but I just couldn't wait on this one.
I read Doug Addison's daily word (get it via e-mail) as I check my gmail messages each AM.  I also will check facebook updates from friends.

a sister in Christ from Tennessee posted  a Kirk Francis video which was pulled from the Steve Harvey Show and put on Utube - "Wanna be free".  I like the song but to me the awesome thing is that it actually aired on the Steve Harvey Show - national Television!  (look the song up on Utube
'Kirk Franklin "Wanna be Free". a good song)

This AM Doug had a special word beyond the daily word where he shares what Father is doing in San Diego (check it out '  Doug claims that this is the rudiments of what will be a world wide movement of God.  I agree!  But it's not just in San Diego.

Many of God's prophets have been talking about how 2015-2022 is a time of blessing and restitution for God's people.  I wondered and so I asked "Does this mean tribulation is coming at the end of this period?"  Father quickly answered "NO!"

Father is preparing His children for a huge evangelistic explosion at the end of this period.
We will start seeing a lot of 'new' things popping up all over.  People sharing their faith with those whom even they would never have dreamed of, Father being praised and glorified in places where no one ever thought it would, no could, happen - especially in today's world, new vehicles, mechanisms, ways for sharing God's Word will be materializing during this time, all so God's people will be ready and prepared for when the time comes to go out and share His TRUE LOVE.

The world will try to 'explain away' events that will occur but they will have to rely on 'lame' excuses because their is no real logical explanation except for the movement of our mighty God.

He who has ears to hear - let him hear
He who eyes to see - let him see
He who has a heart to receive -receive what our Father is doing.

At church Sunday we were discussing some things pertaining to the coming year and how we should deal with those things.  As we were discussing, Father brought John F. Kennedy to mind.  For those who don't know, for those who may not remember and for those of us who do remember, President Kennedy had two landmarks in his short term of office (he was assassinated in 1963 after being elected in 1960), well two landmarks as far as I'm concerned: 1) taking a firm and positive stand in the Cuban missile crisis and 2) a comment that he made to encourage the American people.  I don't even remember what the situation was but I remember his comment "Ask not what your country an do for you but what can you do for your country!"

This is true for today's churches.  we come to church because the church does things for us - teaches about the bible, gives us the opportunity to sing songs, toss a couple bucks into the plate or gives me something to do until the games come on Sunday afternoon.

I'm in a prophetic church and we all like to hear the good things God has in store for us.  It is encouraging and it's supposed to be.  But I suspect that may be the only reason some show up at church on Sundays - to hear a special word 'for me' so I can go home feeling good about myself.

I would like to apply what JFK said to the church "Ask not what my church can do for me but rather what can I do for my church?"

When we are young Christians we need nourishment and nurturing, but then we need to grow.  We need to mature and realize who we are in Jesus Christ so we can go out serve our church, our community, for the glory of God.  No, we don't have to go out 'barnstorming' the bars, etc. but those around us should be able to 'see' Jesus in us in what we say and do.

We won't all become 'preachers' as such but there is a task Father has designed for each of us and we need to seek out that task and do it - for His glory!  We need to serve in whatever capacity God has called us - and do it well, again so  He gets the glory.  Those blessings we look for will come but we serve simply because we love our Father.

I don't know about you but I know that I won't reach full maturity until I am in the literal presence of my Lord, Jesus Christ.  You know, Paul told the Corinthians that he was tired of giving them milk when they should be taking in more solid food for nourishment but he could only fee them milk for even though they had been 'in Christ' for some time, they were still just little babies.  I want to grow up but I realize what it takes to be a truly mature Christians - and I'm working on it - learning more and more how to live in God's love each passing day.

Give God the glory for how He is working in this old sinful world and for the things He is ye to do.
 And let's all grow in God's 'true' love each day.


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